Strategies for Effective Mobile App Marketing in a Crowded/Saturated Market

In mobile app marketing, a saturated market refers to an environment that offers more or less similar apps with the same features and capabilities, and all apps target overlapping demographics of users. This unhealthy competition creates rivalry, making it hard for new entrants to gain traction.

In such a competitive market space having the right and the most effective marketing strategy can make a difference and help you stand out. Without the right strategy to target and attract potential consumers and users, even the most robust and the highest quality app can fail to succeed.

The right and the most effective marketing strategy can not only improve the app’s visibility but can also help the app influence user perception, lead to customer acquisition, and promote the overall success of the app.

Strategies for Effective Mobile App Marketing in a Saturated Market

1. Conduct Market Research to Identify Your Target Audience and Their Needs

Market research is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy for an app, especially in a saturated market. It involves gathering information about your target market and clients, their needs, preferences, locations, and perceptions. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your app’s messaging, features, and marketing efforts resonating with your audience.

Demographic Analysis

Start by identifying the demographic traits of your target audience like their age, location, gender, education levels, and income. This information helps create user personas that represent different segments of your audience.

Psychographic Analysis

Psychographic analysis primarily deals with analyzing your clients’ and potential users’ interests, values, lifestyles, and buying behavior. Knowing you’re the psychology of your users helps you craft messages and communications that resonate with their aspirations and motivations.

Needs Assessment

Identify the specific needs, pain points, and challenges your audience faces and explore how your app can overcome those challenges. Conduct focused groups, interviews, and surveys and gather information from potential users.

Analyze your Competitors to Identify their Strengths and Weaknesses

Competitor analysis is vital for understanding the market and identifying opportunities for expansion and differentiation.

  • Identify competitors. Identify direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are players with similar offerings as yours, while indirect competitors refer to players whose products and offerings can easily replace yours.
  • SWOT analysis. Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market. Strengths may include a strong brand and unique product features and weaknesses may entail limited market presence and poor user experience. Opportunities may capture emerging trends and market gaps, and threats may entail changing regulations and new entrants.
  • Differentiation Strategy. Look for areas where your app can provide added value. You can focus on strengths that your competitors lack and identify weaknesses that you can improve.

Use Data Analytics Tools

Use data analytics news to gather information about your user behavior, measuring the effectiveness of the marketing campaign and measuring its effectiveness. Leveraging data analytics tools to collect client and consumer information may help you tailor effective marketing campaigns and optimize the app’s performance.

  • User behavior analysis. Use tools like Firebase Analytics, Google Analytics, and in-app performance to track navigation paths, user interactions, and engagement levels. Analyze this data to identify trends and areas of improvement.
  • Conversion funnel analysis. Analyze the conversion funnel from app discovery to conversion to optimize conversion rates and identify bottlenecks at every stage.
  • A/B testing. Conduct A/B tests to experiment with different app features, messaging, and marketing strategies. Measure the impact of these variations on user behavior and iterate based on data-driven insights.

Using data analytics tools helps you collect insightful information, helping you build knowledge and insight about your marketing efforts.

2. Develop a Unique Value Proposition

Define what makes your app stand out from the competition. This could be its innovative approach, features, niche market, or a combination of all these. The goal here is to define what makes your app special and unique and why should consumers choose your app over others.

One of the most unique value proportions is unique features. For your app to stand out in a competitive marketplace or saturated market, it must exhibit unique features and functionalities. This means your app must be different and must provide distinct benefits and capabilities that are specifically unique to the app and not to other apps in the same market.

Innovative technology is another distinguishing feature for developing a unique value proportion. Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are innovative because they represent innovative technologies in their respective industries and fields. Similarly, to stand out in a competitive marketplace, your app must provide an innovative technology that’s unique in its way.

Your app must provide an exceptional user experience for it to stand out in a competitive market. The apps must focus on delivering an intuitive, smooth, and speedier interface that responds at the slightest touch. Emphasize how your app saves time, simplifies tasks, and enhances productivity for its users.

Another aspect of creating a unique value proposition is creating a specialized niche focus. If your app caters to a specific industry, market, and user segment, you must emphasize and highlight the specific value it provides to that target market. Highlight how your app addresses their challenges, unique needs, and interests better than other apps.

Crafting a Compelling UVP

There are various strategies you can use to craft a compelling unique selling proposition:

  • The unique selling point must be clear and easy to understand.
  • The USP must communicate the relevance and ease of use of the new app.
  • The USP must contain an emotional appeal.
  • The app must communicate its benefits and value to the end users.

It is important to note that your unique selling proposition is an opportunity to sell your product to your target audience by communicating the features, benefits, and overall value of your app.

3. Optimize Your App Store Presence

To make your app stand out in a crowded or saturated market, it’s important to optimize your app store presence. If your app is designed to run on IOS, it is important to take advantage of app store optimization. Some apps are cross-platform, meaning they’re designed to run on both Android and IOS. Regardless of the IOS, it’s important to leverage your app store to reap maximum benefits.

Use appropriate keywords

It’s advisable to use appropriate keywords in your app’s title, description, and meta-description. Using the right combination of keywords strategically in your app’s metadata will help to improve its visibility in the app store and hence improve adoption and retention.

Some of the strategies you can use to ensure appropriate use of keywords include:

  • Keyword research
  • Natural selection and incorporation of keywords
  • Optimizing app title and description
  • Metadata optimization

Keywords improve searchability and visibility, ensuring you’re at the top of the search engine and easily visible to a large target audience.

Design Eye-Catching Icons, Screenshots, and Videos

Visual elements play a crucial role in capturing users and encouraging them to explore your app even further. Invest in creating visually appealing assets that showcase your app’s unique features and capabilities.

  • App icon. Design a visually appealing and striking app icon that stands out on home screens and the app store. Ensure the icon reflects your brand identity and communicates the essence of your app.
  • Screenshots and videos. Create high-quality promotional videos and screenshots that highlight the benefits, functionalities, and user experiences of your target audience. Use clear captions, engaging visuals, and annotations to demonstrate the app’s value and encourage downloads.
  • Preview videos. Pay attention to the preview video feature in the Play Store or App Store. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your app’s unique features, user interactions, and app functionality clearly and compellingly.

Encourage positive reviews and ratings

Encourage positive reviews and ratings to encourage downloads. Positive reviews not only influence user perception but also contribute to higher app store rankings and visibility. Implement strategies designed to encourage users to leave feedback and give ratings on the app’s user interaction and speed.

Some of the strategies that you can use to encourage positive reviews and ratings include:

  • Prompt user feedback.
  • Ethically incentivize any reviews.
  • Address any negative feedback.
  • Maintain app quality and functionality.

By encouraging feedback and ratings, you can engage with potential users better and shift their perceptions.

