How to Create a Custom Mobile App in 2024

In 2024, the field of mobile app development continues to undergo rapid revolution driven partly by technological revolution and changing user expectations. The surge in smartphone usage coupled with emerging forms of technology continues to offer businesses new ways to engage and connect with their target audiences. Custom mobile apps have emerged as indispensable solutions for businesses seeking to maintain a competitive edge.

Unlike off-the-shelf business solutions, custom mobile apps are carefully aligned with the business needs. Most importantly, they align seamlessly with both short and long-term business goals and help enhance operational efficiency. Most importantly, custom mobile apps not only streamline key business processes, they offer a unique user experience, helping businesses build meaningful relationships with their clientele.

Steps for Creating a Custom Mobile App

1. Understanding the Concept of Mobile App

A custom mobile app refers to a software solution specifically designed to meet the needs of a business. Custom mobile apps are designed to address the target audience of a specific business, unlike off-the-shelf apps that are designed to meet generic needs. In short, they are designed to solve specific business needs, and align seamlessly with a business’s long-term mission or vision. Thus, this form of customization for custom mobile apps extends beyond its functionalities, design, user experience, and integration with existing systems.

The need for a custom mobile app solution has become increasingly apparent in today’s competitive marketplace landscape. That’s because businesses want to compete for customers, optimize operations, and ultimately differentiate themselves from the competition.

Key Benefits of a Custom Mobile App Solution

Some of the key benefits of having a custom mobile app solution include:

  • Tailored functionalities

Custom mobile app solutions are built from the ground up to cater to the specific needs and workflows of a business. This means that these apps are equipped with features and functionalities that directly support the company’s objectives. Custom mobile apps help support the specific needs of a business. Whether it’s enhancing customer interactions, streamlining internal processes, or facilitating custom processes.

  • Enhanced user experience

Custom mobile apps offer a personalized and intuitive user interface designed to resonate with the target audience. By understanding behavioral patterns, user preferences, and user pain points, businesses can create visually appealing, user-friendly, and highly engaging apps. This leads to increased user retention and user satisfaction.

  • Integration and scalability

Custom mobile apps can easily be integrated with existing third-party systems, servers, and databases. This ensures consistency in data privacy and operational efficiency. In addition, custom mobile apps are scalable. They allow businesses to evolve and adapt without being constrained by the limitations of pre-packaged solutions.

  • Brand identity and recognition

A custom mobile app serves as a powerful branding tool, reflecting the company’s values, identity, and aesthetics. Consistent branding elements such as colors, logs, and messaging help reinforce the brand identity. This helps build brand recognition and brand loyalty among users. In addition, they also help foster a strong brand connection.

  • Competitive advantage

By leveraging a custom mobile app solution, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market. This helps to position themselves as industry leaders with innovative solutions tailored to specific customer needs. Furthermore, this differentiation helps attract new customers, retain the existing ones, and drive business growth, especially in a competitive market.

2. Preparing for development

Before delving into the development of a custom mobile app solution, thorough planning and preparations are necessary. This phase involves several crucial steps that form the foundation for a successful mobile app journey.

Conducting market research

The first step of conducting any market research is identifying your target audience. Doing research helps you understand the gender, preferences, demographics, and pain points of your target audience. This comprehensive understanding is crucial for designing an app that resonates with your target audience.

Secondly, it’s important to conduct competitor analysis by researching your competitor’s apps. Doing competitor analysis helps you understand any differentiating features, and market gaps, and identify any areas of differentiation that help position your app strategically in the market.

Thirdly, it’s important to carefully monitor market trends to keep abreast of important technological trends, user expectations, and technological advancements. Furthermore, monitoring market trends allows for informed decision-making and innovation within the app.

Defining app objectives and goals

It is crucial to define your app objectives and goals by clearly articulating the purpose of your app. Whether it’s increasing sales, improving customer service, retention, or providing value to new users. Additionally, set goals and key performance indicators that align with your business objectives and revenue generation.

Creating a wireframe or prototype

The first step is to visualize the app layout by developing a wireframe to visualize the app’s user experience, user interface, and overall layout. This particular step helps in conceptualizing the app’s functionality and navigation. The second step of this process is the iterative design process. Again, it’s crucial to engage with stakeholders and designers to create an iterative design that refines the app’s functionality based on feedback. Finally, define key functional specifications, including data flows, features, interactions, and user journeys.

3. Choosing the Development Approach

Choosing the right development approach is an important decision to make as it shapes the functionality, user experience, and performance of an app. For example, in 2024, businesses have several options to consider each with its strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluation of development approaches:

  • Native apps: Native apps are built specifically for a single platform, such as Android or IOS by using platform-specific programming languages such as Java, CSS, Kotlin, Swift, or Objective-C. Most importantly, these apps offer high performance, faster integration with the device features, and seamless access to the app’s features and functionalities.
  • Hybrid apps: Hybrid apps are designed using web technologies such as HTML, Java, and CSS. After design, they’re wrapped in a native container for deployment across multiple platforms. In addition, these apps combine the advantages of native apps like access to platform features with cross-platform development, allowing faster development process and cost-effectiveness.
  • Progressive web apps: Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web-based applications that offer app-like features, including offline access, responsive design, and push notifications. Thus, they can be accessed through web browsers and can be installed on a user’s device. These apps offer a seamless experience across various platforms and many devices. 

Selection of Appropriate Development Frameworks

  • Native development: For native app development, frameworks like Flutter (Dart), React Native (JavaScript), and Xamarin (C#) can be used to build cross-platform apps that maintain native performance and user experience.
  • Hybrid development. Frameworks such as Apache Cordova, Iconic, and others provided by renowned platforms such as Flutter and React Native can be used to develop hybrid apps. That’s because these frameworks leverage cross-platform compatibility and web technologies.
  • Progressive web apps: Frameworks like Angular, Vue.js. or frameworks that support PWA features such as responsive design and service workers for offline functionality can all be deployed to develop progressive web apps.

The choice of development framework depends on many factors, including cost, project requirements, timelines, target audience, and long-term maintenance considerations.

4. Designing the User Experience and User Interface

In mobile app development, the user experience and user interface play a pivotal role in shaping the app’s success. That’s because designing an engaging and intuitive user experience not only enhances user satisfaction. It also contributes to higher user adoption.

Importance of User-centric Design

  • Enhanced user experience: User-centric design focuses on understanding user’s needs, preferences, and behaviors to create experiences that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable.
  • Higher user engagement: By prioritizing user feedback and user needs, businesses can build apps that resonate with users. This leads to increased user engagement, loyalty, and positive word of mouth.
  • Improved conversion rates: A well-designed user interface can streamline the user’s journey, reduce friction points, and encourage designed actions like making a purchase or signing up. Thus, it results to improved business outcomes and conversions.

Collaboration between Designers and Developers

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaboration between UI/UX designers and developers is important for ensuring seamless integration of design elements and features.
  • Design System and Style Guide: Establishing a design system and style guide helps maintain consistency in visual aesthetics, UI elements, color schemes, typography, and interaction patterns throughout the app.
  • Iterative Design Process: Adopting an iterative design process allows for refinement, continuous feedback, and seamless testing of design prototypes. This helps to ensure alignment with user expectations and project goals.

Implementing Accessibility Features and Mobile Responsiveness

  • Accessibility: Integrating Accessibility features such as alternative text for images, screen readers, keyword navigation, and color contrast options. This helps to ensure compliance with accessibility standards such as the WCAG.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Designing responsive interfaces and layouts that adapt seamlessly to different screen orientations and screen sizes enhances usability and provides a consistent experience across different platforms.

By emphasizing user-centric design principles, businesses can create apps that evolve based on changing market needs. Businesses can create custom mobile apps that stand out in a competitive market landscape. This can be achieved by encouraging collaborations among designers and developers and implementing accessibility features and mobile responsiveness.

5. Development Phase

The development phase is the heart of creating a custom mobile app. It’s where the conceptualized design and functionality are transformed into a fully-fledged digital product. This phase involves coding, testing, and iterating to ensure a user-friendly and high-quality app.

Coding the app

  • Translating design into code: Developers translate the functional specifications, UX/UI design and wireframes into code. They do this by using frameworks and programming languages relevant to the chosen development approach (native, hybrid, or web-based).
  • Backend development: Backend developers work on database integration, server-side logic, APIs, and other backend functionalities required for the data storage, and the app’s functionalities.

Testing each module

  • Bugs and defects: Quality assurance (QA) engineers test all app’s functionalities to identify bugs, errors, and defects. This is done to ensure smooth and error-free functionality.
  • Usability testing: Usability testing involves evaluating navigation flow, user interface, interactions, and overall functionality to identify areas of improvement and optimization.
  • Performance testing: Performance testing assesses the app’s speed, stability, and responsiveness. It also evaluates the app’s performance under various conditions such as different network speeds and different device types to ensure optimal performance for end users.

Iterative development process

  • Feedback collection: This step involves establishing continuous feedback loops from beta testers, stakeholders, and users to gather insights into the app’s performance, identify pain points, and gather feature improvement feedback.
  • Agile methodology: Adopting an agile development approach allows iterative cycles of improvement, testing, and feedback incorporation, allowing for adaptability, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing requirements.
  • Making adjustments: Based on the collected feedback and test results, developers make the necessary adjustments, improvements, and optimizations to improve the app’s usability, functionality, and performance.

The development is characterized by robust collaborations among developers, QA engineers, testers, and designers, ensuring that the app meets its basic functional requirements and user expectations.

6. Integrating Essential Features

Integrating essential features in a custom-built mobile app is crucial for providing a comprehensive solution that meets the users’ needs and aligns with the business objectives. These features not only enhance user engagement but also contribute to the app’s success and overall competitiveness in the market.

Here are essential features to consider:

  • Multi-factor authentication: Also called two-factor authentication, secure user authentication mechanisms require users to log into their primary account and verify their authenticity on a different device. This means a code can be sent to your phone when you’re trying to log in to your computer. This double layer of security ensures user data is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Push notifications: Allowing push notifications allows for real-time communication and real-time notifications, delivering personalized alerts, updates, and promotional messages to enhance re-engagement and user retention.
  • In-app purchases: Integrating in-app purchases such as digital goods, subscription plans, and premium content enhances monetization opportunities and enhances the app’s overall revenue generation capabilities.
  • Location-based services: Using GPS and geo-location features to offer location-based services like directions, maps, and location-aware content tailored to users’ geographic location can enhance user retention and improve adoption rates.
  • Social sharing and integration: Allowing social sharing integration allows users to share content, achievements, updates, and experiences on other social media platforms, increasing user engagement and app visibility.

Businesses can deliver robust, feature-rich, and future-proof custom mobile app solutions that meet user expectations and drive engagement. However, they can do this by integrating these essential features in their apps.

7. Deployment and App Store Optimization (ASO)

Once a custom mobile app has been developed, tested, and finalized, the next crucial step is deployment into popular app stores. These stores may include: Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and other relevant app marketplaces. Additionally, optimizing the app’s visibility and downloads is crucial for the app’s overall success.

App store optimization techniques for app visibility and user engagement include:

  • Keyword optimization: Conduct keyword research and optimize app metadata with relevant phrases and keywords that align with user search queries and app category trends.
  • App icons and screenshots: Design visually appealing icons and high-quality screenshots that showcase the app’s features, functionalities, and capture user attention and encourage downloads.
  • App ratings and reviews: Encourage positive app ratings and app reviews from satisfied users by providing a seamless user experience, addressing user feedback, and incentivizing feedback submission through in-app rewards.
  • App localization: Localize app content, metadata, and meta description to target specific regions, languages, and cultural preferences. This will help improve the app’s discoverability and appeal to global audiences.
  • App updates and maintenance: Regularly update the app with new features, conduct bug fixes, performance optimization, and user-requested enhancements. Do this to maintain relevance, user engagement, and improve positive ratings.

A business can optimize its custom-built mobile app for success by implementing app store optimization techniques for improved visibility and user experience.

NS804 – Powering Your Journey Towards a Custom Mobile App

At the forefront of this transformative journey stands NS804, a leader in custom mobile app solutions. NS804 empowers businesses of different sizes and industries to harness the full power of mobile app technology. This is achieved through its proven track record of delivering innovative and highly scalable mobile apps. NS804 combines technical expertise with a client-centric focus to drive app success. Whether it’s designing cutting-edge user interfaces, integrating new features, or optimizing performance.

Contact NS804 today for custom mobile app solutions.

6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

The mobile app industry has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming an integral part of the lives of billions of people worldwide. With the proliferation of the internet and the interconnectivity of digital devices, the mobile app marketplace is becoming a ubiquitous part of our everyday life. The growth of the mobile app industry has also been propelled by high-speed internet, smartphone penetration, and changing consumer preferences. All these factors continue to define and influence how users interact and engage with mobile apps.

