Entries by NS804 Content

Videos – A Notable Trailblazer in Online Dating

The mobile app revolution has taken the world by storm – from e-commerce apps that embrace realistic virtual and augmented reality shopping capabilities to video-based dating apps. Recent developments in mobile apps show that the digital world will embrace a paradigm shift, making apps the next big thing after the internet. Already, the metaverse defined […]

How Béné Developed By NS804 Has Simplified Digital Tipping

We’re gradually moving towards a cashless society thanks to the help of several cashless tipping app solutions. Enter Béné, an app developed by NS804 that helps hotels compensate their staff as efficiently as possible. And there’s never been a better time for such a solution than now, with many traveling again after the grueling Covid-19 […]

How Clients Benefit From Android Mobile App Developers In Denver

The bustling capital of Colorado, Denver, has so much to offer out-of-town visitors and those looking for Android mobile app developers. Owing much to its phenomenal museums and historical landmarks, it’s a city that showcases its rich culture and heritage with panache. And it’s also home to some incredibly talented app development studios. One of […]

Charlotte, VA Mobile App Trends to Know

One proven fact about mobile apps is that they’re more popular than websites. The growth in smartphone ownership coupled with an uptick in internet penetration rates means that people today use mobile apps to access shopping platforms and do many other things like issuing payments, comparing prices, and contrasting where and when to shop. Apps, […]

The Ultimate Guide For Android Mobile App Development Basics

Mastering the Android platform as a developer always starts by comprehending the mobile app development basics. And that’s because the Android development ecosystem is incredibly dense and complex. Consider that it’s necessary to know two programming languages for this platform: Java and Kotlin. And while some programmers may scoff at the idea of familiarizing themselves […]

Have a Mobile App Idea? 7 Steps to Take First

Apps represent a big business to most sectors and industries – from healthcare and manufacturing to retail and hospitality. Most apps are continuing to grow by leaps and bounds. In May 2022, there were approximately 5.6 million apps across Google Play and App store. In addition, consumer spending on mobile apps grew by 19% in […]

Android vs. iOS: Choosing The Right Mobile App Strategy

Every development lead must comprehend the pros and cons of the most popular mobile platforms. Therefore, it’s common to engage in lengthy and strenuous deliberations regarding the age-old Android vs. iOS debate. And yes, this may sound passé considering how firmly established both platforms have become and how often the fanboys on both camps have […]