4. Leverage Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media provides an excellent platform for connecting and reaching out to your target audience. Social media allows you to build meaningful connections, obtain feedback, and provide continuous improvement to your mobile app. In a highly saturated market, here’s how to use social media to build an app that stands out.

Platform selection

It’s advisable to select platforms most frequented by your target audience. Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn, or X are all potential social media channels you can leverage to build meaningful connections with your target audience.

Profile optimization

Optimize your profile with the appropriate colors, logos, and messaging to ensure it communicates your values. Provide clear information about your app, its functionality, and benefits.

Content strategy

Create content that resonates with your audience. It’s advisable to use catchy phrases, captivating colors, and designs to attract user attention and influence adoption. Create a mixture of content types, including videos, audio, polls, stories, images, and quizzes.

Develop engaging content

Engaging content plays an instrumental role in attracting and retaining your social media followers while promoting the app effectively. It’s advisable to consider the following formats of content.

  •  Videos. Create captivating videos that showcase your app’s story, features, and benefits. Include animation, visual storytelling, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes footage to amplify your app.
  • Blog posts. Develop informative blog posts that explore topics relevant to your niche. Include industry guides, how-to guides, case studies, and industry trends content. In addition, it’s advisable to blog posts for search engines to attract organic traffic.
  • Infographics. Design visually appealing infographics that communicate tips, key information, statistics, and comparisons related to your niche. Infographics are highly valuable and can attract attention on social media platforms.
  • User-generated content. User-generated content UGC encourages users to create and share content related to your app such as testimonials, user reviews, success stories, and feedback. User-generated content adds credibility and authenticity to your marketing.

Use targeted ads

Use targeted ads on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Targeted advertising allows you to reach your audience based on their interests, behavior, likes, demographics, and online activities. Here’s how to leverage targeted ads effectively.

Audience segmentation

Segment your audience based on gender, age, demographics, location, interests, app usage, and app preferences. This will help you create targeted ads that target users based on these specific user preferences.

Ad formats

Leverage various ad formats offered by different platforms such as Facebook (lead ads, video ads, and carousel ads), Google ads (app install ads, display ads, search ads), and Instagram ads (video ads, carousel ads, and story ads).

Ad creative

Develop compelling ad creatives with attractive and attention-grabbing visuals, clear and concise copy, and thought-provoking calls to action. Test these ads on different platforms to optimize performance and improve conversion rates.

Budgeting and optimization

Set realistic marketing budgets based on your marketing goals and monitor ad performance through metrics such as click-through-rate CTR, cost per acquisition, and retention rates. In addition, leverage ad campaigns regularly to maximize reach and returns on investment.

5. Leverage Collaborations and Partnerships

Identifying and establishing collaborations and partnerships with the right organizations and individuals can significantly boost your app’s credibility and visibility. Here’s how to identify potential partners and collaborators.

  • Alignment with your target audience. Identify influencers, brands, and organizations who share the same target audience as yours. Consider factors such as user behavior, demographics, interests, app preferences, and gender.
  • Complementary services. Look for apps that offer complimentary services or products like yours. Collaborating with partners whose offerings complement yours can provide mutual benefits to both parties.
  • Influencer identification. Research and identify influencers in your niche who have a significant following and engagement with your target audience. Look for influencers who align with your brand value and who can authentically promote and grow your brand.

It’s important to note that partnerships and collaborations play an instrumental role in ensuring your app stands out in a highly competitive marketplace.

NS804 – Building Apps That Stand Out

NS804 is a trusted provider of custom mobile app solutions. The company focuses on both iOS and Android apps, providing excellent mobile app solutions for businesses of different sizes and industries. We believe that marketing is crucial for the success of any app.

We believe that businesses must invest exhaustively in developing effective marketing campaigns that educate and inform people about its features and benefits. As part of this realization, we help businesses align their app development efforts with the needs of the market, ensuring that our apps answer the needs and interests of the target audience.

Contact NS804 today for superior and custom mobile app solutions.



6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

The mobile app industry has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming an integral part of the lives of billions of people worldwide. With the proliferation of the internet and the interconnectivity of digital devices, the mobile app marketplace is becoming a ubiquitous part of our everyday life. The growth of the mobile app industry has also been propelled by high-speed internet, smartphone penetration, and changing consumer preferences. All these factors continue to define and influence how users interact and engage with mobile apps.

In the vast space of mobile apps, understanding the different categories of mobile apps and their uses is critical, especially for IOS users. Apple’s IOS ecosystem encompasses a wide range of apps, from gaming apps to productivity applications that define how we work. Most importantly, exploring this vast array of mobile app options can be overwhelming, making it necessary for mobile app users to discern which app categories align with their requirements and preferences. By gaining knowledge of emerging app categories, users can know the trending app categories and make informed decisions regarding app usage.

6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

Now, here are 6 most popular mobile app categories for IOS 2024:

1. Gaming Apps

One popular mobile app category is gaming. Gaming stands as an undisputed king in the mobile app marketplace, commanding a substantial share of revenues, innovation, and user engagement. The allure of immersive gaming experiences combined with the portability and accessibility of smartphones has propelled mobile apps to the forefront of mobile app consumption. Most importantly, with millions of titles spanning various styles and genres, the gaming category continues to dominate in-app purchases and app categories. Thus, this helps drive substantial revenues for platform owners and developers alike.

Trends Shaping the Gaming Landscape on iOS

The IOS gaming landscape is continuously changing driven by trends that reflect changing consumer preferences, technological advancement, and industry dynamics. One popular trend is the rise of hyper-casual games characterized by short-play sessions, simple mechanics, and a broad appeal. These lightweight games have garnered widespread attention and popularity. In short, they attract casual gamers and fuel rapid growth in ad-supported revenue models.

In addition, the convergence of gaming with augmented reality and virtual reality has unlocked new dimensions of interactivity and immersion on IOS devices. AR-enabled games leverage the device’s camera and sensors to overlay digital elements into the real world while VR games transport players into a virtual world, blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Again, these emerging technologies are redefining and reshaping gaming experiences. They’re offering and unlocking new opportunities for engagement and innovation.

Furthermore, the emergence of multiplayer and social gaming experiences underscores the importance of social interaction and community in modern gaming. From competitive battles to cooperative missions, multiplayer games enable players to collaborate, connect, and compete with strangers and friends alike. Thus, they help foster a sense of camaraderie and competition within the virtual space.

2. Social Networking Apps

Another popular mobile app category is social networking apps. Social networking apps have become an integral part of our lives, transforming how we communicate, interact, and share experiences. In addition, these apps transcend physical boundaries, allowing individuals to interact and engage freely and express themselves creatively. From networking with professionals to connecting with old friends, social networking apps have permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Thus, they help shape how we interact with others and how we perceive one another.

Notable Features of Social Networking Apps on IOS

Over the years social networking apps on IOS have undergone a massive transformation, incorporating new features and capabilities to enrich user experiences. These apps have evolved into multi-faceted hubs of social interaction and content consumption. From the integration of multimedia sharing such as photos and videos to the integration of real-time messaging and live-streaming.