In the vast space of mobile apps, understanding the different categories of mobile apps and their uses is critical, especially for IOS users. Apple’s IOS ecosystem encompasses a wide range of apps, from gaming apps to productivity applications that define how we work. Most importantly, exploring this vast array of mobile app options can be overwhelming, making it necessary for mobile app users to discern which app categories align with their requirements and preferences. By gaining knowledge of emerging app categories, users can know the trending app categories and make informed decisions regarding app usage.

6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

Now, here are 6 most popular mobile app categories for IOS 2024:

1. Gaming Apps

One popular mobile app category is gaming. Gaming stands as an undisputed king in the mobile app marketplace, commanding a substantial share of revenues, innovation, and user engagement. The allure of immersive gaming experiences combined with the portability and accessibility of smartphones has propelled mobile apps to the forefront of mobile app consumption. Most importantly, with millions of titles spanning various styles and genres, the gaming category continues to dominate in-app purchases and app categories. Thus, this helps drive substantial revenues for platform owners and developers alike.

Trends Shaping the Gaming Landscape on iOS

The IOS gaming landscape is continuously changing driven by trends that reflect changing consumer preferences, technological advancement, and industry dynamics. One popular trend is the rise of hyper-casual games characterized by short-play sessions, simple mechanics, and a broad appeal. These lightweight games have garnered widespread attention and popularity. In short, they attract casual gamers and fuel rapid growth in ad-supported revenue models.

In addition, the convergence of gaming with augmented reality and virtual reality has unlocked new dimensions of interactivity and immersion on IOS devices. AR-enabled games leverage the device’s camera and sensors to overlay digital elements into the real world while VR games transport players into a virtual world, blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Again, these emerging technologies are redefining and reshaping gaming experiences. They’re offering and unlocking new opportunities for engagement and innovation.

Furthermore, the emergence of multiplayer and social gaming experiences underscores the importance of social interaction and community in modern gaming. From competitive battles to cooperative missions, multiplayer games enable players to collaborate, connect, and compete with strangers and friends alike. Thus, they help foster a sense of camaraderie and competition within the virtual space.

2. Social Networking Apps

Another popular mobile app category is social networking apps. Social networking apps have become an integral part of our lives, transforming how we communicate, interact, and share experiences. In addition, these apps transcend physical boundaries, allowing individuals to interact and engage freely and express themselves creatively. From networking with professionals to connecting with old friends, social networking apps have permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Thus, they help shape how we interact with others and how we perceive one another.

Notable Features of Social Networking Apps on IOS

Over the years social networking apps on IOS have undergone a massive transformation, incorporating new features and capabilities to enrich user experiences. These apps have evolved into multi-faceted hubs of social interaction and content consumption. From the integration of multimedia sharing such as photos and videos to the integration of real-time messaging and live-streaming.

In addition, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning have propelled mobile apps to deliver personalized experiences like user recommendations, targeted advertisements, and curated content that’s tailored to each user’s interests and preferences. In addition, these intelligence algorithms interpret user behavior, social connections, and user preferences. They help enhance content relevance and improve engagement thereby enriching the overall user experiences.

IOS updates and enhancements have played a fundamental role in shaping the evolution of social networking features. These enhacements provide developers with access to APIs, technologies, and frameworks to innovate and iterate on their platforms. Most importantly, Apple’s ecosystem offers a robust foundation for building immersive and engaging social media experiences. From native support to features like notifications and widgets to IOS integration with third parties.

3. Entertainment Apps

Another popular mobile app category is entertainment. Entertainment apps play a pivotal role in delivering a wide array of multimedia content to users. These content range from TV shows to streaming movies, reading books, and playing games. These platforms serve as digital hubs for entertainment, offering on-demand access to an expansive catalog of content across various formats and genres. By leveraging advanced media technology and a high-speed internet connection, entertainment apps transform smartphones and tablets into portable centers of entertainment. Thus, this enables users to enjoy their favorite movies, books, and games, anywhere and anytime. Whether it’s discovering new music, binge-watching a TV series, or immersing oneself in interactive storytelling, entertainment apps cater to a wide range of preferences and interests.

Popular Entertainment Apps Available on IOS in 2024

  • Netflix. Renowned for its vast library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries, Netflix remains a dominant force in the streaming industry. That’s because it offers a seamless viewing experience on IOS devices with features like offline downloads and personalized recommendations.
  • Spotify. With millions of podcasts, songs, and playlists at users’ fingertips, Spotify is a leading music streaming platform on IOS. It provides a curated audio experience tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
  • Kindle. Amazon’s Kindle app allows IOS users to access a vast selection of audiobooks, e-books, and digital magazines. In addition, it helps transform their devices into portable libraries for learning and reading on the go.
  • Twitch. As a premier destination for gaming content and streaming on the go, Twitch enables IOS users to interact and watch their favorite esports channels, games, and sports in real-time. As a result, this helps foster a vibrant community of enthusiasts and creators alike.
  • Apple Arcade. Apple’s subscription gaming services allow and offer a curated collection of premium games for IOS users, fostering a vibrant community of creators and enthusiasts alike.

These entertainment apps exemplify the diverse range of experiences and content available to IOS users, spanning multiple genres, platforms, and algorithms. Whether it’s streaming movies, listening to music, playing games, or reading books, entertainment apps on IOS offer something for everyone. Thus, these apps enrich the digital lifestyle and enhancing the leisure experience in the palm of your hand.

4. Productivity Apps

Another popular mobile app category are productivity apps. In recent years, there has been a shift in using mobile apps as productivity tools. Whether it’s collaborating on projects, managing schedules, or staying organized on the go, smartphones and tablets have become indispensable companies for modern-day students, professionals, and individuals alike. Hence, the increasing portability, versatility, and connectivity of mobile devices empower users to stay productive from virtually anywhere. Additionally, this capability blurs the lines between work and leisure.

Features of Productivity Apps Enhancing Efficiency on iOS

Productivity apps on IOS boast a myriad of features designed to enhance efficiency, optimize work management, and enhance overall efficiency. Most importantly, these features leverage the capabilities of IOS devices, including powerful hardware, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with other services and apps. As a result, this helps deliver a cohesive and productive user experience.

Some common features of productivity apps include:

  • Cloud synchronization. Many productivity apps offer seamless integration with cloud services such as iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. In addition, these apps allow users to access their data and files across multiple platforms and through different devices, ensuring continuity and collaboration.
  • Task management. From to-do lists and reminders to Kanban boards and project timelines, productivity apps provide robust tools for setting priorities, organizing tasks, and tracking progress. This empowers users to stay focused and on track.
  • Calendar integration. Integration with calendar apps allows users to manage events seamlessly, set deadlines, and schedule appointments. Again, this helps ensure efficient time management and avoid scheduling conflicting appointments.
  • Collaboration tools. Collaboration features like real-time editing, file-sharing, and commenting help facilitate communication and teamwork. Further, this enables remote collaboration and enhancing productivity in group projects.
  • Automation and shortcuts. Customizable shortcuts and automation features enable users to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and boost productivity. In short, all this is done by reducing manual effort and saving time.

Popular productivity apps in IOS include Google Workspace, Microsoft Office Suite, Trello, Notion, and Evernote. While Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that allows users to capture, organize, and synchronize notes; the Microsoft Office suite encompasses apps like PowerPoint, Excel, and OneDrive.

5. Health and Fitness

A popular mobile app category are health and fitness apps. In recent years, there has been a notable surge in interest and awareness in health and fitness among IOS users, reflecting a broader societal shift in prioritizing wellness. With increasing access to information, resources, and technologies, IOS users are becoming more proactive in managing their health and adopting healthier lifestyles. The growing awareness of health and fitness among IOS users is influenced by a wide range of factors. For instance, these factors include soaring healthcare costs, increased prevalence of chronic, life-threatening conditions, and a growing emphasis on preventative medicine.

Health Tracking Features in IOS Apps

The integration of health tracking features in IOS apps has transformed Apple and iPhone devices into powerful health and fitness companions. Thus, this provides users with comprehensive insights into their sleep patterns, activity levels, and overall well-being. Built-in features such as the Activity App and the Health App allow users to track various health metrics. These metrics include: calories burnt, steps taken, heart rate, and sleep quality. Again, the Apple Watch features like heart rate monitor, blood oxygen sensor, and, ECG sensor provide users with real-time data and alerts. These alerts show the status of cardiovascular conditions. They enable early detection of potential healthcare issues and early detection.

In addition, IOS developers have embraced Apple’s Healthkit Framework. This framework enables them to integrate health and fitness tracking features into their apps. This in turn helps users synchronize data between different apps and devices, allowing for a more holistic view of their health and wellness. Again, these integrated health-tracking features empower iOS users to take control of their health. Whether it’s monitoring nutrition, tracking workouts, or managing stress. They help users make informed decisions to improve the quality of their lives.

6. Education Apps

Another popular mobile app category are education apps. The educational landscape is undergoing a massive transformation, driven by a growing emphasis on digital technology and the increasing accessibility to mobile devices. With the proliferation of smartphone devices and tablets, there has been a notable shift towards mobile learning. For instance, students and learners of different ages are turning to educational apps for skills development, knowledge acquisition, and academic enrichment. This trend is influenced by various factors, including the convenience and flexibility of mobile and online learning. In addition, other facilitators include: the ability to access educational resources anywhere and anytime, and the diverse array of interactive and intuitive multimedia content.

Features of Educational Apps Catering to iOS Users

Educational apps that cater to IOS users offer intuitive features and functionalities designed to enhance learning effectiveness, accessibility, and engagement. Furthermore, these features leverage the advanced capabilities of IOS devices. For example, these advanced features include responsive touch interfaces, high-resolution displays, and augmented reality. They are designed to deliver immersive and intuitive learning experiences.

Some of the key features include:

  • Interactive lessons: Educational apps like Duolingo, Khan Academy, and Coursera offer interactive tutorials and lessons. These lessons cover a diverse range of disciplines and subjects, from mathematics and science to language learning and professional development. Moreover, this allows users to learn at their own pace and track their progress.
  • Personalized learning: Personalized recommendations in mobile apps and adaptive learning algorithms tailor the learning experiences to each user’s individual needs, learning styles, and preferences. Most importantly, this helps learners retain knowledge and ensure optimal engagement.
  • Multimedia content: Educational apps often incorporate multimedia content, including videos, photos, images, pictures, animations, simulations, interactive quizzes, and numbers. Additionally, this provides a rich and engaging learning experience to learners.
  • Collaboration tools: Collaboration features like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw facilitate collaboration, communication, and group projects among educators and students. This helps foster shared learning and a sense of community.
  • Accessibility features: IOS devices offer a wide range of accessibility features, such as Guided Access, Voice Over, and Speak Screen. Again, these features make educational content more accessible to users with disability. In short, they help ensure equal access to learning opportunities and inclusivity.

Collectively, these features contribute to a highly engaging and effective learning experience.

NS804 – Propelling You to Your Next IOS App

NS804 is a trusted provider of IOS mobile app solutions. Whether you’re looking for an educational app, a wellness or fitness app, or any other type of IOS app, we are available to render our professional services. We offer the best mobile app development services, ensuring excellence and reliability in the apps we create. In addition, we specialize in all categories of mobile apps and we cater to the needs of individuals, small businesses, enterprises, and large corporations.

Contact NS804 to obtain a quotation for your next IOS app.













The Most Popular Android App Categories in 2024

If you are looking to build an app in 2024, you need to look at what the data says about the most popular app categories. There are app categories where the competition is quite fierce but the market size keeps growing. Other categories are relatively small and competition is not too much of a concern. In this article, we highlight the 20 most popular app categories on the Play Store for Android devices.


Gaming apps have been the most popular app category over the last decade and there is good reason for it. The most popular gaming apps offer an immersive experience for users which increases screen time and total revenue generated. As processors have become more powerful, games have improved user experiences to mirror what users would experience on dedicated gaming consoles. Better screens, battery sizes, and fast charging capacity have also contributed to phone gaming becoming more ubiquitous.

Mobile phones have long overtaken consoles in terms of revenue generation, mostly because phones are much more accessible than consoles worldwide. Consoles are also not as portable as phones and tablets.

There are numerous categories of games with casinos, puzzles, adventure, and strategy-based games leading the way. Games have built communities through leaderboards, in-game communication, and online events helping popularize games even further.


Ride-hailing apps are still a popular app category on the Play Store in 2024. These apps present several advantages for users including being able to use one of several payment methods. In addition, users appreciate being able to see the exact cost of their rides beforehand, the expected length of their journey, and the location of their driver prior to and upon request.

