Entries by NS804 Content

How Custom App Development Improves App Security

Do you need to address security issues, or are you concerned about the spate of data breaches as of late? If that’s the case, then you should consider custom app development as it’s one of the best ways to improve your app’s security. 1. Why App Security Matters To End Users As an appreneur, you […]

Everything You Need To Know About Agency Development Practices

A Quick and Comprehensive Rundown of Agency Development Practices Risk is an aspect of everyday life because it’s always present. In other words, there’s no way to completely eliminate risk. However, there is a way to manage risk. This is the goal that many businesses and enterprises aim for. By balancing risk on a large […]

Why Android App Development is Becoming More Popular for Businesses

Taking a Closer Look at the Rise of Android App Development There’s no such thing as a strictly domestic economy anymore. Rather, domestic economies are now a part of the international economy. In other words, in thinking about business internationally, one must consider a multitude of perspectives. While iOS systems are name brand, if you […]

Increase App Retention: Why Users Abandon Apps

Every appreneur wants to increase app retention, especially in today’s highly competitive environment. And with more users becoming disenchanted with apps, no appreneur can rest easy. After all, it doesn’t take much for users to abandon apps, even moments after downloading them. Glitches, mandatory logins, and poor UX design can dissuade users from continuing their […]

Increasing App Reviews To Become A 4.9 Rated App

Increase App Reviews to Boost to a 4.9 Rated App Every developer wants their app to be a 4.9 rated app. Business reviews and referrals have been an operating currency in the economy since the days of barter-systems. That’s because, as humans, we tend to trust the voice of other humans. Especially those who are […]

7 Steps To Build An Android MVP App

Are you sitting on the fence of whether or not to build an Android MVP? Given the global proliferation of Android smartphones and other devices, it makes sense to support the platform. But it’s also a platform that’s harder to develop for than iOS, making some developers balk at the thought. While Android development does […]

How To Become The Next Big Appreneur

Steps To Take Toward Becoming The Next Big Appreneur The next big idea is already out there. However, that doesn’t mean it’s realized yet. Rather, just that it exists. And with the right home, it could blossom into a world-changing concept. Innovators, inventors, and appreneurs alike dream big, and reach for the stars. Don’t lose […]