In addition, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning have propelled mobile apps to deliver personalized experiences like user recommendations, targeted advertisements, and curated content that’s tailored to each user’s interests and preferences. In addition, these intelligence algorithms interpret user behavior, social connections, and user preferences. They help enhance content relevance and improve engagement thereby enriching the overall user experiences.

IOS updates and enhancements have played a fundamental role in shaping the evolution of social networking features. These enhacements provide developers with access to APIs, technologies, and frameworks to innovate and iterate on their platforms. Most importantly, Apple’s ecosystem offers a robust foundation for building immersive and engaging social media experiences. From native support to features like notifications and widgets to IOS integration with third parties.

3. Entertainment Apps

Another popular mobile app category is entertainment. Entertainment apps play a pivotal role in delivering a wide array of multimedia content to users. These content range from TV shows to streaming movies, reading books, and playing games. These platforms serve as digital hubs for entertainment, offering on-demand access to an expansive catalog of content across various formats and genres. By leveraging advanced media technology and a high-speed internet connection, entertainment apps transform smartphones and tablets into portable centers of entertainment. Thus, this enables users to enjoy their favorite movies, books, and games, anywhere and anytime. Whether it’s discovering new music, binge-watching a TV series, or immersing oneself in interactive storytelling, entertainment apps cater to a wide range of preferences and interests.

Popular Entertainment Apps Available on IOS in 2024

  • Netflix. Renowned for its vast library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries, Netflix remains a dominant force in the streaming industry. That’s because it offers a seamless viewing experience on IOS devices with features like offline downloads and personalized recommendations.
  • Spotify. With millions of podcasts, songs, and playlists at users’ fingertips, Spotify is a leading music streaming platform on IOS. It provides a curated audio experience tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
  • Kindle. Amazon’s Kindle app allows IOS users to access a vast selection of audiobooks, e-books, and digital magazines. In addition, it helps transform their devices into portable libraries for learning and reading on the go.
  • Twitch. As a premier destination for gaming content and streaming on the go, Twitch enables IOS users to interact and watch their favorite esports channels, games, and sports in real-time. As a result, this helps foster a vibrant community of enthusiasts and creators alike.
  • Apple Arcade. Apple’s subscription gaming services allow and offer a curated collection of premium games for IOS users, fostering a vibrant community of creators and enthusiasts alike.

These entertainment apps exemplify the diverse range of experiences and content available to IOS users, spanning multiple genres, platforms, and algorithms. Whether it’s streaming movies, listening to music, playing games, or reading books, entertainment apps on IOS offer something for everyone. Thus, these apps enrich the digital lifestyle and enhancing the leisure experience in the palm of your hand.

4. Productivity Apps

Another popular mobile app category are productivity apps. In recent years, there has been a shift in using mobile apps as productivity tools. Whether it’s collaborating on projects, managing schedules, or staying organized on the go, smartphones and tablets have become indispensable companies for modern-day students, professionals, and individuals alike. Hence, the increasing portability, versatility, and connectivity of mobile devices empower users to stay productive from virtually anywhere. Additionally, this capability blurs the lines between work and leisure.

Features of Productivity Apps Enhancing Efficiency on iOS

Productivity apps on IOS boast a myriad of features designed to enhance efficiency, optimize work management, and enhance overall efficiency. Most importantly, these features leverage the capabilities of IOS devices, including powerful hardware, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with other services and apps. As a result, this helps deliver a cohesive and productive user experience.

Some common features of productivity apps include:

  • Cloud synchronization. Many productivity apps offer seamless integration with cloud services such as iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. In addition, these apps allow users to access their data and files across multiple platforms and through different devices, ensuring continuity and collaboration.
  • Task management. From to-do lists and reminders to Kanban boards and project timelines, productivity apps provide robust tools for setting priorities, organizing tasks, and tracking progress. This empowers users to stay focused and on track.
  • Calendar integration. Integration with calendar apps allows users to manage events seamlessly, set deadlines, and schedule appointments. Again, this helps ensure efficient time management and avoid scheduling conflicting appointments.
  • Collaboration tools. Collaboration features like real-time editing, file-sharing, and commenting help facilitate communication and teamwork. Further, this enables remote collaboration and enhancing productivity in group projects.
  • Automation and shortcuts. Customizable shortcuts and automation features enable users to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and boost productivity. In short, all this is done by reducing manual effort and saving time.

Popular productivity apps in IOS include Google Workspace, Microsoft Office Suite, Trello, Notion, and Evernote. While Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that allows users to capture, organize, and synchronize notes; the Microsoft Office suite encompasses apps like PowerPoint, Excel, and OneDrive.

5. Health and Fitness

A popular mobile app category are health and fitness apps. In recent years, there has been a notable surge in interest and awareness in health and fitness among IOS users, reflecting a broader societal shift in prioritizing wellness. With increasing access to information, resources, and technologies, IOS users are becoming more proactive in managing their health and adopting healthier lifestyles. The growing awareness of health and fitness among IOS users is influenced by a wide range of factors. For instance, these factors include soaring healthcare costs, increased prevalence of chronic, life-threatening conditions, and a growing emphasis on preventative medicine.

Health Tracking Features in IOS Apps

The integration of health tracking features in IOS apps has transformed Apple and iPhone devices into powerful health and fitness companions. Thus, this provides users with comprehensive insights into their sleep patterns, activity levels, and overall well-being. Built-in features such as the Activity App and the Health App allow users to track various health metrics. These metrics include: calories burnt, steps taken, heart rate, and sleep quality. Again, the Apple Watch features like heart rate monitor, blood oxygen sensor, and, ECG sensor provide users with real-time data and alerts. These alerts show the status of cardiovascular conditions. They enable early detection of potential healthcare issues and early detection.

In addition, IOS developers have embraced Apple’s Healthkit Framework. This framework enables them to integrate health and fitness tracking features into their apps. This in turn helps users synchronize data between different apps and devices, allowing for a more holistic view of their health and wellness. Again, these integrated health-tracking features empower iOS users to take control of their health. Whether it’s monitoring nutrition, tracking workouts, or managing stress. They help users make informed decisions to improve the quality of their lives.

6. Education Apps

Another popular mobile app category are education apps. The educational landscape is undergoing a massive transformation, driven by a growing emphasis on digital technology and the increasing accessibility to mobile devices. With the proliferation of smartphone devices and tablets, there has been a notable shift towards mobile learning. For instance, students and learners of different ages are turning to educational apps for skills development, knowledge acquisition, and academic enrichment. This trend is influenced by various factors, including the convenience and flexibility of mobile and online learning. In addition, other facilitators include: the ability to access educational resources anywhere and anytime, and the diverse array of interactive and intuitive multimedia content.

