Entries by NS804 Content

3 Ways an App Can Improve Customer Retention

Customer retention is an essential concept in marketing and refers to the ability of a company to turn new customers into frequent customers. Further, customer retention allows a company to grow the customer lifetime value of customers either by selling them more existing products or creating new innovations to suit their needs. Creating a mobile […]

10 Mobile App Development Questions, Answered

Mobile app development strategy is now a priority for most businesses. That’s because of the rapid uptake of mobile apps that has transformed the mobile app landscape. However, for most businesses, small and large, successfully bringing an app to the market demands substantial research and strategic planning. So, there are several questions to consider when […]

Want To Develop iOS Apps? Here’s How To Get Started

Most developers — even those not involved in the mobile space — want to develop iOS apps. And that’s because Apple’s renowned ecosystem is world-class. And with the recently released iPhone Pro 14, consumers have access to one of the best premium smartphones in the market.  Of course, iOS apps don’t only run on iPhones […]

These are The 14 Things Customers Want in an App

Designing a mobile app is not enough. Your mobile app must be able to communicate and interact with customers in meaningful ways. Think of a mobile app as a chatbot that talks to customers, responds to their questions, and executes commands. So, your mobile app must go beyond physical appeal and encompass deep functionality and […]

Before Hiring with an App Development Partner, Consider These Factors

Mobile app development is a significant capital expense that you should only entrust with the right development team. A competent development company can deliver an app as per the project specifications,f which is important in ensuring there aren’t any cost overruns. Apps also require annual maintenance budgets, which are likely to be high if the […]

What Do People Want In A Health And Fitness App?

The health and fitness app has become a permanent fixture in most people’s lives. And you can tell that this is true by merely observing the people around you. Nowadays, most people wear smartwatches — but that’s not surprising — considering the global smartwatch market grows consistently by 13% year-on-year.  But even if someone doesn’t […]

Do You Have A Great App Idea? 5 Tips To Get It Validated

Coming up with a great app idea can seem easy at times. But what may not seem easy is ascertaining if that app idea is truly feasible. If most developers were honest, they’d admit they lucked out on some of their best and most profitable ideas. Instead, they’d like everyone to believe they’re geniuses for […]