For businesses, such an app is great for fleet management because it would have a dashboard to view revenue generated, driver statistics, and a lot of other management-related metrics.

Business Apps

This is a broad category encompassing all apps geared to facilitating business-related work. For instance, Skype, Google Meet, and Zoom can be classed as business apps because they are mainly used by teams working remotely. Besides the meeting feature, these apps have inbuilt features such as document sharing, meeting moderation buttons, and even integration with scheduling apps such as Calendly to ease appointment bookings.

Other business apps such as Slack are used for workflow management, especially in team settings. Managers can assign tasks, people can submit their portions of a project, and there can be channels for discussing different matters. Upcoming deadlines are also easier to track with dedicated work management applications.

E-commerce apps

The e-commerce space continues to grow as more shopping happens online rather than in-store. There are multiple reasons why e-commerce makes sense for a lot of brands. First, apps can use personalized user profiles to avail targeted catalogs of products for customers to view. This means what users see on their homepages is what they are most likely to be interested in. In addition, users can add items to a cart and complete their purchase later.

With a smooth checkout process, e-commerce apps improve the likelihood of converting users who download an app into buying customers. Apps also allow stores to run promo campaigns for all or a section of customers depending on intended goals.

Medical Apps

With an increasing demand for wellness-related information, users find it worthy to have applications where they can find factual and up-to-date information. Medical practitioners can build medical apps as part of their business. Some practitioners may even carry out consultations via video (telemedicine). Such apps have other features such as physical appointment scheduling and tracking of personal health information. Other apps can be purely dedicated to information sharing through videos, articles, research papers, and other useful mediums of information sharing.

As time goes on, medical apps will have more utility as people embrace wellness and realize the power of being able to get accurate information in real time.

E-learning Apps

The internet has democratized access to information and people can now learn most skills for free. E-learning apps organize information and package it in a manner that is easy for users to follow and track progress. In 2024, the demand for e-learning apps will continue to grow as more people seek to upskill to progress their careers or to simply explore new hobbies.

According to Statista there, e-learning apps receive over 400 million downloads every year. The industry is now worth more than $200 billion and has grown by over 900% since 2000. The search for learning apps-related keywords has also been rising year-on-year for the last decade. This goes to show that there is indeed a demand for quality learning apps. The most popular learning categories are IT and web development, business and finance, marketing, art and photography, languages, and gaming.

Health and Fitness Apps

Health and fitness apps continue to be a popular app category in 2024. Fitness has become an aspirational thing for a lot of people in this decade. The growth of the fitness-dedicated wearables market is a testament to this growth. Fitness apps provide tools such as workout programs and meal plans for users depending on personal goals.

Apps can either be driven by a celebrity trainer or by the quality of the information being availed to users. Apps can also differentiate themselves through a high-quality UI and integration with other apps to enhance the overall experience for users.

Travel and Navigation Apps

This broad category includes all apps geared towards helping people plan trips better or find interesting outdoor activities to take in a particular area. If an app is targets travellers and adventurers, creators have the arduous task of finding interesting places to review and add to their app. By enabling users to comment and make recommendations, these apps can quickly build user communities.

There are other apps meant solely for information crowd-sourcing. Here, people simply post reviews and recommendations about places to stay, places to eat, and how to move around when visiting a particular city as a visitor.

Social Networking

While it may feel like the biggest social media apps have taken up all available market space, there is still room for new social apps. Their growth is highly dependent on the ability to create new experiences for users. TikTok grew so fast through short videos, prompting all other popular platforms to prioritize short videos over other forms of content being shared there.  Virtual reality could be the next frontier for social networks. Still, there are other important discussions such as content moderation and user privacy that could create room for new social networks to emerge and grow.


Livestreaming has become commonplace is a wide range of industries owing to the reduced cost of broadband access all over the world. Brands are taking advantage of being able to interact live with their clients to create value opportunities. Therefore, building a live-streaming app remains a viable opportunity if well executed.

The sports industry has embraced live streaming on official apps as a way to fight illegal streaming while widening access to their content. Gyms have begun live-streaming classes for subscribers who cannot make it physically to the gym. Other gyms have opted for a class-on-demand approach, similar to what content streaming platforms such as Netflix do.

Live stream shopping is a very interesting emerging sector too. Here, brands go live and showcase new products or review existing ones while allowing customers to comment or ask questions. It’s a great way to sell limited-edition merchandise or build excitement about new items.

Finance and Banking

More people are embracing the power of having control over their finances using their phones. Finance and banking apps can be broken down through the various purposes they may be serving. First, budgeting apps help people to have a better view of their spending patterns through expenditure tracking. Through interactive dashboards, such apps help users to set goals such as cutting down spending or saving for a holiday.

Some finance apps are more geared towards helping people invest in regulated financial products. These apps are owned by licensed investment banks or exchanges. The apps place great importance on securing user information, providing a smooth experience, integration with multiple payment methods, and maintaining high

News and Information

The popularity of social media means that a lot of people get information from their phones as opposed to traditional sources. However, social media also presents the challenge of trying to separate what is true and what is misinformation. High-quality news app is a category of applications targeting discerning people who want well-researched information about subjects they care about. These apps therefore serve a dual purpose of cutting out the noise and providing detailed information. In certain cases, these news apps will charge a premium for access.

An example of such an app is Ground New Pros. The app curates news articles, mainly political, and gives a summary in a few sentences while allowing you the option to open the entire story. Interestingly, the app has a feature that indicates whether a new story has a right-leaning, center, or left inclination politically. This helps users know which articles may be there to sway readers.

Food and Cooking

Food and cooking apps serve several purposes. First, there are apps made for users who want to learn to cook at a professional level. Such apps could be categorized as educational too. However, a large number of apps in this category offer cooking tutorials for people who want to explore new recipes for fun. Through AI-powered recommendations, these apps could help users develop a wide and rich palette by combining foods and drinks from different cultures.

Food and cooking apps could also come with auxiliary features such as being able to order ingredients from particular stores that may in fact own or advertise on the app.

Self-care Apps

Self-care apps are increasing in popularity as the world becomes more aware and receptive towards the mental health of people. People are seeking apps that can help them become more mindful and aware of their moods, sleep patterns, and potential anxiety triggers.  Some apps provide guided meditations, daily affirmations, and other helpful resources. In addition, some apps could incorporate the ability to book a consultation session with certified counselors and psychologists. In fact, remote therapy is becoming more popular as people seek to incorporate regular sessions into their routines.

Home automation apps

A lot of automation apps have come up in the past few years to help people exercise more control over their home devices that are part of the Internet of Things. A popular goal among these apps is to help people save energy by providing data-driven suggestions such as when to switch off devices. People can also set up routines on these apps. For instance, you may want all lights to switch off or turn to a dimmer color at a particular time of night.

NS804 App Development

There are indeed multiple categories of apps that an entrepreneur can decide to build in 2024. The average person today has over 20 different apps installed on their mobile device. The app market is worth well over $400 billion and is growing yearly. Artificial intelligence, together with augmented and virtual reality, will spearhead the growth of the market over the next 10 years. To unlock this market, a business needs to build a truly world-class app that has a unique value proposition for the target audience. Picking the right app development partner is an important first step.

At NS804, we help our clients build their apps from end to end. The process involves conducting a thorough analysis to determine the viability of a proposed app project. We help clients put together features to include in an MVP given the resource constraints present in any app-building project. We have a well-skilled team to take on any project and execute it to world-class standards.

For more information about our services, reach out to us through our website today. A member of our team will be in touch for a detailed discussion.

10 Kinds of Mobile Apps with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that simulates human intelligence in machines to help machines perform certain tasks that require human intelligence. For instance, these tasks may include learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. In the context of mobile applications, AI is revolutionizing how users interact and adapt to their apps. This is achieved by building apps that can communicate, interact, and engage with the end user, all while responding diligently to user requests and input preferences.

Artificial intelligence in mobile apps captures a wide range of domains. For instance, these domains include: voice recognition, natural language processing, predictive analytics, computer vision, and machine learning. These technologies enable mobile apps to learn user behavior, interpret complex data, and make decisions.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Mobile App Experiences

Artificial intelligence has improved the performance of mobile apps, delivering unprecedented levels of convenience, usability, and personalization. Some of the key ways artificial intelligence enhances mobile app experiences include:


AI analyzes user behavior, interactions, and preferences to deliver personalized content, services, and recommendations. AI-powered mobile apps adapt to individual user preferences, making the user experience more engaging. Whether it’s suggesting workouts, curating menus, or recommending relevant products and services.

Predictive insights

AI enables apps to anticipate user needs and tailor proactive solutions. By analyzing past behavior and contextual data, AI-powered mobile apps can predict user behavior, automate tasks, suggest next steps, and streamline user experience. All while saving valuable time for other tasks.

Natural language understanding

Natural language processing algorithms enable mobile apps to understand and respond to human language inputs like text inputs, voice commands, and conversational interactions. Virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri leverage natural language processing algorithms to understand and respond to human language inputs and commands. This offers an intuitive and natural interaction model.

Enhanced functionality

AI enables mobile apps to perform functions and tasks that were once impractical. From image recognition and real-time translation to augmented reality and sentiment analysis. AI-powered features expand the capabilities of mobile apps, allowing them to address a broader range of user scenarios and needs.

Continuous improvement

Machine learning algorithms allow mobile apps to learn and improve based on user feedback and data insight. AI-powered apps can adapt to changing user preferences, technological advancements, and market trends. This is done by iteratively refining their algorithms and models. By its adaptive model of continuous improvement ensures that the user experience remains valuable and relevant.

10 Kinds of Mobile App with Artificial Intelligence

1. Personal Assistant Apps

Personal assistant apps have become commonplace on mobile devices. Their popularity is fueled by their ability to offer users a more convenient way to interact with smartphones, perform certain tasks, or access certain information through voice commands and text inputs. Examples of popular personal assistant apps include Google Assistant by Google, Siri by Apple, and Cortana by Microsoft.

These apps serve as virtual assistants, capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including sending messages, setting reminders, checking the weather, searching the web, and making calls. They utilize AI technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and speech recognition. This is done to understand voice commands and message inputs.

How AI Powers These Apps to Understand and Respond to User Requests

AI lies at the core of personal assistant apps, allowing them to understand and respond to user requests intelligently.

Here’s how AI powers personal assistant apps:

  • Natural language processing. Personal assistant apps leverage natural language processing to analyze and understand human language inputs, including voice commands and text inputs. These algorithms parse the syntax and semantics of user queries. They extract keywords, phrases, and entities to infer user intent accurately.
  • Machine learning. Personal assistant apps utilize machine learning algorithms to improve their understanding and response over time. These apps can learn to recognize speech patterns, understand context, and predict user intent more accurately. This is done by analyzing vast amounts of user data, including past interactions, preferences, and behavior patterns.
  • Speech recognition. AI-powered speech recognition algorithms allow personal assistant apps to transcribe words accurately into text. These algorithms can recognize and differentiate accents, languages, and dialects. They allow users to communicate with their devices effectively through voice commands.
  • Contextual understanding. AI-powered apps allow devices to interpret user queries within the appropriate context. They do this by taking into account factors such as time of the day, location, and user history. This contextual understanding allows the apps to provide more relevant and personalized responses, enhancing the overall user experience.

3. Virtual Health Assistants

AI-powered health apps have emerged as valuable tools for individuals willing to check and monitor their health and wellness. Additionally, these apps leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide personalized insights, recommendations and support across a wide range of healthcare spectrum. They offer users convenient access to health information, monitoring capabilities, and proactive interventions. This helps empower users to take control of their well-being.

Features of Virtual Health Assistants

Symptom checker

AI-powered health apps often include symptom checker functionalities. These functionalities allow users to input their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses or recommendations. These apps rely on machine learning algorithms fetched from a large medical dataset to analyze symptoms. These algorithms further help determine severity and provide guidance on the next steps, such as seeking medical attention or self-care measures.

Medication reminders

Most AI-powered health apps come with medication reminders to help users adhere to their medication regimen. These apps send reminders based on individual medication schedules, dosage instructions, and refill dates. They help reduce the risk of missed doses and medication errors.

Fitness tracking

AI-powered health apps often include fitness tracking capabilities. These capabilities enable users to monitor their exercise routine, physical fitness, and overall fitness levels. These apps may utilize wearable devices or built-in sensors to track metrics such as calories burnt, heart rate, steps taken, and sleep patterns. AI algorithms analyze this data to provide insight into users’ activity levels, progress toward fitness goals, and recommendations for optimizing their workouts or lifestyle habits.

3. AI-Powered Navigation Apps

Navigation apps have emerged more significantly with the integration of artificial intelligence to provide users with more accurate and efficient route guidance. These apps utilize AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, including real-time conditions, historical traffic patterns, and road closures. These apps provide users with the fastest and most reliable directions.