Features of Educational Apps Catering to iOS Users

Educational apps that cater to IOS users offer intuitive features and functionalities designed to enhance learning effectiveness, accessibility, and engagement. Furthermore, these features leverage the advanced capabilities of IOS devices. For example, these advanced features include responsive touch interfaces, high-resolution displays, and augmented reality. They are designed to deliver immersive and intuitive learning experiences.

Some of the key features include:

  • Interactive lessons: Educational apps like Duolingo, Khan Academy, and Coursera offer interactive tutorials and lessons. These lessons cover a diverse range of disciplines and subjects, from mathematics and science to language learning and professional development. Moreover, this allows users to learn at their own pace and track their progress.
  • Personalized learning: Personalized recommendations in mobile apps and adaptive learning algorithms tailor the learning experiences to each user’s individual needs, learning styles, and preferences. Most importantly, this helps learners retain knowledge and ensure optimal engagement.
  • Multimedia content: Educational apps often incorporate multimedia content, including videos, photos, images, pictures, animations, simulations, interactive quizzes, and numbers. Additionally, this provides a rich and engaging learning experience to learners.
  • Collaboration tools: Collaboration features like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw facilitate collaboration, communication, and group projects among educators and students. This helps foster shared learning and a sense of community.
  • Accessibility features: IOS devices offer a wide range of accessibility features, such as Guided Access, Voice Over, and Speak Screen. Again, these features make educational content more accessible to users with disability. In short, they help ensure equal access to learning opportunities and inclusivity.

Collectively, these features contribute to a highly engaging and effective learning experience.

NS804 – Propelling You to Your Next IOS App

NS804 is a trusted provider of IOS mobile app solutions. Whether you’re looking for an educational app, a wellness or fitness app, or any other type of IOS app, we are available to render our professional services. We offer the best mobile app development services, ensuring excellence and reliability in the apps we create. In addition, we specialize in all categories of mobile apps and we cater to the needs of individuals, small businesses, enterprises, and large corporations.

Contact NS804 to obtain a quotation for your next IOS app.













3 Signs Your Mobile Android App Development Strategy Needs Improvement

We cannot stress enough that mobile Android app development isn’t easy. It still stands as one of the more challenging platforms to develop apps for, even though Google has gone to great lengths to simplify the development process. And if you’re a seasoned developer or appreneur, you probably know this already. 

But that doesn’t change the fact that Android remains one of the biggest and most crucial platforms. So, deciding to forego mobile Android app development to make life easier isn’t an option for most. However, this doesn’t mean it can’t be made easier with the right strategy. Here’s what you need to do to look out for and fix if your Android projects are becoming unmanageable! 

1. Your Android App Suffers From Poor Performance

When running and testing your app, you may encounter serious performance issues. Never ignore these, and instead, proceed to fix them immediately. Your first step is to check that you’re running your app in release and not debug mode. While debug mode helps to detect problems, it introduces a significant performance overhead. 

If necessary, switch to release mode that uses the R8 compiler by default. The compiler will remove all unneeded code from your app, giving it a performance boost.

And if you use Jetpack Compose, you need to know that this library tends to slow down an app on startup when run for the first time. To mitigate this issue, you need to define baseline profiles. These profiles will include the necessary classes and methods within your APK. Once installed, only the most mission-critical code will undergo ahead-of-time compilation, speeding up your app’s launch times. 

But it’s not always possible to define a baseline profile that works as intended. Thus, we recommend that you get in the habit of writing Macrobenchmark tests regularly. The results of these tests should give you a clear picture of whether or not your baseline profiles are delivering the desired results. If not, you’ll need to revise these accordingly.


2. Poor Choice Of Mobile Android App Development Environment

There are many third-party cross-platform development tools on the market today. And if you’re developing for Android, iOS, and several other platforms, you may want to use these cross-platform tools. However, many of these tools are a poor substitute for Android Studio, Jetpack Compose, and the Kotlin programming language. 

If you want native performance, a coherent user interface (UI), and all the latest operating system and mobile device features, Google’s official suite of development tools is the way to go!

3. Failure To Follow Google’s Guidelines And Best Practices 

Google’s mobile Android app development portal offers plenty of information to create robust and performant apps. We advise that you follow Google’s guidelines and best practices closely, especially if your project is languishing in development hell.

Learn how to implement the Jetpack Compose library in existing apps and use it in conjunction with other libraries. Furthermore, learn how to design systems and layouts for your Android app. And when and where to use animations, images, text, gestures, and other interactions. While there are many sources for this type of information online, much of it is outdated and may not follow best practices.


The Bottom Line

While mobile Android app development may challenge even the most competent developers, a sound strategy will always yield favorable results. It’s essential to set up the right development environment, run your app in release mode, write Macrobenchmark tests, and follow Google’s best practices and guidelines closely. 

But if you have any questions and need the assistance of a professional studio, contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you develop phenomenal Android apps today! 

Questions About Android App Development? 9 Answers You Need To See

Every appreneur or forward-looking business leader wants to know about Android app development. And that’s because Android dominates the mobile OS market, at a whopping 71% as of November 2022. With such a massive market share, it makes good business sense to push your apps onto this vibrant platform. 

And while Android plays a significant role in the mobile market, it’s also a platform that many don’t properly understand. That’s because it’s a platform that will run with Google Play Services or without if a user wants to DeGoogle their phone. In some markets, such as Russia and China, Google services are no longer an option without a VPN. 

Furthermore, Android doesn’t only run on mobile devices but also computers, game consoles, IoT devices, TVs, vehicle entertainment systems, and wearables. And since it supports such a wide range of devices, Android comes in various flavors, not dissimilar to the Linux ecosystem. While this is great and a testament to the versatility of Android, it also complicates things. 

The hard truth is that Android isn’t locked down like Apple’s iOS platform. So, there’s no simple one-size-fits-all approach here. Not that’s necessarily always the case with iOS, but it’s far less open-ended than Android. 

And given Android’s open-ended nature, this presents many challenges and opportunities. Ultimately, this will cause some to ask many crucial questions about Android app development, which we’ll answer in more detail below.

1. When Did Android Debut?

Android 1.0 launched on September 23, 2008, and was made available on the T-mobile G1/HTC Dream phone. Surprisingly, it was feature-rich at such an early stage. It featured Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, a browser, a camera, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, and several other applications and features.

2. Is It Similar To Linux?

Android isn’t only similar to Linux but sports a repurposed version of the Linux kernel combined with other open-source components. Google releases Long Term Support (LTS) versions of these kernels under the Android Common Kernels (ACKs) name. 

But that doesn’t mean Android apps will run on Linux and vice versa. Users will need a tool such as Anbox, which will set up a container on Linux to run Android apps. And while it’s possible to run certain Linux apps made with Java on Android, it’s a messy process that often requires cross-compilation. Understandably, this isn’t a practical solution for most Android users. 

