iOS Developer in Richmond: What Factors Should You Consider When Picking A Developer?

Finding an iOS developer in Richmond can be tricky when you do not know how to separate the good from the best. While most developers may claim to have the basic skills to weave together a functional app, there are more nuances that enable the best developers to fork out world-class iOS app implementations. At NS804, we have a long documented history of completing elite projects for clients in Richmond.

In this piece, we highlight qualities that make Richmond’s best iOS app developers stand out. If you are seeking a development partner for your next iOS app, this checklist should help you make an objective decision. We will also discuss why working with a Richmond-based app developer may be better than an offshore developer.

Mastery of the iOS Software Development Kit

The iOS Software Development Kit provides a set of protocols, classes, data types, and an overall framework for iOS app development. A firm understanding of the framework is necessary for the proper implementation of various app functionalities such as sourcing and filtering, resource management, text management, and date and time calculations.

Apple provides the SDK for free, which enables developers to build and test apps with ease.  The best developers keep up with updates to the SDK as well as how best to leverage such changes to improve the products they are building. The best way to evaluate a developer’s proficiency would be to consider products they have built in the past. They should have evidence of building feature-rich, secure, and smoothly functioning apps.

Proficiency in Xcode

Apple’s integrated development environment, Xcode, allows for faster app building in MacOS. The IDE allows developers to interactively preview the features they are building while also offering enhanced code completion. Xcode is free and it’s user interface is user-friendly unlike other IDEs that can look complicated and intimidating. Nonetheless, it has a rich set of tools for simulating all Apple devices, easy version control, and extensions for customizing the development process.

Xcode is the only official IDE for building Apple Developers and any expert iOS app developer ought to be well-conversant with it.


iOS developers must possess the ability to respond to evolutions in the industry. Each year, there are new tools and frameworks meant to enrich app features or ease the development process. The best development companies have a firm dedication to embracing such changes. When picking an iOS app developer in Richmond, you ought to inquire about their stance on app development technologies. Inquire whether they have adopted emerging best practices in the iOS app space. There are developers who have managed to carve out space for themselves as thought-leaders on emerging technologies. At NS804, we are certainly part of the conversation and are keen on keeping up to speed with the evolution.

Adaptability extends to being able to customize projects to specific client demands. During the project scoping phase, it is important to lay out every deliverable and explain how exactly to build it.

Team Collaboration

Building an iOS business app often requires a collaborative effort. It is highly unlikely that a single developer is able to deliver the app on when there is a tight time constraint. A team of developers allows a development project to be broken down into parallel deliverables with preset milestones. A team setting also allows for specialization within the team whereby one or more developers works on the UI while others build and test the backend functionalities.

Working with a team also helps in ensuring project continuity whereby even when one person leaves the team, an equally capable replacement can be sought. A team setting is also more likely to lead to greater creativity and problem solving ability. The team can compare and choose between several approaches to a design problem, leading to richer output.

Project Management Skills

One of the biggest challenges in iOS app development projects is failure to adhere to agreed-upon project specifications. During an initial meeting with a potential app development partner, it is important to get a sense of their project management approach. Are they keen on fine project details and dates? Do they have a framework for reporting project progress? What tools do they use to report to clients? How do they handle projects that have extended beyond set deadlines?

These questions are important because improper management can result in project cost overruns. Running out of funds can cripple and otherwise well-built project. As such, it is important to map out exactly how the project will be managed and where necessary outsource the management to a third party.

Performance Optimization

The best app developers must adhere to best practices for performance optimization. A well-optimized app runs smoothly across all devices a user may be using.  It is important to keep the code base clean by avoiding unnecessary lines of code. All images used in the app should be compressed and in the right formats for faster page loads. Good development practices insist on efficient memory management to minimize leaks.

When it comes to UI implementation, there are certain animations that could slow down the app. The team ought to pick light transitions and animations that add value to the user experience.

Part of optimization involves reducing an app’s drain on the device battery. By using lower accuracy modes on location tracking, it is possible to reduce battery drain without sacrificing app performance. Minimizing an app’s background processing when not necessary is another way to reduce battery drain.

Proper Security Architecture Design

A great development team must understand how to best incorporate Apple’s security features into the apps they are building. They must understand the security threats that an app is likely to face based on the features it has and expected user behavior. For instance, certain apps should not allow screen recording because sensitive details such as banking app login could be compromised.