AI-powered navigation apps leverage machine learning techniques to continuously learn and adapt to changing traffic conditions, environmental factors, and user preferences. By processing and interpreting this data in real time, these apps can dynamically adjust routes, and predict traffic congestion. These apps offer alternative paths to help users reach their destinations with ease.

Benefits of AI in Improving Navigation Accuracy and Efficiency

Enhanced Accuracy

AI-powered navigation apps utilize advanced algorithms to analyze and interpret complex data. This leads to more accurate and reliable route guidance. By considering factors such as traffic conditions, road infrastructure, and user behavior, these apps can provide precise directions tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Improved Efficiency

By providing real-time traffic updates and optimizing routes, AI-powered navigation apps help users save time and fuel. This helps minimize vehicle emissions and reducing travel time. In addition, users can avoid unnecessary delays and congestion, resulting in more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation.

Enhanced User Experience

AI-powered navigation apps offer a seamless and intuitive user experience. They do this with features such as interactive maps, voice-guided navigation, and personalized recommendations. These apps make it easy for users to navigate unfamiliar territories, explore points of interest, and plan for multi-stop trips. They help enhance the overall travel experience.

4. Language Learning Apps

Language learning apps have undergone a massive transformation following the infusion of artificial intelligence. These apps offer learners personalized and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their individual needs and proficiency levels. Language learning apps leverage AI algorithms to track progress, analyze user behavior, track progress, and deliver targeted content that’s designed to optimize learning outcomes.

AI-powered language learning apps use machine learning techniques to adapt to each learner’s learning style, pace, and preferences, offering personalized learning to each student or learner. These apps can dynamically adjust lesson plans, provide customized feedback, and recommend supplementary resources. They do this by simply analyzing data such as performance metrics, user interactions, and proficiency levels.

5. AI-Enhanced Photo Editing Apps

Photo-editing apps have evolved with the integration of artificial intelligence, offering users the ability to edit apps with unprecedented ease and precision. These apps leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and AI algorithms to analyze images, identify scenes and objects, and automatically apply enhancement and corrections to achieve professionally-quality results.

AI-enhanced photo editing apps employ a wide range of techniques, including image recognition, semantic segregation, and neural style transfer to streamline and automate the editing process. By analyzing vast amounts of datasets and learning from professional editing techniques, these apps can intelligently enhance photos and provide users with creative tools to express their artistic vision.

6. AI-Powered Virtual Shopping Assistants

Virtual shopping assistants leverage AI to provide users with personalized recommendations, guidance, and support. These AI-powered assistants analyze user preferences, browsing behavior, and purchase history. Essentially, they mimick the role of an in-store shop associate in the digital realm.

By using predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, virtual shopping assistants can understand individual user preferences. Additionally, they can identify browsing patterns, and anticipate user needs and preferences. These assistants use this information to recommend products that align with users’ tastes, preferences, and needs. In short, they enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of product recommendations.

7. AI-Based Financial Management Apps

AI-based financial management apps revolutionize the way people manage their finances by using artificial intelligence to provide personalized budgeting, financing, and savings advice. These apps analyze users’ spending data, income sources, and financial goals to offer tailored advice and recommendations aimed at improving the users’ financial health.

AI-based financial management apps utilize predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to forecast future cash flows, identify trends in spending behavior, and optimize budget allocations to help users achieve their financial goals. These apps may also provide investment advice based on users’ investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market trends, enabling them to make informed decisions about their finances and investments.

8. AI-Driven Entertainment Apps

Entertainment apps have optimized artificial intelligence to deliver personalized and immersive listening experiences to users. These AI-driven apps leverage sophisticated algorithms to analyze user preferences, and user behavior, enabling them to recommend content, customize experiences, and enhance engagement across various forms of entertainment, including video streaming, music streaming, and gaming.

By harnessing data analytics and machine learning techniques, AI-driven entertainment apps can understand users’ tastes and preferences, enabling them to curate personalized content recommendations, tailor user interfaces, and optimize user experiences. These apps strive to create a more engaging and enjoyable entertainment ecosystem by leveraging AI to anticipate and fulfill entertainment needs and preferences.

9. AI-Powered Security Apps

AI-powered security apps leverage artificial intelligence to help with threat detection and intrusion prevention, safeguarding users’ digital information and sensitive financial information against cyberattacks or unauthorized access. These AI-powered technologies employ advanced algorithms to detect anomalies, analyze patterns, and identify potential security threats, enabling proactive mitigation measures and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of users’ data.

By using natural language processing, machine learning techniques, and behavioral analysis, AI-powered security apps can identify emerging threats and detect suspicious activities. These apps provide users with comprehensive security solutions that combine malware detection, threat intelligence, encryption control, and encryption, and access control to protect digital assets and identities.

10. AI-Powered Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps leveraging artificial intelligence have emerged as valuable tools for providing emotional support and cognitive therapy to individuals coping with mental health problems. These apps offer a wide range of features and functionalities tailored to individuals suffering from mental health problems, including stress management, mood tracking, cognitive behavioral therapy, and personalized interventions.

By using AI models and algorithms, AI-powered mental health apps can analyze users’ behaviors and emotions, and provide personalized recommendations, coping strategies, and therapeutic interventions tailored to their unique needs. These apps offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to manage their mental health and track their progress over time.

What’s The Future of AI-Powered Mobile Apps?

Looking ahead, it’s clear that the future of AI-enabled mobile experiences is boundless. As AI technologies continue to evolve and mature, we expect to see even more innovative advancements and innovations in mobile app development. From more sophisticated personalization and predictive capabilities to seamless integration with IoT and augmented reality (AR) experiences. AI-driven mobile apps will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, revolutionizing the way we talk, work, communicate, interact, and entertain ourselves on the go.

NS804 – Delivering Superior, AI-Powered Apps

NS804 is a leading provider of custom-built mobile app solutions. The company understands the changing landscape of mobile app development and offers superior AI-powered apps designed to suit your business needs. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large organization seeking a robust app with AI capabilities, we have you covered. We offer superior, excellent, and affordable mobile app solutions that are tailored to your individual needs. Our commitment to service excellent and unwavering dedication to customer service ensures that we offer a timeless app that solves real problems.

Contact us today for inquiries and questions about our AI-powered mobile apps.

Android App Development Trends 2024

The year has barely begun, and we’re already seeing significant shifts in the mobile app space. Moreover, 2024 promises many exciting Android app development trends that will turn heads. But how can we be so confident that notable changes will occur on the Android platform this year? We see a stronger emphasis on quality, a greater adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), and a higher number of foldable smartphones hitting the market.

The Android platform has matured and is no longer the avenue to push out low-effort cash grabs. Recently, Google updated their app testing requirements for all developers with new Android personal accounts. These requirements force developers to take the production and testing of their apps a lot more seriously before submitting them for publication. 

While these requirements will help increase the quality of upcoming Android apps, it’s not the only significant trend of 2024. Apps powered by large language models (LLMs) will hit the market with more ferocity this year. 

In 2023, ChatGPT and other LLMs managed to amaze, excite, and even scare many with their near-otherworldly capabilities. But in 2024, many developers will capitalize on these LLMs by integrating them into their Android apps. Some of the mystery and hype surrounding LLMs has diminished, so there’s a greater focus on their practical use in mobile apps.

Another trend that will further impact Android development is the rise of foldable phones. While these are not new, they’re enjoying wider adoption, so developers can no longer avoid developing apps for these devices. Of course, Android app development trends don’t end here, so we’ll delve deeper into what you should expect in 2024 below. 




Low-Code and No-Code Solutions Will Enjoy Rising Popularity

If you’ve dabbled in Android app development, you’ve come face-to-face with a high learning curve in building apps for the platform. And that’s because Java and Kotlin are complex programming languages that require several months of your time to learn the basics and years to master. But the challenge doesn’t end there since building, testing, and deploying to a wide range of Android devices is a nerve-racking experience. 

Fortunately, Google has made Android app development a bit easier with their latest tooling. Yet, even these tools won’t diminish the need to gain competency in Java or Kotlin to build quality apps. As a studio that builds native Android apps in these languages, we highly recommend you take the time to learn these languages. Alternatively, consider partnering with a studio like NS804 to create your Android app that will comply with Google’s best practices and guidelines. 

If you can’t hire a studio when your team doesn’t have the necessary coding skills — what then? You can rely on the myriad of low-code and no-code development platforms that have hit the market in recent years. Platforms like BuildFire, GeneXus for Super Apps, and Moxly help developers build cross-platform mobile apps rapidly. 

But will you enjoy the same results as that of native-built apps? While these platforms promise impressive results, it’s unlikely that they’ll deliver the performance, consistent user experience (UX), and scalability of their native peers. Therefore, we only recommend you use these solutions if you have tight budget constraints or plan to build a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP).

Stricter Requirements Will Bring About Better Quality Apps

One of the Android app development trends that will massively impact the Android ecosystem may have caught many developers by surprise already. Google Play and many third-party Android app marketplaces have become inundated with buggy, low-quality apps that hurt the user experience. Given the accessibility and low bar of entry to develop Android apps, many freelancers, hobbyists, and unscrupulous developers have pushed out apps of dubious quality onto Google Play.

Google has identified and addressed this issue by introducing new app testing requirements. All personal developer accounts created after November 13, 2023, must comply with these new rules. And one of the most controversial requirements includes an elaborate closed testing process. Thus, it’s now necessary to test an app with over 20 users who have opted-in for the closed test for no less than 14 continuous days. 

Only once developers meet this requirement can they submit their app for production access. It seems like an extreme measure, but one that we’ll welcome if it means that better and more secure apps will reach Google Play from now on. It forces newcomers to recruit and engage with testers and no longer treat the testing process as an afterthought. Furthermore, developers who comply with these requirements will significantly reduce low ratings and bad reviews. 

AI-Powered Android Apps Will Proliferate During 2024

If you followed the news in 2023, you probably felt overwhelmed by all the hype and fear-mongering surrounding AI. Either AI will bring forth a golden age where humanity no longer has to do any drudge work, or AI will inevitably take over most jobs and make us redundant. The latter is a scary thought but a plausible outcome if governments don’t implement regulations to limit the damage AI may have on job markets. 

Fortunately, we’re still in the early stages of the AI cycle, which inevitably presents numerous opportunities for savvy Android developers. While AI-powered apps are not new, LLMs are still novel in the mobile app space. But Android users love their LLM apps, with ChatGPT enjoying over 50 million downloads and a rating of 4.8 at the time of writing. Other popular alternatives include Bing, Chat AI, and Perplexity. 

But are LLMs only appropriate for chatbot functionality? This functionality is only the tip of the spear, with writing, image generation, and code generation enjoying wide adoption within a short span of time. You can build all types of generators and analysis tools with ChatGPT and other similar LLMs. Then, you’ll train your AI models using your own datasets, images, and code to avoid litigation from the original copyright holders. 

After you’ve trained your AI models, you should test these thoroughly via an internal testing process. Once you’re happy with the results, integrate these into your Android app via ChatGPT’s (or your preferred LLM) application programming interface (API). The process is involved but will make your app more engaging and profitable since users can generate text, images, and music that exceeds their capabilities.  

Deploying Android Apps To PCs And Chromebooks

What makes the Android ecosystem so compelling is its sheer dynamism and versatility. Most users engage with Android apps on their tablets, smartphones, and via Android media players and TV boxes to a lesser extent. But lately, more users enjoy the same apps on their PCs and Chromebooks.

Microsoft and Samsung’s close working relationship helped integrate Samsung’s devices with Windows. That’s a wise move because many of Samsung’s flagship mobile devices are used extensively in enterprises.

Furthermore, Amazon Apps, which are Android apps — can run on Windows 11 PCs via the Windows Subsystem for Android. And recently, Google launched Google Play Games (beta) for PC users who want to enjoy their mobile gaming fix on their desktops. So, one of the hottest Android app development trends is ensuring your Android apps or games make their way to the PC.

Don’t stop there, as there’s another growing market that you can no longer ignore. Google’s ChromeOS and Chromebook laptops have already captured much of the US education market and even the small business community. As of December 2023, ChromeOS has penetrated 3.13% of the North American market and overtaken Linux, a far older operating system (OS). 

You can deploy your Android apps to supported Chromebook devices. There’s some setup and tweaking involved, especially if you need to deploy your app across multiple devices in your organization. But once done, you have a secure pipeline to deploy custom business apps that must run on mobile devices and Chromebooks in tandem.

More Affordable Foldable Smartphones Will Hit The Market

Android foldable phones have been around for several years, but they’ve always been pricey for most consumers. It’s not uncommon to pay between $1,800 – $2,000 for a flagship foldable device nowadays. That price point is acceptable for executives and power users who require a powerful yet compact computing device for productivity. But for the average consumer, that’s way too expensive when lower-end smartphones under $500 offer adequate functionality and performance.

