Entries by NS804 Content

Mobile App Connection Through COVID-19

How COVID-19 Enhanced Mobile App Connection COVID-19 brought havoc and chaos to the world almost instantaneously. All around the globe societies and economies alike have had to make major shifts in order to adjust to the new way of life COVID-19 has forced upon us. With unemployment rates reaching all-time highs, and companies struggling to […]

An AR Case Study – NS804’s First AR Venture

Takeaways From NS804’s First AR Venture – An AR Case Study Augmented reality (AR), is still being mastered by tech and software professionals alike. While there have been bounds and leaps made in the pursuit of developing more complex and more robust AR technology. These advances support the delivery of more immersive, realistic, and functional […]

How COVID-19 is Improving Efficiency

COVID-19 is Improving Efficiency, Surprisingly As COVID-19 completely changed the working landscape, many businesses and industries were forced to scale back their operations in 2020. Slowing down operations and scaling back can actually be beneficial for business executives and upper management in gaining a better understanding of their systems and procedures in place. This can […]

App Privacy During COVID-19

Personal security and app privacy have been growing concerns after the birth of massive companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google. Websites all over the online marketplace track data, and mine personal information for targeted and personalized marketing, or even worse, for sale, and in the darkest of cases, for the purpose of fraud. As […]

Software Companies and The Work From Home Wave

Why More and More Software Companies Will Offer Work From Home The global pandemic has forced business owners, entrepreneurs, and full corporations to make massive pivots in the way they conduct business. While social-distancing becomes the norm; so too does the request to work from home. While some industries are struggling with making the transition, […]

Internal Communication Solutions

Communication is arguably the most important aspect of any company. The ability to collaborate, delegate, inform, and present are just a few of the common functions internal communication enables. Being able to communicate across teams and between departments is absolutely essential to the survivability of companies and the success of projects. Especially in today’s volatile […]

Mobile App Usage in COVID-19 and Beyond

Amidst this global COVID-19 pandemic economies everywhere are struggling. While countries and governments play a continual game of tug-of-war in an attempt to find the right balance between prioritizing public health, and re-opening markets; entrepreneurs and innovators alike are already looking toward the future of business. With remote-working likely to become the norm, an already […]

The Age of The Appreneur

What is an Appreneur? With more and more entrepreneurs focusing on mobile app development, coming up with the term appreneur was almost too easy and already feels natural. Appreneur is a term for any entrepreneur who built a mobile app as their business. This includes main stake holders in mobile app development companies, early investors […]

TikTok and Zoom Boom During Stay at Home

Staying at Home and Working From Home Lead to Boom in TikTok and Zoom While the impact of COVID-19 is being felt globally, and there’s no question of the longterm economic impact; one industry remains strong: mobile apps. Within this sector, there are plenty of examples of tech companies that have benefited in usership from […]