How App Making Companies Impact Businesses in Washington DC

The growth of businesses in highly tied to their ability to leverage available technology to drive value for their customers. Mobile apps today have become a primary way for businesses to operationalize their workflow to minimize costs, serve customers round the clock, automate tasks, increase visibility and do so much more. Mobile app making companies in Washington DC are delivering great value to business owners in the city and beyond. In this article, we explore specific ways through which business apps are affecting the bottom line of the businesses in which they are deployed.

Delivering Better Handling of Customer Service Requests

The quality of customers service is a primary determinant of how customers perceive a business regardless of the sector. Through customer-facing mobile apps, businesses have an opportunity to improve how they serve customers. It is possible to avail frequently requested information on the app so that customers do not need to call and request for it. In addition, by availing a chatbot on the app, customers can have certain issues through an AI-powered bot. Should they still need to talk to a support agent, the bot can book the request with a reference number. This again save the customer the trouble of waiting for long periods to reach the support team through phone lines.

Mobile app making companies in DC today ought to advice businesses to prioritize AI-powered chatbots as a primary feature in e-commerce and other customer-centered applications they are building in 2024.

Personalization of Offers

When customers create their profiles on mobile app, businesses are able to gather data to build an understanding of each customer. This means that businesses can see how often customers log in, the products they browse the most, their purchase history, their wish list and so forth. It is possible to see patterns across different customer segments. All this information is valuable in building better value propositions for each customer.  The items displayed on an e-commerce app home page would be different for each customer reflecting what the algorithm considers as most appealing to the customer.

Building customer profiles also improves the effectiveness of loyalty programs. The assumption is that what appeals to one customer is likely to be unique to them. As such, businesses can tweak offers to bring back customers they may have lost and keep rewarding those who are still using their products.

Billing Management

Subscription-based businesses require an efficient way to manage customer accounts. Customers need a way to monitor their payments history, service requests, possible upgrade options, their account manager, and any other information deemed useful. An app is the most efficient way to deliver a dashboard to each customer.

By engaging a mobile app making company in DC, businesses can determine how best to deliver all useful billing information to their customers on a single dashboard.

Staff Management through Mobile Apps

Businesses that have staff members spread out across many geographical areas or out in the filed across Washington D.C require a centralized communication channel.  A mobile app can serve as an official internal channel of communication between the management and staff. Using the channel can foster a culture of sharing information including new opportunities within the company.

An app can also serve as a portal for the company to manage staff information. Staff could use their portal to update personal information, access payslips, book holidays, more. An internal app could also be packaged as a tool for work management, where managers can assign tasks, people can collaborate, and meetings can be scheduled. All communication regarding a project can be tasked and there will be constant visibility of progress. In a fast-paced environment where certain team members could leave in the middle of a project, such documentation is essential so that new staff can update themselves quickly and easily.

Expanding Market Reach

For a business that only has a retail branch in Washington D.C, a mobile app presents an opportunity to expand their market reach. Online sales allow a business to scale faster than resources for brick-and-mortar stores can allow. Online sales put a greater premium on the quality of products and services as opposed to pure resources. An app allows customers to have a smooth and a largely self-paced purchase process regardless of location, time or day of the week.

Through an app, the businesses can also segment customers and make different offerings based on location. Sales data can show which products do well in different regions. The business could then develop offers, bundles, and other marketing assets to maximize revenue in each segment.

The Chance of Going Viral

The fortunes of a small business can change quickly through viral marketing campaigns. How can an app help a business achieve this?

As mentioned, an app increases organic interaction between a business and its core audience. By enabling sharing of content from the app to social media platforms, a business increases its reach and visibility. In fact, marketers would recommend businesses to create sharable content and encourage customers to share them. Exclusive merchandise, sales, and how-to videos are a few examples of shareable content.

Besides sharing images and posts, customers can create original content inspired by a company’s products. This form of content is the extremely powerful in new customer acquisition. Having people speak about a product within their own communities is far more effective than any paid campaign.

Apps Enable the Use of Analytics for Businesses

Businesses today are benefiting from the use of objective data for decision making in almost all areas of their businesses. Even small adjustments can deliver massive upticks in business efficiency. Small cost savings can be passed on customers through discounts or other stakeholders in profits and bonuses.

For customer-facing applications, it is possible to track what times of the week they interact with the app the most. This would be the ideal time to push marketing campaigns and to ensure maximum availability of the app. Slow-speeds could potentially cost the business considerable revenue and as such, it is important to ensure that such traffic does not overwhelm server resources.

Staff productivity reviews could also be done using data from an internal work management app. Objective metrics tracked over time can be used to show trends in individual and team performance. The business could use data on seasonality to determine the correct time to higher more people to maintain optimal performance.

Sales data collected through e-commerce apps are informing stocking decisions for e-commerce apps. Seasonality matters in virtually all industries because customer purchasing behavior is heavily influenced by weather. As such, historical data alongside other input data could be used to create a predictor algorithm to help make correct stocking decisions. This then translates to value by minimizing stockouts and avoiding too much dead stock.

Augmented Reality

Businesses that are heavy on customer experience in DC can apply augmented reality in numerous ways. The most cited use case is online shopping of clothes and home décor items. Customers at home can take videos of their rooms so that they can see how an item such as rug would look when added to the space. All this is made possible by augmented reality.

Exhibition businesses can create more engaging experiences for visitors through augmented reality. For example, they can have an app that uses smartphone cameras to provide additional information on items on exhibition.

Working with NS804

There is much more that apps can help businesses fulfil when implemented correctly. An app creates an ecosystem within which businesses can foster a sense of community among its customers, which is rapidly becoming an important element in marketing today. Businesses can guarantee their medium-term and long-term sustainability by creating an  organic engagement channel with customers.

Internally, an app can help make cost savings, boost employee morale, ensure compliance with legislation and so much more as long as the problem at hand warrants putting resources into an app development effort.

There are numerous options when you are seeking app making companies in Washington DC. However, finding the right company to work with can be difficult when you do not have an objective basis to compare service providers.

At NS804, we take pride in a long-proven history of delivering game changing business apps to clients in the DC area and beyond. Our team takes time to understand the business challenge clients are seeking to solve then work with them to develop an optimal solution.  For more information on our business app making services, reach out to us through our website and we will be in touch promptly.

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