However, the foldable smartphone market is growing and maturing, leading to a greater diversity of products. More manufacturers are offering budget foldables like the Motor Razr at $700, which makes it affordable enough for the average US-based Android user. So, one of the defining Android app development trends of 2024 is a focus on apps designed for foldables. 

It’s crucial to create apps that run perfectly on single-screen devices and utilize the additional screen real estate of foldables. These apps must make the most of adaptive and responsive design to adjust the user interface (UI) and screen page for every type of screen size. Moreover, it’s essential to offer multi-window support so that users can run multiple apps on their foldables since this is one of the core features of these devices.

Of course, if you plan to target ChromeOS, you’ll have additional screen sizes to consider. But making your apps run smoothly across multiple devices and screen formats will expose your app to a higher number of Android users. And if you add a cloud component to your app, you make it easy for users to switch between the foldable and ChromeOS versions without losing their work. Thus, they always stay productive and satisfied with your app and won’t seek alternatives that offer this functionality.  

Android Mobile Game Development Beyond Unity

Most Android mobile game developers use Unity to create their eye-catching hit games. Unfortunately, their overreliance on this game-making software wasn’t a smart move, especially after Unity Technologies announced their runtime fee late last year. The fee drew the ire of game developers and forced Unity Technologies to backpedal and revise their pricing policy. Developers weren’t willing to pay possibly business-crippling fees accrued by each installation of their games. 

But even with Unity Technologies making concessions to their users, many developers lost trust in the company. There was a sudden exodus of developers to competing game engines like Construct 3, Godot, and Unreal Engine. The biggest winner of the three was Godot, which enjoyed a sudden spike in users and even received a $100,000 donation from Re-Logic, the developer of Terraria. Also, cross-platform game frameworks like FNA and MonoGame received funding soon after the Unity installation fee controversy. 

Apart from FNA, you may use any of the engines mentioned here to develop Android mobile games. And since Godot and MonoGame are open-source with liberal licensing agreements, you don’t have to pay anything or risk facing litigation.

But what if you want to avoid complicated cross-platform game engines and want to develop exclusively for Android? If you have C or C++ coding skills, you may opt for Google’s Android Game Development Kit (AGDK). It consists of tools and libraries that integrate with Visual Studio via the Android Game Development Extension (AGDE). It also integrates with existing popular engines like Cocos, Unity, and Unreal Engine if you prefer to take that route.




Passkeys Will Make Android Apps More Secure In 2024

Ordinary passwords are no longer safe, and two-factor authentication (2FA) isn’t hack-proof. Nevertheless, we always recommend you secure your apps and websites with 2FA as a minimum precaution. So, what should you do to offer a significant protection layer for your users? The good news is that Google has partly solved this issue by introducing passkeys for Android and Chrome. 

If your apps run on Android 9 and higher, as they should, then you’ll have passkey support via the Credential Manager. The Credential Manager offers users multiple sign-in options and is available as a Jetpack API. We recommend you become acquainted with this API to understand its safety features and prerequisites. 

Users no longer have to sign in by inputting complex passwords they’ll likely forget. Instead, they can sign in via the biometric sensor, pattern, or smartphone PIN. It’s a far more seamless method for signing in that will keep your users returning to your app, even if they’ve forgotten the password.

Android App Development Trends That Will Define An Entire Year

We’ve covered some of the most significant Android app development trends you’ll encounter in 2024. The Android market has matured but has not peaked yet, with many unique and innovative apps still to appear on the horizon. 

Many of these apps will have some LLM implementation, while others will offer advanced features geared towards foldables. But there will also be a greater emphasis on security, which passkeys will solve to a certain extent. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you with your Android app development goals!  

Mobile App Maintenance: The Importance Of Regular App Updates

Few first-time appreneurs and developers consider mobile app maintenance when laboring away on their debut projects. And that’s reckless, to put it mildly, as app development is a long process that doesn’t end at launch. Users and the app stores expect apps to receive regular updates months or even years after their initial releases. 

But why are app updates such a pertinent issue that appreneurs and developers must never ignore? The primary reason is that no app is perfect on release and will likely never be during its lifetime. There is a certain quality threshold that an app must meet before it offers a satisfactory user experience. Not meeting this threshold will cause users to uninstall the app and leave negative reviews and low ratings, hurting the prospects of the app. 

That’s why the savviest appreneurs and developers have a mobile app maintenance plan from day one. They know that they must set aside resources for the continuous upkeep of their apps. These resources often include the funding, staff, analytics, tooling, and training required for app maintenance. Furthermore, it’s necessary to have dedicated staff or contractors to handle communications, compliance, documentation, user experience (UX) testing, quality assurance (QA) testing, and user feedback. 

Now, that’s a lot to unpack and only drives through the message that app development is a long, costly, and challenging endeavor. But we don’t want to dissuade you from trying your hand at app development, especially if this will be your first attempt. Instead, we encourage you to move forward, partner with an experienced and reputable studio like NS804, and consider the helpful pointers listed below. 




What Does Mobile App Maintenance Entail?

Mobile app maintenance is an ongoing process that involves multiple tasks that result in the continuous improvement of apps. These tasks include gathering user feedback, data, and analytics. These factors will let developers know whether or not their apps meet changing customer expectations. 

If apps don’t meet customer expectations, developers must modify their apps to bring them in line with these expectations. However, this is only possible by rolling out app updates at regular cadences. In the case of app-breaking bugs or security vulnerabilities, developers must release patches timeously. 

And even if an app runs smoothly and reasonably bug-free, it’s still necessary to respond to current market trends. For example, 2023 was a big year for artificial intelligence (AI) that the market couldn’t ignore. Soon after the launch of ChatGPT and other similar services, mobile app developers quickly launched new AI apps or implemented AI features in their existing apps. 

It’s not uncommon for appreneurs and developers to abandon apps if they’re no longer feasible. The app stores are incredibly competitive — if not downright brutal — making it difficult to justify the cost and effort to maintain underperforming apps. 

Yet, this is not the case with custom apps, especially those aimed at internal company tasks and business-to-business (B2B) applications. Mobile app maintenance is crucial for custom business apps, as regular security and feature updates are essential for the smooth functioning of organizations of all sizes.  

Why Do Users Care About Regular App Updates?

Today’s smartphone users are app-wise and can easily discern a good app from a bad one. Moreover, today’s users are part of a mature market gradually reaching its growth limits. We only need to look at the US smartphone market to understand the staggering difference between today and a decade ago. In 2013, there were approximately 173 million smartphone users in the US, but today, it’s edging closer to 315 million.

While we may be reaching the peak of the smartphone era, this doesn’t mean the app market is going away. It only means that there’s an increase in user demands that you must respond to if you’re going to succeed. But how can you succeed in such an overwhelmingly crowded market where users uninstall apps on a whim? The first step is to create an app that addresses a problem that users have and to make it sticky.

Of course, that’s not easy, and few developers get this right on their initial attempt. But let’s assume you are addressing a problem users are experiencing, but they’re still uninstalling your app — what now? 

That’s where your mobile app maintenance plan comes in, as you’ll focus tightly on your app’s performance and user data. Your analytics will let you know if your user journeys and flows are succeeding or failing. You’ll also know if technical issues make your app function inadequately. These are the most common reasons why users drop apps like hot potatoes and why post-launch analytics are so crucial.

Once you know what’s holding your app back, you can address all relevant issues. Then, plan your roadmap to release the necessary fixes and updates. And establish an effective communications pipeline to gather user feedback and inform users of new updates.

Why A Lack Of Updates Will Hurt Your App? 

Even your most diehard users will lose interest in your app if you don’t update it regularly. They will assume that you no longer have the interest or resources to roll out updates and will eventually move on to apps that seem more promising. There’s nothing worse than losing users due to not providing them with the features competitors have provided already. The current state of the app market requires that you respond to user needs rapidly. 

Look at the leading mobile apps in your segment, and you’ll find that all these receive regular updates. Every app update helps to reinvigorate interest, especially with those users who have started to drop off or become bored. But it’s also a great way to draw new users and media attention when app updates include innovative or highly desired features. 

A lack of updates will also hurt your app’s stability and usability, especially when users upgrade their devices. Furthermore, Apple and Google demand that developers update their apps to meet the requirements of their latest operating systems and APIs. Failing to do so will result in the removal of any un-updated apps from the App Store and Google Play. Third-party Android stores also have specific app update policies that you must follow if you publish on these. 

Security concerns around hacking and data breaches have become the norm recently. Since many people use mobile apps for financial transactions, you must ensure that your app never has any security vulnerabilities. Even if you’re developing a mobile game, you must never take security issues lightly since hackers exploit these also to gain access to user credentials. So, always roll out patches and updates as soon as you know of or encounter a new vulnerability.

How App Updates Help Keep Your Tech Stack Current?

You may be proud of your studio for using the latest technology stack to create your apps. But technology moves forward rapidly, especially in the mobile space. What’s trailblazing today can quickly become outdated in a matter of months. Therefore, you never want to stick to the current versions of your integrated development environments (IDEs), APIs, frameworks, game engines, backend technologies, testing, and deployment tools. 

Sure, your programmers may want to use long-term support (LTS) releases for a more stable development environment. But eventually, you’ll need to pull the plug and move on to the latest supported version. Your team may whine about such a decision since they will feel more comfortable with the older tooling. But ultimately, they must use the tooling that increases stability, usability, and quality.

The beauty of mobile development tooling vendors is they have close relationships with the device manufacturers. Thus, they build their tools according to current and future hardware specifications. And that’s fantastic because this means you’ll often gain a free performance boost and increased stability when building your app with the latest tools.

Furthermore, you’ll be future-proofing your app since it will run adequately on devices about to hit the market. So, you’ll have the assurance that your app will run on devices you haven’t tested for yet. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore testing altogether. Always test on an emulator if you lack access to a specific mobile device. 

As part of your mobile app maintenance processes, ensure that you keep up to date with what your tooling vendors are releasing. Read their blog posts and release notes regularly, and update all your development tools timeously. 

What Are The Different Types Of App Updates? 

There are several kinds of updates you can roll out, but not all will be suitable for your app. We explain which app updates are best suited for which purposes here: 

  • Feature release updates: Your users will provide feedback about features they want, so you should roll out feature release updates with these additional features. If your app proves popular, you may need to implement these kinds of releases several times a year.
  • Functionality updates: You should roll out functionality updates when upgrading an existing function. The frequency of these updates will depend on how often you need to upgrade the functionality of your app.
  • Maintenance updates: If your app suffers from vulnerability issues due to a cybersecurity threat, you must release emergency hotfixes immediately. You may also release a preventative update for potential attacks, an adaptive update to deal with upcoming changes, and a corrective update for patching up quality issues.
  • Monthly updates: All new apps need monthly updates to gain and retain user trust. Also, it’s necessary to release weekly updates if your app suffers from serious usability, stability, and security issues.
  • Updates for watershed events: You can surprise and delight your users by releasing an update to celebrate the first year of its release. The update must include a significant change or improvement to set your app apart from competitors. 

How To Implement Mobile App Maintenance Successfully?

All the stages of the mobile app development process are challenging. But you can make the maintenance process of your app more manageable by following these steps:

  • Document your mobile app maintenance plan: Always keep notes and documents produced by all stakeholders involved in your project. Ensure that all team members can retrieve these documents easily when necessary.
  • Prioritize training: Ensure your team is up to speed with the latest app update procedures and technologies. 
  • Establish effective communications pipelines: You want to keep all stakeholders in the loop at all times. Keep your communications open and secure for all the relevant parties, and keep everyone informed of any crucial events that require their attention.
  • Keep ahead of compliance and policy changes: The app stores constantly alter their guidelines and policies, so you must adhere to these to avoid any nasty surprises. Furthermore, stay current on regulations in the different territories you publish.
  • Regularly test the effectiveness of your app’s UX: Always be mindful of the end-user experience by testing your app’s UX. More often than not, a bad UX is why most users uninstall apps, and it’s fixable with an update. 




Why Do You Need To Partner With A Reputable Studio?

As you can tell, mobile app maintenance requires hard work and sticking to a tried-and-tested plan. If you already have prior experience with the processes mentioned earlier, you know what to expect. Yet, you may still need the assistance of a talented mobile developer to help you deal with all the complexities involved with regular app updates. And if you’re new to all this, partnering with a studio is undoubtedly the right choice. 

A highly acclaimed and reputable studio like NS804 will help you deploy your app updates on time and within budget. We’ll look at your plan, goals, and requirements with an analytical eye and offer solutions that will drive your app down a successful path. 