Furthermore, not all Linux app developers will use Java but another programming language instead. So their apps will only run on an Android device via a Linux emulator, but there are no guarantees that they’ll run smoothly, fast enough, or at all. The optimal solution is for these developers to port their apps to Android and take advantage of its touchscreen functionality.

3. Is It Better Than iOS?

No. Only fanboys, platform holders, and some tech publications and journalists play favorites. As an appreneur or business leader, you only need to care about the potential of each platform. In this regard, Android offers a massive user base and a mature ecosystem that has already outpaced iOS. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore iOS, either.

4. What Tools Will I Need For Android App Development?

You will require a recent Windows, macOS, Linux, or Chrome OS computer capable of running the latest version of Android Studio. You will also need at least one test device — preferably running the latest version of the Android OS. While it’s possible to test your app using the Android Emulator (part of the Android SDK), you’ll still want to run it on an actual device.

Furthermore, you should download and install the Android SDK, Android NDK, and Java SE Development Kit (JDK). You can download Android SDK & NDK directly from Google’s Android developer portal and the JDK from Oracle. Read through the documentation thoroughly to configure all of these SDKs properly. 

While it’s possible to use other IDEs, Google recommends and officially supports Android Studio. And if you’re planning on developing native Android apps, then it’s best to stick to Android Studio in the long term. Consider using other IDEs, such as Visual Studio, if you’re developing cross-platform apps or mobile games.

5. Which Programming Languages Should I Use?

For native Android app development, choose either Kotlin or Java. But it’s preferable to go with Kotlin since Google officially supports and recommends it for modern app development. However, if you’re a cross-platform developer, you may want to go with C/C++, C#, Dart, JavaScript, or Python.

6. Which Engine Should I Use For Mobile Game Development? 

We recommend Unity since it’s the most popular, versatile, and well-supported engine for mobile game development. Also, it’s a good option for 2D & 3D game development, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) experiences. But if you require a more heavy-duty engine for creating games with high-fidelity visuals, then you’ll need to go with Unreal Engine.

Either way, you’ll likely use Visual Studio as your IDE or each engine’s visual scripting component. If you want to use Android Studio for game development, you’ll need a game framework instead. One of the best frameworks for native Android game development is libGDX.

7. Will I Need Any Additional Tools For Game Development?

If you’re developing an intensive 3D game, you’ll probably put plenty of stress on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Thus, you’ll need a way to analyze draw calls and monitor your game’s performance frame-by-frame. Luckily, most mobile GPU manufacturers and even ARM offer graphics analyzers and profilers for these purposes.

While it’s possible to ship a mobile game without using these profilers, you risk shipping it with undetected graphical issues. And given that your game needs to run equally well on devices that support different graphics libraries, such as OpenGL ES, OpenCL, EGL, and Vulkan, it’s wise to profile your app before release.

8. Should I Only Focus On Google Play Store?

The beauty of the Android platform is that you have plenty of options besides the Google Play Store. If you’re willing to acquaint yourself with the requirements and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of other stores, you’ll find many more avenues to reach new audiences. 

After the Google Play Store, you should consider the Amazon Appstore, which runs on Fire OS devices and even on Windows 11. And don’t forget that large smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and Huawei have their own app stores, and both have sizable audiences.

9. How Do I Get The Most Out Of My Android App?

One of the best things about Android app development is the free tooling that’s available. And one of the best free tools is none other than Google Analytics for Firebase. The Firebase SDK will give you access to a reporting suite that allows you to monitor up to 500 pre-defined events. Moreover, its analytics reports will give you a clear picture of your app’s performance, your marketing endeavors, and user behavior.

In Conclusion

Android app development is worthwhile even though it’s complex and sometimes plagued with difficulties. But it has become easier thanks to the introduction of Kotlin and an ever-improving Android Studio and tooling. Contact NS804 if you have any more questions about Android app development and how we can help you create outstanding apps. 

4 App Development Mistakes To Avoid On iOS

If you’re a registered Apple Developer, you’ll likely want to minimize potential app development mistakes and create profitable apps for iOS. And while that’s a worthwhile goal, it’s also incredibly challenging. Apple may have delivered a phenomenal platform for developers and users, but they don’t make life easy for developers.

And that’s because Apple expects developers to adhere to their App Store Review Guidelines. Also, developers must familiarize themselves with Apple’s development, design, and brand and marketing guidelines. Not only is there plenty of documentation to get through, but it will likely take time to implement, especially if you’re new to iOS development. 

Moreover, there’s always a risk of making app development mistakes if you become too scattered trying to comply with these guidelines while attempting to create a great app. But you can accomplish your app development goals with these handy tips.

1. Focus On iOS Initially

If you have limited resources or little experience in mobile app development, focus on iOS for now. You can always port your app to Android and other platforms at a later stage. It’s better to laser focus on a single platform (iOS, in this case) if you’re working on your first app. This way, you’ll familiarize yourself with all the ins and outs of the iOS platform. 

And you’ll have the additional incentive to develop a native iOS app versus a hybrid app. Thus, you’ll have a better-performing app with a user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) that feels native to iOS.

2. Use The Right Development Environment

You’ll need an Apple Mac, Xcode, the iOS SDK, and an iOS test device to develop iOS apps. In most cases, this will remain your primary iOS development environment. But if you’re developing cross-platform apps or mobile games, you’ll need additional tools or alternatives to Xcode. 

For cross-platform apps, you may consider Visual Studio with Xamarin or Flutter with Android Studio. And for game development purposes, you may want to install Unity with Visual Studio or Unreal Engine with Visual Studio.

3. Learn Apple’s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) And Frameworks

Developers unfamiliar with Apple’s APIs and frameworks often make crucial app development mistakes and end up with bugs and performance issues. So, take the time to learn the Metal API to access the graphics processing unit (GPU).

And learn the UIKit and SwiftUI to create impressive accessibility options, animations, controls, inputs, UIs, and views, to name a few. Be careful how you implement these frameworks, as they’ll impact your app’s structure, data, and resources. 

4. Implement The Latest Swift Features

Swift is Apple’s flagship programming language, and it’s constantly evolving. So, you should always use the latest version of Swift to access its latest features. As of Swift 5.5, it’s possible to write high-performance asynchronous code. And this results in more responsive apps, as data is parsed in a background queue while the screen refreshes.

The Bottom Line

Avoid app development mistakes that have the potential to derail your project. Always follow Apple’s guidelines closely, and become familiar with the iOS platform. Use Apple’s recommended development tools, learn the APIs and frameworks, and implement the latest Swift features. Following these simple steps will result in phenomenal iOS apps that engage users. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you make the most of the iOS platform! 

Agile And Waterfall Methodology: 5 Things To Know

As a business leader, you’ve probably deliberated over the differences between the Agile and Waterfall methodology. And if you’re an app developer, you’ve likely adopted one of these two methodologies to complete your projects. 