All code should be assessed for vulnerabilities such as hard-coded sensitive information that hackers can exploit. The libraries and frameworks used in building the app should also be trustworthy. They should have a big enough community of users and proper documentation to inspire confidence.

All data transfers between the app and the server must be through a secure protocol to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Adding two-factor authentication for the most sensitive apps adds another layer of security to the app.

Developer must make use of Apple’s security features such as FaceID for secure access to their apps. Regular security updates are important for fixing vulnerabilities that may be realized in the app’s lifetime.

When choosing an iOS development team, you must consider all this. Due diligence is paramount to establish whether proposed app security measures can are sufficient given the nature of your proposed app.

Quality Assurance Testing

The right iOS development team must be able to write and carry out tests for app functionalities as well as robustness and security. There is a wide range of frameworks for app testing, including XCTest and Test Navigator. The goal is to always write reliable and maintainable code without bugs.

While planning the app development process, there has to be a conversation about sufficient testing. The team should have a clear methodology of testing their code.

Flaws that end up in the production phase pose a significant threat to a brand. A bug can quickly tarnish a brand’s reputation for excellence especially when it takes too long to be flagged and fixed. Sufficient security testing also serves to protect a business from potential liability in case of a data breach.

App testing is also important because Apple has very strict guidelines for approving apps for the App Store.

World-Class Design Principles

Your app development partner should have a firm understanding of UI/UX design principles that enable creation of visually appealing and easy-to-use iOS applications. With a myriad of tools available for the design phase, the development team should have a formidable front-end development team.

Apple does provide Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) which, if followed, allow for the creation of intuitive and user-friendly apps. One such guideline states that the app’s elements should defer to the content being displayed. As such, the app itself should not distract users from the primary purpose of using the app.

The HIGs also propose a model for choosing controls to integrate into an app’s UI. A switch is best used to pick between two options while a slider is better implemented for a range. A Bluetooth on or off toggle is an example of a switch. Adjusting screen brightness on the UI happens through a range slider.

Customer Focus

Before settling on a developer to work on your iOS app, you need to consider their overall customer focus rating. How well do they meet their customers’ expectations? While this may sound like a broad question, there are specific indicators of commitment to user satisfaction.

First, there has to be a commitment to understand the business objectives that the app is meant to help fulfill. Whether it is a HR management app or an e-commerce channel, the app is linked to the bottom line. The development team has to link the building process with end goals such as improving productivity, customer engagement, information access, or any other specific goal.

Other indicators of this commitment are clear and effective communication channels. Every organization has its own culture, even when the stakeholders therein are not aware. There needs to be transparency with customers about project progress and challenges.


The best iOS developers can anticipate challenges in the development cycle and take proactive action. This often comes from past project experience, but it is also made possible by keeping open communication lines amongst team members and with the client. Your initial meetings with a potential developer may reveal how well they are able to adjust when unexpected problems emerge during a project.

Choosing a Developer in Richmond

Businesses in Richmond may benefit from working with an iOS developer team that has worked with local businesses. First, by working with a local developer, you may have an easier time managing the project compared to having a developer from a different time zone. Where there are urgent issues to address, a developer in Richmond may be easier to access and perhaps even set up face-to-face meetings with.

It is also important to consider the legal and regulatory compliance standards that your app must meet. Failure to adhere to data protection laws for instance could result in reputational, legal, and financial jeopardy. As such, your app’s architecture must be set up in a compliant manner. A developer in Richmond is more likely to understand the local regulatory landscape.

You may also find it easier to verify the reported customer experiences of a developer based in Richmond. You could perhaps reach out to clients listed on their portfolio for answers to questions you may have about the technical or customer service credentials of a developer before working with them.

Working with NS804

At NS804, we take great pride in the projects we have delivered for clients in Richmond. All projects are unique and require taking time to understand client needs, the business objectives of the app, and the technical requirements of the proposed solution. Each project has a clear scope of deliverables, milestones, reporting requirements, and communication channels.

The NS804 team is rich in iOS app development talent and customer service. The team is constantly learning to incorporate newer technologies and best practices into our app development process. At the same time, we are working with clients in multiple industries and documenting learnings along the way. We continue working with clients long after the first iteration of their app by providing any technical support required and newer versions of apps.

Reach out to NS804 for a discussion on your next iOS application. A member of our team will be in touch quickly. Our focus is on delivering an iOS app that meets your business needs and exceeds your expectations.

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