Furthermore, we’ll help you evaluate methodologies and development technologies that will lead to the best possible upkeep of your app. We’ll also help you implement new features, fix bugs, and optimize your app so you can focus on other aspects of your app development endeavors.

In Conclusion

Mobile app maintenance is a crucial part of the entire app development cycle. Never ignore this part, as your users expect you to deliver updates that will keep them stuck to your app. If you do this right, you’ll extend the potential lifespan of your app, driving additional revenue and business. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you plan, prepare, and deploy app updates like a pro!  

Data Security in Mobile Apps: Mitigating Fears and Ensuring User Trust

The significance of mobile apps in the highly interconnected digital landscape cannot be ignored. Published statistics show consumers spent 3.8 trillion hours on mobile apps in 2022 alone. Further evidence suggests that mobile phone users spend 88% of their time in mobile apps. This reinforces the significance of mobile apps in our daily lives. Android and IOS are the leading mobile app stores. However, other platforms such as Tizen, KaiOS, and Ubuntu Touch are slowly emerging as favorable platforms to launch an app.

It’s important to note that mobile apps are used for a wide range of purposes – online payments, online shopping, information access, weather updates, bookings, and travel. This means that a slight breach of mobile apps will lead to a significant leakage of consumer information. This information may include personally identifying information such as social security numbers, physical addresses, credit card numbers, and mobile phone numbers. This is precisely why data security in mobile apps is a critical component in ensuring user trust.

This article delves deep into data security. It seeks to explore data security concerns in mobile apps as well as mitigation measures. Additionally, it examines steps to building a secure mobile app:

Understanding Mobile App Data Security

Mobile app data represents a wide range of information users generate and store in their applications. It includes personal names, email addresses, financial information, credit card information, location, social security numbers, phone numbers, login credentials, multimedia files, location data, communication records, physical addresses, and more. The scope of mobile app data security ranges from the moment this data is keyed in your mobile app to the moment it is transmitted or conveyed to other people. This includes app platforms, social media accounts, and other digital channels. It’s crucial to note that understanding the diversity and sensitivity of this information is crucial in devising effective security measures.




Common Data Security Threats


Mobile apps, similar to other technologies, are highly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Malware, the shortcut for malicious software, represents a high-ranking cybersecurity threat. Malware attacks are designed (or created) and conveyed to target victims by cybercriminals to either steal personally identifying information or compromise the normal functioning of mobile apps. All this is done to steal consumer information. Malware can affect the normal functioning of mobile devices once infiltrated into mobile apps. This way, it interferes with app usage and disorient the normal functioning of the mobile app. Worse still, it may render the app unusable. Malware often disguises itself as an authentic application, prompting users to download it and unsuspectedly install it on their phones.


Phishing attacks are common cybersecurity threats and one of the leading sources of data leakage in mobile apps. These attacks trick users into revealing confidential information – phone numbers, credit card information, and physical addresses – by posing as trustworthy sources. In mobile apps, phishing attacks come hidden as alerts, emails, and updates that appear to originate from the app or otherwise. Unsuspecting users may inadvertently reveal their private information, leading to a possible compromise or sell their information to third-party users.

Unauthorized access

Unauthorized access to mobile app information is a common threat to data leakage and data security. This access occurs when unauthorized persons or unauthorized entities have access to your personal information. Violation of access can occur when an internet service provider (ISP) or other users access your app information, thus compromising your data security. Usually, unauthorized access occurs when cybercriminals exploit possible vulnerabilities to gain entry into your app. This compromise may involve weak authorization processes, poorly encrypted data, and loopholes in the app’s code. Once inside the app, users can modify, access, or steal user data, causing significant harm and damage to individuals, brands, and businesses.

Real-Life Data Breaches

Facebook – Cambridge Analytica

The last five years have witnessed massive data breaches, affecting individuals, businesses, and brands. In 2018, the Cambridge Analytical scandal shook the foundation of data privacy following massive leakage of users’ data and information. Facebook-owned Cambridge Analytica lost the data of 87 million Facebook users. According to documented reports, the data of 87 million users was harvested without consent to a third-party app. This practice raised eyebrows about the legitimacy of personal data stored on Facebook. This breach highlighted the dangers of lax data access policies, leading to subsequent changes in data protection regulations.


In 2017, Equifax, one of the leading credit-reporting companies suffered a massive data onslaught. Cybercriminals exploited Equifax’s website and user accounts, leading to the data loss of 147 million customers, including personally identifying information and social security numbers. The SSNs were particularly affected, underscoring the importance of safe protection safeguards for both apps and websites.


In 2016, one of the leading cab-hailing companies, Uber, suffered a serious data loss of 57 million users, including drivers and passengers. Cybercriminals targeted the Uber app, leading to the loss of information from drivers and passengers. This onslaught highlighted the importance of safe control safeguards and highlighting the sophistication and scope of cyber-attacks. In response, Uber not only paid the attackers a lump sum to conceal the attack but failed to inform its users about this serious data violation.


Just recently, the PayPal information of 36,000 users was affected, leading to account compromise. For two days, hackers had unlimited access to linked debit and credit card numbers, transaction histories, postal addresses, full names, date of birth, and individual tax identification numbers. This incident happened in October 2022 as part of a credential-stuffing attack. In credential stuffing, malicious software makes a combination of credentials often run into protected systems trying to gain unauthorized access to users’ information, accounts, and data.

Building a Secure Mobile App

Individuals and businesses must understand the significance of protecting their apps against unauthorized access. First and foremost, users and businesses must address encryption to protect users’ information in transit and at rest. Encryption conceals data using numerical forms or other algorithms, making it impossible for hackers to read and understand context information even if they gain unauthorized access to your systems, including mobile apps.

Another protection is secure authentication. Most often, users do not consider the possibility of a multi-layered security approach whereby there is more than one form of authentication to gain access to a protected system. For instance, 2-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication represents one of the leading forms of security. The two-factor authentication can protect your mobile apps from foreseen and unforeseen circumstances, preventing a possible breach that could expose users’ data.

Another step to building a secure mobile is ensuring regular software updates. Software updates provide you with the opportunity to access the latest version of the software, sometimes saving you money and time in accessing the latest product or service. Keeping your apps and operating systems up-to-date also extends the opportunity to access the latest patching, thus protecting your apps and operating systems.

Another step to protecting yourself is using secure coding practices. Developers must use secure coding practices to create apps that are secure and inaccessible to unauthorized third parties. Secure coding practices provide a safe encryption standard, protecting your apps and operating systems against attacks.

Regulatory Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) provide a benchmark for safe and secure computing practices. The GDPR believes it’s the responsibility of businesses and organizations to protect consumer data against potential leakage. The GDPR provides strict guidelines for protecting personally identifying information and securing your app against unauthorized access and third parties.

Compliance Requirements

Part of protecting your app against potential attacks is following and strictly adhering to compliance requirements. The first policy you need for regulatory compliance is a data protection policy. Data protection policy runs across organizations, providing employees, customers, and other stakeholders with a requirement to safeguard personal data. The second compliance step is the data retention policy, which is one of the 25 principles outlined in the Data Protection Act. The retention policy limits how data is created, stored, and distributed, thus safeguarding consumer information and data.

Privacy Policies

Privacy policies and notices are crucial benchmarks in regulatory compliance, especially in protecting data against potential violations. The policies inform people about the necessary safeguards for data, including steps, approaches, and strategies to protecting data. It also contains the repercussions of poor data handling and storage. Information security policies represent another set of laws to protect mobile apps and other technologies against potential data violations.

Incident Response Plan

Information security policies define how information will be handled, from the moment it is created to the moment it is used and stored. Finally, an incident response plan is a crucial component of compliance. Organizations and businesses with an incident response plan can maneuver better in case of attacks, and some end up protecting their consumer data and brand in the process. An incident response plan must contain the steps, processes, and measures that will be taken in case of an attack, including isolating the entire organization’s computing infrastructure to another whole new network in case the existing one is compromised.

Building User Trust

Mobile apps provide a huge advantage to users, including the possibility of making online payments and securing flights and trains online. However, user trust continues to be a top-ranking priority for most mobile app developers and businesses. In creating your app, remember that user trust matters as it determines the adoption and the retention of your users. To ensure user trust in your app, here are a few steps you can take.

  • Transparent privacy policies

    . Organizations must have clear and precise privacy policies that are easy to read and understand. Employees depend on easily understandable and accessible information, making transparency a key factor in designing your privacy policies.

  • User education

    . Research shows that most cyberattacks can be prevented only if people are educated and trained enough. For most organizations, cybersecurity training is gradually becoming a must-have, especially for organizations dealing with highly sensitive consumer information – education, healthcare, finance, defense, and manufacturing.

  • Secure communication

    . All communication must be secured both in transit and at rest. Secure communication prevents information leakage, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring user safety. Transparent communication about security measures can reassure users, providing them with an opportunity to protect their data against unauthorized access.

  • Responsive customer support

    . Did you know responsive customer support is crucial in protecting your apps? Well, when users find genuine concerns, they’re likely to contact you if your app is useful. However, this doesn’t always happen because apps lack a dedicated customer support team and rely on AI bots as response machines. Responsive customer support will give you an added advantage, especially in dealing with new and reported attacks.

These practices secure your app, providing you with maximum security and protection of your users’ data.




Challenges and Future Trends

Cybersecurity is a changing frontier due to the growing scope and sophistication of attacks. Cybercriminals are becoming clever every single day and more experienced with every single successful attack. One of the glaring challenges to mobile app data security is AI-driven attacks. While AI has provided immense opportunities and unlocked many doors of productivity and performance, there remains a lot to be desired in terms of data privacy. AI-driven attacks, unlike contemporary attacks that are orchestrated by humans, are more efficient, faster, and more dangerous. In addition, AI-driven attacks have serious implications for mobile app security because they expose consumer data, compromise the normal functioning of apps, and affect the overall productivity of their target victims.

It’s important to acknowledge that although emerging technologies continue to pose a significant threat to data security, there are still some new technologies that stand to protect individuals and businesses against threats. For instance, blockchain technology has huge potential in combating cybercrime and mobile app privacy violations.

Blockchain technology ensures transparency in transactions, secures transactions and informs everyone in the chain about a transaction. This way, it builds consensus on who and who has not conducted any transaction, thus protecting your information and sensitive data like transaction history. Blockchain technology represents a potent solution in mobile apps. This is so especially in protecting your information against unauthorized access and leakage.

NS804 – Building Secure Apps, Ensuring User Trust

At NS804, we believe that everything starts with security, from the mobile apps we build to the technologies we launch and install. NS804 provides custom mobile app solutions, safeguarding users against potential threats and data leakage. We use the latest technologies and secure coding languages to create apps that are hard to crack. Our app development methodology follows standard practices, ensuring we comply with data protection laws and regulations.

Contact NS804 today for secure mobile app solutions, Android and iOS alike.

B2B App Features Your Mobile App Needs

The high rate of internet connectivity combined with high rates of smartphone ownership have led to the adoption of mobile apps by businesses and consumers across different industries and sectors – retail, manufacturing, service, finance, and insurance.

B2B mobile apps have become indispensable in today’s fast-paced business environment for enterprises seeking to streamline business operations, improve performance and productivity. B2B apps cater to the evolving needs of enterprises, enabling efficient workflows, enhanced collaboration, and increased customer satisfaction.

However, the key to unlocking the full potential of a B2B app lies in its underlying features. A feature-rich application has immense capabilities to deliver value and streamline complicated processes or operations. From navigation, superior customer service, analytics, reporting, security, and seamless integrations, we look at different aspects that make a great B2B app.




1. User Interface and Navigation

User interface and navigation are critical features that influence an app’s performance and adoption. A well-designed user experience and user interface are important in ensuring successful navigation by users.

A streamlined and visually appealing interface contributes to the intuitive design and enhanced user experience. For instance, research shows that 32% of your users will stop engaging with your website if it has a poor design. A well-designed website with clear layouts engages the readers, enhancing readability and retention.

Another component that contributes to the intuitive design and user experience is intuitive controls. Intuitive controls yield easy navigation, allowing site visitors to navigate the site seamlessly. According to documented statistics, 88% of site visitors will depart from a website after a poor customer experience.

2. Security and Authentication

Today, more than ever, organizations should be more secure in collecting, processing, presenting, and reporting data, especially consumer data. Poor security controls may compromise sensitive information leading to devastating financial, political, and reputational consequences.

Of special significance for any B2B app is protecting the security of sensitive information and personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organizations to protect consumer data against unauthorized access. Enterprises violating consumer privacy regulations may face jail terms, fines, concessions, and possible termination.

So, your mobile app must accommodate the emerging needs of consumers without compromising their information or privacy. Most importantly, your B2B app must consolidate consumer information and integrate the appropriate safeguards against cyberattacks.