But you’ve probably heard project managers and industry insiders throw the terms ‘Agile’ and ‘Waterfall’ quite liberally. Thus, often giving the impression that both are similar, even though this isn’t necessarily true. 

Sure, both are popular methodologies that involve the planning, realization, and keeping track of projects as they advance. However, there are several glaring differences between the two that we need to understand clearly.

So, what are the differences between the Agile and Waterfall methodology? There are several, but we’ll focus on one key difference right now. 

Agile relies on continuous iteration whereby the development team works simultaneously on a project, making it a flexible model. However, Waterfall requires the team to complete each stage of the project linearly, and thus, it’s way more rigid. 

But let’s be clear about one thing, neither methodology is better than the other. Project managers must pick the one that best suits their needs. And to better understand the differences between the two and which to pick, we’ve compiled this handy list below to help you make the right decision! 

1. Agile Methodology In A Nutshell

Due to the more strict nature of Waterfall, it soon became necessary for an alternative. And thus, Agile made its way into the world of project management to address a common problem. Since it often takes many years to complete most common software projects, technology undergoes tremendous change. Henceforth, development teams cannot realistically complete their projects while keeping up with customer demand with the Waterfall methodology.

But with the flexibility of Agile, it’s easy to make changes, even late during the timeline of a project. Moreover, company stakeholders, management, and customers may request changes or new features. It’s even possible to implement these additional changes or features without hindering the project significantly. 

And that’s because Agile allows the team to complete several phases concurrently and frequently. Another benefit of Agile is that the team determines the project’s direction instead of the project manager. Ultimately, this energizes the team and helps increase productivity, but it also calls for more team independence.

2. Understanding The Waterfall Methodology

Projects with a known outcome benefit immensely from the Waterfall methodology due to its linear approach. Before a team can move forward, it must first meet the set requirements and complete the deliverables of the current stage of the project.

However, the project lead must have a well-defined vision for the app. More importantly, no major alterations may occur during the development process, as this will likely derail the project. Unlike with Agile, it’s difficult and costly to course correct with the Waterfall methodology.

And before a project commences, the project lead must have a clear picture of the budget and timeline. Any deviation from this during the development process will put the project at risk. However, this does not necessarily make Waterfall projects riskier than Agile projects.

3. Agile And Waterfall Methodology Impact Client Involvement

Depending on the scope of your project, you may decide to involve your clients. If that’s the case, then Agile is a great choice. And according to the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto, customer collaboration plays a vital role. Furthermore, it encourages collaboration between developers and business people and face-to-face discussion on a frequent basis.

With Waterfall, if you’re the project lead, you’ll hold weekly or monthly meetings with your development team. And you may share progress reports with company stakeholders, but you won’t collaborate with clients. Furthermore, you’ll only share information on a need-to-know basis with the right people in your team.

4. Rigid Versus Sprint Planning

With the Waterfall methodology, the planning phase takes far longer than with Agile. And that’s because the project lead and company stakeholders must evaluate the feasibility of the project. In most cases, the budget will be higher, as a Waterfall project must be completed in its entirety before it’s shipped.

Furthermore, there’s very little wiggle room, if any, for changes at a later stage. Any decisions taken during the planning phase must be adhered to during the entirety of the project. And to ensure that the development team remains committed to the project, the planning phase also includes the monitoring procedure.

Agile is an entirely different beast, which doesn’t prioritize planning. Instead, projects are broken down into sprints, and decisions that will impact the project occur before each sprint. These sessions are also known as sprint planning. And while Agile offers plenty of flexibility, major project changes may not occur during an active sprint.

Keep in mind that Agile requires constant engagement by the project manager and team members. Therefore, stand-up meetings have become customary for teams to stay informed. All attendees must meet regularly for small durations and must stand while the project lead updates the team in front of a whiteboard. 

Stand-up meetings may occur every day or several times per week. In most cases, stand-up meetings work remarkably well. But difficult to implement with large teams spread across multiple locations. Also, holding too many stand-up meetings may disrupt the workflow of the team. 

5. The Waterfall Methodology Is Losing Popularity

As you’re probably aware by now, Agile seems to have advantages that make it very attractive to development teams. And given the shift to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) from packaged software, Agile makes perfect sense. But it doesn’t end there, as many mobile app development teams rely heavily on a continuous iteration process.

Most savvy mobile app developers start with a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP). And if these gain traction with users, then they’ll scale up to a full-fledged product. But given the constant introduction of new mobile devices and app store requirements, most mobile apps are not truly ever done.

And let’s not forget that users have become accustomed to receiving features that will keep them engaged after each app update. Therefore, the Waterfall methodology isn’t suitable for most mobile app development purposes. It’s better to adopt the Agile methodology and introduce new features and updates during every active sprint.

But don’t write off Waterfall entirely, as it may prove useful if you’re developing a premium mobile game. Most paid mobile games have high-quality visuals, gameplay, and features that make them closely resemble console games. And thus, it’s unlikely that you’ll introduce new content and features later unless these come in the form of downloadable content (DLC) or in-app purchases (IAP). 

Even so, most premium games have a limited lifecycle, so don’t necessarily require continuous iteration. Their high budgets, long development cycles, and the necessity for specialist team member roles make the Waterfall methodology the right choice here. 

In Conclusion

Understanding the key differences between the Agile and Waterfall methodology places you in an advantageous position. It allows you to opt for the right methodology that best suits your project. However, company stakeholders will also affect your choice.

For example, if these stakeholders will support the project long-term and closely involve themselves, Agile is the way to go. But if these stakeholders prefer a more hands-off approach, consider Waterfall instead. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you complete your upcoming project on time using the most suitable technologies and methodologies.

Which Comes First When Developing A Mobile App — iOS Or Android?

Should you choose iOS or Android for your next app project? Well, that largely depends on your goals. And that’s because these goals will help you determine which platform you should develop for first.

But you may have heard that it’s cheaper and faster to develop for iOS. And that’s true, but this is seldom a good enough reason to opt for iOS over Android. It’s better to consider the target audience and what platform they predominantly use. 

Ultimately, always consider where your app will likely succeed first. Below, we reveal a few handy tips to help you choose iOS or Android — but to do so wisely! 

1. When Developing A Premium App

It’s no secret that iOS users spend more on apps than their Android counterparts. Moreover, they prefer premium apps and are willing to purchase apps instead of watching ads like Android users. And that difference is significant, as users spent $85.1 Billion in the App Store versus $47.9 Billion in the Google Play Store in 2021.

So, if you’re planning on going premium with your next app, then iOS is the clear winner. The same applies if you’ll be monetizing via in-app purchases and subscriptions, iOS still leads the way here. But be careful with utility applications, as these tend to do better on Android and don’t engage iOS users as much.

2. Consider Your Target Audience

One of the most crucial factors that will determine whether you’ll choose iOS or Android for your upcoming project is your target audience. And then, you’ll need to determine their demographics, locations, and preferred platform.

