Entries by NS804 Content

The Secrets Of Successful Appreneurs

If you’re an aspiring appreneur, you’ve probably pondered on what it takes to launch successful apps. And if you’re an experienced developer with several releases under your belt, then you understand what it takes to succeed in such a competitive market. The process is fairly involved with many steps that you need to take to […]

You’re Ready to Develop a Mobile App. Now What?

As a forward-thinking business leader, you may have considered developing a mobile app. You could also be one of those visionaries that have a well-defined end goal in mind and planning on creating an app, which will allow you to achieve certain milestones and improve vital business processes. However, you might not be up to […]

Implementing Push Notifications That Users Won’t Hate

Creating Useful Push Notifications Purpose is one of the most important elements in any decision making process. This is true no matter the industry. Whether designing buildings, or designing mobile apps, a clear justification behind every decision is integral to a cohesive design. Furthermore, the same theory applies to communication. In fact, purpose in communication […]

Can You Get Professional Results With App Design Templates?

Making apps is a costly endeavor, causing developers to seek ways to make their production processes more efficient. And given the increased competition, it seems challenging to stick to the planned mobile app budget. After all, users desire more features and slicker design, whereas innovative competitors push the envelope even further. While it’s tempting to […]

How to Properly Execute a Mobile App Launch for Results

Successfully launching a mobile app is challenging, but not impossible if you know what the process entails. But be aware that it’s a long and difficult process that often trips up novice app developers. NS804 specializes in mobile app development in Virginia, and we always try to demystify the craft of making engaging apps. Below, […]

Tips For Higher App Store Ratings

Improving Your App Store Rating To this day word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tactics available. This is because it offers the new potential customer an immediate sense of trust. Since the suggestion comes from a fellow customer, who gains no benefit from your business, it’s safe to assume there’s no ulterior motive. […]

Key Features of Enterprise Productivity Apps

The Key Features of Enterprise Apps Focused On Productivity Competitive companies constantly search for new avenues through which to conduct business activities. Additionally, executives, business owners, and decision-makers are always looking for new ways to save time in their days and weeks. The age old adage that time is money is still very true today. […]

COVID-19 Team Building Ideas

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has radically transformed the work environment faster than we could ever imagine. Many companies embraced the new normal by allowing their staff to work remotely. Ultimately, they had to take remote team building far more seriously than before the arrival of the global pandemic to continue operating. And this trend […]