Some ways to create secure and authentic apps include:

Creating secure mobile apps requires the technical knowledge of attack vectors and the emerging sophistication of cyber-attacks. Use the following best practices to develop authentic and highly secure B2B mobile applications:

  • Secure login methods. Leverage two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to add a layer of security to your devices, accounts, or networks. A 2FA or MFA requires additional verification to access a secured account or system. For instance, you may need to input your password and a code sent to your phone to access an email with a two-factor authentication.
  • Strong encryption. Strong encryption algorithms such as SSL and TLS protect against unauthorized access to stored or in-transit data. So, whether you’re sharing fiscal information with your stakeholders or storing your customer information in a CRM database, strong encryption will protect your sensitive information, whether transmitted over large networks or at rest.
  • Role-based access control. Role-based access control provides access privileges based on roles and responsibilities. For instance, if you’re the head of finance, you’ll access devices, systems, and networks with financial information and not any other network. Your roles will define your access privileges and permissions.

A secure app ensures trust and confidentiality, driving brand loyalty and customer retention.

3. Integration

A B2B app must seamlessly integrate with all the other applications used by a business. For instance, if you have enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, your mobile app must seamlessly integrate, exchange information, and communicate with the ERP suite.

The same case applies to your procurement automation software. Your mobile app must communicate with your procurement software to maximize efficiency and productivity. The ability to communicate and integrate seamlessly with other business apps ensures B2B mobile apps can optimize the existing infrastructure and workflows. Seamless integration with ERP, CRM, project management, and other industry-specific applications ensures maximum performance and productivity.

An important part of integration is integration with cloud services for easy accessibility and data backup. Cloud-based services, whether on-premise or outsourced, provide a safety net in case of hardware failures or storage issues, ensuring disaster recovery and business continuity during attack.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Perhaps one of the most overlooked features of a B2B mobile app is communication and collaboration. Mobile apps must ensure effective communication, information exchange, and collaboration.

Business owners use mobile apps to understand consumer purchase habits, client preferences, and customers’ shared values. On the other hand, customers use mobile apps to identify unique value proportions, pricing structure and evaluate competitive advantages. Customers use the app to assess and evaluate their purchase decisions.

The key components of collaboration and communication in mobile apps:

  • Document storage and sharing. The B2B app should ensure that users can securely download, store, and share files and other resources within the app’s ecosystem.
  • Version control. Version control tracks documents, allowing different team members to work on a single document while tracking changes. It allows different users to collaborate on a single document while maintaining a clear audit trail.
  • Task management. Workflow automation helps with task management because tasks can be scheduled to occur in given scenarios. The automation of repetitive tasks improves efficiency and reduces manual efforts. The B2B app should be able to automate task assignments, approval workflows, and notifications, thus minimizing delays and ensuring seamless progress.

A B2B app becomes a central hub for efficient communication and profitable collaboration by providing robust communication and collaboration features.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting capabilities help businesses obtain invaluable insights and information like customer feedback, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. Analytics provide the business with a clear picture of the market and industry.

Analytics and reporting capabilities provide customer purchase trends, changing perception, product positioning, and brand positioning, allowing organizations to make actionable decisions. Analytics save organizations resources by allowing them to predict problems and their solutions.

The main components of analytics and reporting include:

  • Data visualization. The B2B app must have data visualization boards to present information in a visually-appealing manner. The B2B app must provide data visualization components such as graphs and charts that present complex information simply and clearly.
  • Customizable dashboards. The B2B mobile app must provide customizable dashboards for real-time insights. Customization helps users to personalize their data views and helps them to monitor important metrics in real time.
  • Generation of reports. The B2B app must be able to generate reports of key performance and industry metrics. The app must crunch the data and provide detailed reports that highlight the key trends for decision-making.
  • Data exports. The B2B must allow users to export data in Excel, Word, CSV, and other formats to do an in-depth analysis with other tools or share with other stakeholders. Data exports enhance the accessibility and sharing of data, improving its usability and application.

B2B apps must analyze trends and communicate emerging trajectories with accuracy. This way, organizations can adjust their systems, resources, and networks to respond to evolving market and industry changes.

6. Predictive Maintenance

Beyond data visualization lies data mining for advanced analysis. Your B2B app can have advanced analytic techniques to read and analyze AI, ML, and natural language processing (NLP) with ease. The app can be designed with predictive analytics capabilities to identify trends and propose the best actions. In addition, data analytics can provide intelligent recommendations based on historical data and user behavior.

7. Customer Support

The evolving nature of customer service demands organizations to be more proactive in resolving issues. Today, B2B mobile apps bridge the gap between efficient communication and poor feedback, allowing organizations to be more agile in their outreach and customer communications.

Any successful B2B mobile app must provide efficient communication and gather feedback. By integrating robust customer support features, B2B mobile apps can detect issues, address issues, and ensure continuous improvement.

These are the main components of superior customer service in B2B apps.

  • Ticket creation and tracking. Every B2B app must create, initiate, schedule, and track tickets seamlessly. The app must offer a helpdesk or ticketing system that allows users to create support tickets for any issues they face.
  • Customer feedback collection. Customer feedback collection and analysis is indispensable in any superior customer service. Organizations that provide excellent customer service understand their customers’ sentiments better. The B2B app must offer a mechanism for users to report issues and express disgruntlement.
  • Ratings and reviews. In addition, allowing users to rate and review app features allows B2B apps to understand their performance. Ratings help with continuous improvement because organizations prioritize improvements based on customer feedback.

Customer support is an indispensable part of customer attraction and retention; apps with superior customer support features enjoy better visibility and usability than those without.

8. Offline Data Security and Backup

Offline data security and backup are emerging trends in mobile app development. Today, apps with cloud-based accessibility are in more demand as organizations and employers seek to encourage more remote workforces. The emergence of cloud computing as a model for remote data storage, transmission, and processing, allows mobile apps to secure user data, regardless of location or size.

It’s important to note that specific components facilitate offline data security and backup.

  • Encryption of offline data. Offline data security involves encrypting offline data to ensure it cannot be read or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  • Data back-up. Data backup ensures business continuity by providing critical operational data during a breach or incident attack. B2B apps use automated data back-up to ensure seamless collection of information.
  • Secure cloud storage. The B2B app provides secure cloud storage for offline data backups, protecting offline data against unauthorized access.

Data security is a critical component of any business, ensuring that organizations adhere to the principles of data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and accountability.




9. Scalability and Performance Optimization

Scalability is an important factor for any B2B mobile app. The ability to scale up and down depending on changes in operational demands is a critical component of B2B applications. Your mobile app must handle excessive traffic. It must be able to process a growing list of requests and provide efficient feedback and resolution.

To do this, it must be designed with scalability in mind. Expert developers use cloud offline storage capabilities to improve the scalability of their applications in case of excessive traffic or loads.

Here’s what you need to create a scalable mobile app architecture.

  • Your app must handle increasing user loads and data volumes.
  • Scalable architecture that supports a high user reoccurrence.
  • Efficient database optimization for faster response time.
  • Caching mechanism to reduce server load.

Scalable B2B apps can accommodate changes in user requests, ensuring efficient load and data processing and faster response times.

10. Multi-language and Localization

Multi-language and localization support refers to your app’s ability to provide more than one language for your users. For instance, if you’re in the United States, you may be tempted to create an app for English speakers. However, when venturing into foreign markets, you may be forced to include multi-language capabilities and location support in your app.

Multi-language and location support provide numerous benefits. First, it’s easy to switch between different languages in the app. The location of labels and texts suits audiences in different regions. Localization must take care of dates, time zones, and regional differences. Localization ensures that you communicate with clients regardless of their geographical differences.

NS804 – Building Robust and Scalable Mobile Apps

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, a B2B mobile app empowers you to do more with less. Your mobile app can be optimized to communicate with customers, collect analytics, and report sensitive activities. In addition, the B2B app can be optimized to provide automated reporting of issues through predictive maintenance.

And if you have offices inside or across the country, you can always rely on your app to provide accurate and timely reporting, whether dealing with employee performance or experiencing order delays. Your B2B app must incorporate powerful features that allow you to solve emerging problems. For instance, your app must completely secure user information and sensitive data.

Partnering with a B2B mobile app specialist enables you to optimize their market knowledge of different products and industry expertise of the best practices. NS804 works with experts and professional programmers with a vast understanding of new trends. And with our minimum viable product MVP option, you can seek a replica version before you develop the end product.

Contact NS804 if you’re searching for a B2B mobile app specialist.

Fintech App Development: 9 Must-Have Features

Fintech app development has become increasingly popular over the past decade. After all, many startups and development teams are working on innovative fintech apps, especially in the mobile space. It’s a rapidly growing global industry estimated at a whopping $110 billion in 2020 and will likely hit $700 billion by 2030.

But why the interest in fintech worldwide? There’s not a single reason for the meteoric rise of fintech, but several developments have helped to transform this industry. The proliferation of e-commerce entities with the mass adoption of smartphones has led to the widespread use of secure payment processors. These payment platforms and other solution providers have forged ahead with various cashless digital payments and mobile wallets. 

Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, data analytics, and favorable government regulations have helped grease the wheels of the fintech industry. And the traditional banking sector isn’t sitting on the sidelines either, with many notable financial institutions investing heavily in mobile banking apps.

The banking sector must also replace and upgrade aging systems designed for an era when customers had to visit bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) to complete most financial transactions. Also, many banks are reducing their physical footprint and offering more financial services directly on their banking apps. These apps have become so compelling because they provide an A-to-Z approach for customers to manage their finances.

And that’s why fintech app development is so crucial. It empowers users when they have access to essential features. Now, let’s delve deeper into what must-have features today’s fintech apps should include!  


What Should You Know About Fintech App Development?

Fintech app development is a multi-disciplinary process that often requires expertise in several key areas: 

  • Mobile app development
  • Back-end development
  • Software engineering
  • User experience (UX) design
  • User interface (UI) design
  • Application and network security
  • Cloud computing
  • Financial software systems
  • Payment processing APIs
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Blockchain

Since fintech apps handle large amounts of financial transactions and sensitive user data, security must come first. Therefore, every competent fintech app development studio must have one or more security experts available on the team. These security experts must deal with all present and future vulnerabilities that may occur within the app, the network layer, the back-end server, and the payment processing APIs. 

As for the latter, it’s unlikely that the studio’s security experts can seal off all security holes in third-party APIs. But they should keep tabs on all known and new vulnerabilities and ensure they provide enough security features and defenses within the app to counter these. However, when dealing with open-source APIs with permissive licenses, they can rewrite parts of the compromised APIs or contribute additional code that will harden security.

What Is A Fintech Application?

As a broad description, a fintech app may include any application that simplifies and automates financial services. The majority of fintech apps are almost always the products of the fintech industry, which is in itself a broad term. In the fintech industry, it’s not uncommon for app developers, venture capitalists, and financial institutions to collaborate closely on products, such as banking apps, digital wallets, and money lending apps.

Several technologies that make up a fintech app may include AI, IoT, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and data analytics. In some countries, cryptocurrencies remain in a grey zone legally. Thus, fintech app development studios must comply with regulations in these countries and apply certain restrictions on cryptocurrency transactions. But most mainstream users will use fintech apps to manage their finances instead of trading and investing in cryptocurrencies.

Generally, fintech apps fit into the following four segments: Business-to-Business (B2B) within the banking industry, B2B bank clients, Business-to-Consumer (B2C) within the small business sector, and wholly consumer based. If you want to develop a fintech mobile app, you’ll need to focus on one of these segments before forging ahead. And that’s because trying to create an app that serves multiple business models seldom works when starting out.

Consider how PayPal began as a digital wallet for electronic payments back in 1999. And soon after this startup launched its initial public offering (IPO), it was rapidly snapped up by eBay — subsequently becoming the preferred payment option for users on the famous auction site. Over the past two decades, PayPal has grown by adapting to the needs of its users. Today, the company effectively runs a two-sided business model in handling financial transactions for merchants and consumers. 




What Are The Most Popular Types Of Fintech Apps? 