Outside North America and most Western territories, Android reigns supreme, especially in the developing world. Android has a 72% market share, and iOS has 26% of the mobile audience. So, if you’re aiming for maximum downloads, especially with a freemium app, Android’s your best bet!

Since most Android users reside in low and middle-income countries, you’ll be reaching a diverse audience. And that means you’ll need to spend some time and money on localization.

3. Starting With iOS Or Android For Mobile Game Development

Between Apple and Google, the latter has historically been the more game-friendly company. But that’s slowly changing, especially after the introduction of the Apple Arcade subscription service. However, Google remains competitive with Google Play Pass and Instant Play games.

And then, there’s the wide variety of platforms and storefronts that Android reaches. Android apps and games run on Chromebooks, and Google Play Games (still in beta in some regions) now run on PC. Furthermore, the Amazon App Store, Huawei AppGallery, Samsung Galaxy Store, and several other stores host Android games. 

Thus, Android offers developers many more opportunities to reach gamers than Apple. And specific genres, such as arcade, puzzle, and racing games, tend to earn more as freemium titles, which suits Android perfectly.

However, if you want to be featured in the App Store, you may want to hold off on the Android version momentarily. The cool thing about the App Store is that it’s curated by humans who take an interest in titles that stand out. And if you provide them with a unique game that’s timed-exclusive, it’s possible to be featured, leading to many downloads and sales.

The Bottom Line

Both iOS and Android are fantastic platforms that offer developers plenty of solid opportunities. But you need to develop apps first for the platform that lines up with your goals closely. Avoid fanboyism and the hype surrounding a particular platform, and focus on the platform that will deliver the results you want instead. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you deliver phenomenal iOS or Android apps to your users! 

Want To Develop iOS Apps? Here’s How To Get Started

Most developers — even those not involved in the mobile space — want to develop iOS apps. And that’s because Apple’s renowned ecosystem is world-class. And with the recently released iPhone Pro 14, consumers have access to one of the best premium smartphones in the market. 

Of course, iOS apps don’t only run on iPhones but also on Apple’s phenomenal lineup of tablets — the iPad range. And with the introduction of Apple silicon (system on a chip based on ARM architecture), it’s now possible to run iOS apps on the latest Mac computers with no porting necessary. 

So what does this mean for developers? It means that their iOS apps can run on a variety of Apple devices from a single codebase. And that’s profound because Apple users love to spend money on apps far more than Android users. Thus, if you develop iOS apps, you’ll be entering a very lucrative market. And while success is never guaranteed — you’ll never know if you don’t try!

But what if you’re new to the Apple ecosystem as a developer — how do you even get started? First and foremost, understand that Apple’s ecosystem is called a ‘walled garden’ for a reason. And that’s because it’s a closed platform, similar to Sony’s PlayStation and Nintendo’s Switch consoles.

And that brings us to our second point: you don’t have the freedom to develop iOS apps on whatever hardware you like or skirt Apple’s guidelines. Like it or not, Apple has a stranglehold on its platforms, down to the development process. But we plan to demystify this process and help you get started — the right way!

1. Purchase Original Apple Hardware

If you don’t already own an Apple MacBook notebook or a Mac/iMac desktop, you’ll need to purchase at least one that fits your budget. Preferably, choose one of the latest models that features the M1 or M2 SoC instead of an Intel CPU. Apple’s latest chips are more power efficient and also future-proof, so worth the investment. 

Now, you may come across instructional articles and YouTube videos that will show you how to build a Hackintosh — a cheaper and unofficial Mac/iMac clone system. As tempting as this route may seem, we don’t recommend it at all! You’ll need some PC-building skills, and the overall experience won’t be as smooth as using a genuine Mac once you’ve got your Hackintosh up and running. 

And no, you won’t be able to use a Windows or Linux PC to build iOS apps. But you can install Windows or Linux on a Mac and even develop apps for these operating systems. Moreover, you can install Android Studio on a Mac and develop Android apps, making it perfect for cross-platform development

You’ll also need to purchase at least one iPhone and an iPad for deploying and testing your app. And if you plan to release your app on Apple Watch and tvOS, you’ll need to purchase these devices too. Purchase the latest models of these devices, but it doesn’t hurt to have a few older models in the studio for backward compatibility testing purposes.

2. Enroll As An Apple Developer And Create An Apple ID

Now that you’ve rounded up all your hardware, you’re ready to become an Apple developer. However, we mentioned Apple’s closed platform earlier, and now you’re about to see why that’s the case. 

Apple offers an enrollment program, and it’s mandatory if you want to distribute your iOS apps. Furthermore, you’ll need to pay an annual fee of 99 USD for the Apple Developer Program and 299 USD for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. Choose the program that’s right for your studio.

Also, don’t forget to create your Apple ID, as it’s necessary to authenticate yourself as the user and to download development tools from the Mac App Store.

3. Download And Familiarize Yourself With Xcode

After that, download Xcode — Apple’s official integrated development environment (IDE). You can get it from the Mac App Store or Apple’s Xcode developer portal. This suite includes a code editor, debugging tools, and the iOS software development kit (SDK). While there are many other IDEs available in the marketplace, we recommend you stick to Xcode if you’re only now starting out to develop iOS apps.

However, if you’re developing mobile games and using a game engine such as Unity, expect your development environment to differ substantially. But if you’re developing non-gaming and line of business (LOB) apps, Xcode will suffice. 

We recommend you spend time familiarizing yourself with Xcode before you start to develop iOS apps. And that’s to help you and your team to become more comfortable with using the IDE and all its features. Furthermore, check out the Xcode documentation, videos, and forums at Apple’s developer portal.

4. Learn The Swift Programming Language

Swift is Apple’s officially supported and preferred programming language for creating iOS apps. It’s quickly replacing the far older Objective-C, but some developers still use it to this day. However, we recommend you use Swift as a new iOS developer, as it’s easier to read and write and more type-safe. 

But how long will it take to learn Swift? If your team already has experience with any object-oriented programming (OOP) language, they’ll pick up Swift in a matter of days. But if they have little or no experience, it can take two months or longer to gain a basic level of proficiency.

5. You May Need To Learn C++ Or C#

If you’re planning on developing an iOS mobile game, you can use Xcode. But we only recommend this route if you’re making a small and simple game. And that’s because Xcode doesn’t offer the tooling necessary to make complex 3D games popular with today’s gamers. 

Instead, you should either use Unity or Unreal Engine to make a compelling game with stunning 3D visuals. If you go with Unity, which is the more lightweight game engine of the two, you’ll need to learn C#. And if you go with Unreal Engine, you’ll need to learn C++ or Blueprint Visual Scripting.