One of the neat things about fintech app development is that appreneurs and developers can flex their creative muscles. That’s because there are already many types of fintech applications in the marketplace, and the list of categories will only grow in the foreseeable future. But if you’re new to fintech and wondering what type of app you should develop, then consider the following: 

  • Mobile banking app: You’re probably already using one or more banking apps right now. And you’re likely benefiting from the ease and convenience of handling many financial transactions through these. A side benefit of mobile banking apps is that they provide an indispensable service to formerly unbanked individuals, particularly in developing countries.
  • Investment app: People that don’t have access to large sums of money or a broker will use investment apps to generate some wealth. Several of the best investment apps provide tutorials and simulated stock markets to train new users.
  • Insurance app: Most people will experience at least one major mishap during their lifetimes. It may involve a car accident, a health issue, or lost luggage during travel. But even if insured, these are all stressful scenarios that cause people to hastily look for their insurance policies, wondering if they’re fully covered. Fortunately, today’s mobile insurance apps make it easy for customers to review their policies, make claims, and receive quotes.
  • Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending app: Financial institutions may not always provide loans at favorable interest rates or to individuals with a bad credit score. That’s where loan apps conveniently fill a gap in the market by bringing P2P lending to the masses. But to mitigate risk, these P2P platforms seldom loan out large amounts like the big financial institutions.  

Is Developing A Fintech Application Easy? 

No, fintech app development ranks as one of the more challenging categories in software engineering. Don’t be fooled by the plethora of fintech apps in the marketplace and the many freelance developers making bold claims about quick turnarounds on fintech projects. While the abundance of projects in this domain may make it seem easy, much can go awry by overlooking certain scenarios. 

The hard reality is that not all fintech products offer robust security or comply with mandatory financial regulations. Furthermore, freelancers don’t have the best reputation for tightening up app security or closely following the rules and guidelines set by regulatory bodies worldwide.

Since fintech apps deal with money, no developer should play fast and loose, especially with the law. Any security breaches that result in monetary losses may lead to jail time for the responsible parties, including the publisher or developer, for not following the necessary protocols. So, never place your trust in a freelance developer or a studio that doesn’t have a track record for quality apps and following best practices. Instead, partner with a multi-award-winning and reputable mobile app developer like NS804, which has already released over 100 applications.

Which Steps Must Every Fintech App Development Studio Follow?

We’ve already stressed how important it’s to closely follow best practices, government regulations, and security protocols. But what does that actually mean when developing a fintech application? Before adding innovative new features to your app, you should first ensure that your app adheres to several fundamentals. Be sure to include the following steps in your development process:

  • Legal requirements: Even during your early planning stage, you must know what shape your legal compliance framework will take. Moreover, you must comply with various privacy laws for different territories, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the European Union (EU) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consult a trusted legal advisor during every phase of your fintech app development process to ensure compliance with all regulations, regardless of how obscure or complex these may seem.
  • App security: Security will play a central role every step of the way during your fintech app development process. Toughen security with mandatory biometrics, one-time password (OTP), and two-factor authentication features. Ensure that your team rolls out updates immediately to patch up any security vulnerabilities that may occur.
  • API administration: Your fintech app must communicate with other apps and portals for smooth functionality. Thus, you’ll use APIs to connect these disparate applications. But you must ensure these APIs comply with the most stringent security protocols since this will impact your app’s risk factor.
  • User support functionality: Sooner or later, users will experience issues with your app. Create an intuitive user journey to smoothen the onboarding process. Include built-in training tutorials to help users learn how to use your app and an AI-powered chatbot to respond quickly to their questions.

Before Implementing The Latest Must-Have Features

Fintech apps have evolved considerably over the past decade. Even the most rudimentary applications come with impressive features meant to engage users. While that may seem like a smart move, it’s never a good idea to flood a fintech app with unnecessary features. Instead, it’s better to offer basic functionality that does actually meet users’ needs. You can always add additional features when you roll out updates and when you scale. 

Before commencing on expensive and risky projects, we always advise our clients to build a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is ideal for fintech app development because the focus is strictly on basic functionality. Moreover, it’s the perfect vehicle to test an app idea by bringing it to the market cheaply and quickly. 

If users resonate with the MVP, that’s a good sign that it has the potential to become successful as a full-fledged app. And by monitoring and analyzing user data and feedback, it becomes easier to pinpoint the additional features users want. Below, we’ll discuss in detail the various must-have features you should consider for your upcoming fintech project.




1. Gamification

Until now, gamification was more of a nice-to-have feature instead of a must-have feature. But user expectations have changed due to the interactive experiences they’ve had with gaming. There’s hardly a user that doesn’t become incentivized by leveling up their character, achieving a high score on the leaderboard, or unlocking an additional skill on the skill tree. 

Gamification includes all these game-like activities and many more. And these have found their way into all kinds of apps, from productivity to fintech apps. But the real draw of gamification is that it helps to increase engagement by offering users a more fun and rewarding experience. For example, an investment app could award cool-looking badges when users meet specific investment milestones. 

2. Push notifications

Push notifications are not new and are standard in just about every category of mobile app. But it’s not only a matter of having push notifications but how you’ll use them to engage users. The core principles of fintech app development require that you provide users with security and keep them informed of any app changes at all times. 

Consider how users will want their banking apps to remind them of outgoing and incoming payments. And remind them about upcoming bills and alert them of any unusual logins or activity on their accounts. Push notifications are the quickest, easiest, and most reliable way to alert users. Emails and SMS messages sometimes go undelivered, and users may not always check these timeously or regularly. This may put them in a situation where they can’t respond to a potential security risk in time.

3. User Profiles

It’s crucial to let users customize your fintech app to make it more personal and accessible. Users love using apps that feel comfortable and will continue using those that seem designed specifically for them. 

You can do this with user profiles, which will contain each user’s individual preferences. Of course, you may also provide presets so that users can get up and running with a predefined UI, font style, and theme that they’ll find appealing. But customization doesn’t only need to affect the appearance of the app but also how it functions. Users may set their budget and spending preferences and save these in their user profiles. 

4. Blockchain

While not every fintech app benefits from a blockchain implementation, it’s worth considering if your app meets certain criteria. If your app must handle cryptocurrency transactions, you’ll inevitably use a blockchain. But it’s also necessary if your users demand a transparent and secure system to record all transactions without a central entity, such as a large financial institution.  

Where blockchain technology truly comes into its own is with any P2P network. So, if you’re creating a P2P lending application, your users will want to have the surety that there’s a record of all transactions on a distributed database. This way, lenders and borrowers will trust all transactions on your P2P lending app. And if there’s ever any discrepancy, the database will always reveal what happened with any funds after a transaction query.

5. Smart contracts

If you move ahead with a blockchain implementation, you should also consider smart contracts. The best way to think of smart contracts is that of smaller programs that run on the blockchain and automate tasks based on an agreement. And in their more advanced form, they may work with a central securities depository (CSD) to handle fungible assets like stocks, options, and bonds. Also, note that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) operate as smart contracts or under such a paradigm. 

Therefore, if you’re developing a platform to trade NFTs, smart contracts will become central to your fintech app development process. You’ll also need to integrate various digital wallets, crypto exchanges, and NFT marketplaces with your app.

6. Chatbots

We’ve already discussed why you should implement user support functionality in your fintech app. And we even mentioned the need for an AI-powered chatbot that will respond to user queries. Obviously, these kinds of chatbots are not new and are not only meant for fintech apps. But they’re essential to fulfill customer support roles, especially if you don’t have the budget and staff to provide support 24/7. 

Users will want to know how to set up and manage their accounts, get answers to technical issues, and learn more about new and specific features. And while they can find out this information by perusing your app’s docs or support forums, it’s better not to inconvenience them. Ideally, you want to keep users glued to your app and not look elsewhere, even your website, for information. 

An AI-powered chatbot can answer most user questions in seconds and in their native language. Users will feel more confident using your app, even its more advanced features, knowing that help is only a screen tap away.

7. Big Data Analytics

Financial applications live or die based on how well they handle large amounts of data. For example, the more data a banking app has about a customer’s spending habits, assets, and credit rating, the better it can assess risk for a requested loan. When an app feeds from the bank’s Big Data pipeline combined with analytics, it will know if the customer is trustworthy and may also detect potential fraud or malicious intent.  

Once everything is clear, the app can push through the loan request to the loan approval agent and notify the customer. And once the agent approves the loan, the customer will receive the fund in their account. This quick and frictionless way of applying for a loan without needing to call or visit a bank branch is only possible due to Big Data analytics. 

8. Machine Learning

It’s hard to think of fintech app development without becoming proficient at implementing machine learning. And that’s because there’s hardly a fintech application that doesn’t have a ML component in one form or another. Moreover, there are many ways that ML algorithms can aid various functions, even within a single fintech app. 

These algorithms can enhance an app’s fraud detection capabilities, predict market risks, and implement trading strategies. Bots powered by ML algorithms can also advise users on trades, upcoming investment trends, and market opportunities. However, it’s important to note that the quality and accuracy of the data these algorithms use will determine overall efficacy.

9. Multiple Digital Payment Options

No fintech app can function correctly without having at least one digital payment option. But users expect multiple digital payment options, so design your app for such a scenario. While it’s perfectly okay for your MVP or initial versions of your app to have one payment option, you’ll need to diversify payment options as your app matures. 

But what payment options should your fintech app have initially? Offer wire transfer, debit, and credit card payments from the get-go. Then, closely follow with PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Stripe, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Play, and Samsung Pay. 

However, some digital payment processors prohibit risky speculative trading and investment products from accessing their services. Ensure that your fintech app complies with the terms of service (ToS) of any payment processor you plan on integrating. You may also add cryptocurrency payment options if your app’s meant for the crypto market.

In Conclusion

Fintech app development has come a long way yet still offers many opportunities for forward-looking appreneurs, developers, and financial institutions. Users have become accustomed to handling all their finances on their mobile devices. They seldom visit a physical location or call an agent to do their banking, submit an insurance claim, or invest in stocks. Furthermore, fintech apps make most transactions easy, convenient, and quick. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you build your next fintech app for a growing and promising market! 

IOS Development Denver

IOS app development is a complicated and sophisticated exercise. However, an IOS app provides many enterprise benefits that a typical Android app cannot. Indeed, published statistics show that 80% of all households in the United States have an Apple device. That means IOS apps have a better chance of adoption than Android apps and are thus well-positioned for adoption by enterprises and organizations.

IOS Development Denver

So, if you’re looking for IOS development solutions in Denver, here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

1. Higher app revenues

IOS apps have a better return on investment than Android apps. That’s because IOS apps have to meet stringent design criteria and fulfill a larger market need than Android apps. However, it’s important to note that to optimize app revenue generation opportunities in IOS, you must keep an eye on the tips, mistakes and tricks of designing IOS apps.


2. Security of enterprise data

Intruding and compromising on enterprise data is common in Android apps. However, IOS provides stringent technical standards for app design and implementation. When comparing IOS vs. Android on the basis of app security, IOS provides a far better security infrastructure than Android apps.

IOS apps protect enterprise data using numerous security procedures:

  • Measures to prevent data duplication
  • Integrated data handling methods
  • Preventing data encryption

In addition, iPhone users are cushioned against ransomware and malware because users can only download and install verified apps that pass stringent security requirements.

3. Quality standards

IOS app development remains incomplete until it passes the high-quality standards in Apple’s Play Store. You’re assured of superior performance and a flawless browsing experience when downloading IOS apps.

The trust and goodwill bestowed into Apple’s legacy assure customers of a superior browsing experience and quality performance. On the other hand, Android app users dig into public libraries and often follow a non-standardized development approach.

So, when comparing Android and IOS, the latter has indisputably higher levels of quality and performance.

4. Versatility

Businesses of all sizes and scales recognize the significance of a mobile app for business. From manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and hospitality, enterprises require an app that can respond to different customer needs.

Customers further expect responsiveness and mobility in every app they interact with. Responsiveness and mobility are something that is attached to every IOS app. IOS users have superior usability and performance courtesy of the high-operating standards embedded in IOS apps.

IPhone apps, whether off-the-shelf or custom-built, will suit different business needs. So, whether you’re looking for a messaging app, a shopping app, or a marketing app, IOS apps are well-suited to cover these diverse business needs.

Although iPhones are more expensive than Android devices, iPhone apps are more lucrative because of their well-paying customers and their wider market reach.


5. Tech-readiness

Apple is well-known for its innovation and constant growth. The brand is open-minded to innovation, making IOS apps well-positioned for tech-ready consumers. In addition, iPhone devices are perhaps the edgiest in user experience, making them adaptable for tech-savvy consumers.

NS804 – Improving Your IOS App Development Experience

IPhones have a rich history and a superior user experience, thanks to Apple’s constant innovation and adaptability. In addition, IOS apps are lucrative because they target a higher-spending demographic of consumers.

So, if you want to develop a scalable and superior app for your Denver business, do not worry. Denver’s diversified economy is one of the advantages of living there. The leading sectors in Denver include healthcare and fitness, aerospace, financial services, and energy. IOS development Denver allows you to enjoy superior app development solutions for your Denver business.

Regardless of the sector – healthcare, aerospace, telecommunication, and energy – having a mobile app for your Denver enterprise will provide numerous benefits.

You can contact NS804 for superior mobile app development solutions in Denver.