Overall, C# is easier to learn than C++, and even shares some similarities with Swift. And that means if you already know Swift, picking up C# will be a cinch. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore C++, as it’s the lingua franca of the game development world. And apart from Unreal Engine, the vast majority of performance-oriented 3D game engines are either coded in C++ or have a C++ scripting component. 

Furthermore, if you need to develop a fast-paced game, such as a first-person shooter (FPS) or racing game, it’s preferable to code it in C++ to keep frame rates up. The problem with languages such as C# is that they use a garbage collector (GC) to avoid memory leaks. But every time the GC kicks in to clear unused objects in the memory heap, it can cause in-game stutters, which ruins the user experience. 

Of course, there are workarounds to avoid these stutters, but it’s still better to use a more performant language, such as C++. And given that C++ regularly outperforms managed languages such as C#, it’s the way to go for many use cases. 

In Conclusion

As we’ve revealed, it’s actually a relatively simple process to develop iOS apps if you’re just starting out. Initially, you’ll be faced with a high price of entry, especially if you don’t already own any Apple hardware. But once you have purchased this hardware, created your Apple ID, and enrolled in the developer program, you’re halfway done. Then, it’s a matter of downloading Xcode, familiarizing yourself with the IDE, and learning Swift. 

You may need to use other tools and programming languages if you’re creating mobile games, but this isn’t always necessary. Contact us today to learn how NS804 will help you develop iOS apps that engage users! 

Do You Have A Great App Idea? 5 Tips To Get It Validated

Coming up with a great app idea can seem easy at times. But what may not seem easy is ascertaining if that app idea is truly feasible. If most developers were honest, they’d admit they lucked out on some of their best and most profitable ideas. Instead, they’d like everyone to believe they’re geniuses for coming up with winning ideas.

Of course, some top-tier app developers have a methodology for brainstorming ideas and validating them. And that’s what we want to focus on right now!

We’re not interested in revealing tips aimed at opportunistic appreneurs and developers that want to make a quick buck from current trends. And that’s because this is not a sustainable way to push out compelling apps at a regular cadence.

Instead, we want developers to work systematically to achieve consistent results regularly. We also want developers to think of themselves as problem solvers and not simply studios that push out code.

While working with new technologies is always fun, we should never lose track of the fact that we’re here to provide solutions. Our goals should always align with those of our clients and users. And that’s to make life easier for them by solving problems that hold them back or impact productivity.

However, you may be at this point now where you have a great app idea that will solve a problem users experience. But how do you validate it to know for certain that it will serve your target market well? Read on, as we’re about to reveal several handy tips to help you through the validation process.

1. Market Research Is A Must! 

Never commence planning and developing an app without conducting market research first. And that’s because you need to know if your app is unique or improves on existing ideas. And if the market already has competitors, can you compete by offering something different or better?

Moreover, you should clearly define your app’s unique selling point (USP). Ask yourself what sets it apart from competing apps and how your users will benefit.

And possibly, create a prototype to show your team, company stakeholders, or even a small focus group. Then, ask them for feedback on what they think of the app and if they can pinpoint its USP and potential target audience.

2. The Early Stages Of The Validation Process

As a startup with limited time and money, going through the validation process may seem challenging. But we recommend that you don’t skimp on this step, as it will help determine if you have a great app idea or not.

We mentioned earlier about building a prototype and showing it to relevant parties. However, you can take things further by setting specific validation goals. 

For example, you may decide not to build a prototype but focus on pitching your idea to investors. If you manage to convince five or more investors about the virtues of your app idea, then that’s a good sign. Or you can work with another metric: if 100 or more potential users view your concept design on social media and react positively — you may want to greenlight the project. 

As you may understand by now, there are several ways you can go with this. And by setting several validation goals that you can measure, you can gain real-world feedback without breaking the bank. But only doing the above won’t be substantial for most projects, even though it’s a good starting point.

3. Effective Ways To Validate A Great App Idea

Real-world feedback is an ongoing theme with app validation. And that’s because there’s no better way to determine if there’s interest in your app concept or idea.

So, focus on ways to receive user feedback from potential users. But also ensure that you research the size and value of the market you’re targeting. And no matter how much you like your idea, don’t invest in developing it into a full-fledged app without thorough market validation. 

But how do you thoroughly validate the market? Well, one of the best ways to do this is with a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a stripped-down version of your app with the bare minimum of functionality. And the main advantage of this is that you can deliver an MVP to your users cheaply and quickly. 

Should it prove popular with users, you can scale it into a fully-fledged app and implement the features that users have suggested. However, if it fails to gain traction, you can scrap the project or implement changes that may make it more appealing to users. The latter may be the way to go if there’s still middling interest and users have made suggestions.

4. Conduct User Surveys

Another good way to ascertain if you’re on to a great app idea is via user surveys. Start by creating a customer profile that represents your ideal users. Your customer profile may have the age, demographic, education, hobby, location, and spending attributes.

If your customer profile slants to the younger ages, you may want to find users on a platform such as TikTok. And if they’re older professionals, you may want to track them down on LinkedIn. Either way, you should have a clear picture of your target group so you can survey them properly. 

Ensure that you tailor your survey for your target group and use language and tone that appeals to them. Moreover, respect their time by not asking more questions than you have to or asking complicated questions that are too difficult to answer. Ideally, you want these users to complete your entire survey and not give up halfway through.

5. Pre-Selling And Pre-Registration 

Another effective way to test your app idea is by setting up a pre-selling landing page. This landing page will feature a description of your app, screenshots, and a promo video to create buzz. Furthermore, visitors can easily register and submit their email addresses to stay updated. 

What’s so compelling about this approach is that it’s a way to attract early adopters. And the higher number of these early adopters, the more validation you receive for your app. Moreover, it can act as a revenue stream if you need to generate income before launching your app officially. 

But if setting up a landing page and maintaining an email list isn’t your thing, there’s no need to despair. Google Play offers pre-registration for your app so that you can build hype and user relationships before launch. This is done directly on the Play Console and is implemented 3-6 weeks before the launch date. 

It’s an effective way to drive traffic to your app’s store page. And it’s possible for Google Play to automatically deliver your app to users and auto-install it on their devices on launch day. Thus, it’s almost certain that you’ll have users on day one with a limited amount of work on your end. You can also use Google’s pre-marketing tools to boost interest further.

The Bottom Line

When you have a great app idea, you’ll want to validate it as soon as possible. The good news is that there are several ways to go about this, as we’ve already covered above. However, there’s a bit of additional work involved, which may increase your costs and time to market (TTM).

But if you work with experts, such as NS804, you’ve got a partner to help you navigate this process. Contact us today to learn how we’ll help you validate your best ideas and turn them into phenomenal apps!

App Performance: How To Tell If Your App Is Succeeding

If you’re not continuously monitoring app performance, you won’t have a clear picture of app quality and success. And that means you won’t know if your app meets or exceeds user expectations. Moreover, you can’t correctly evaluate your app since you’re not measuring its key performance indicators (KPIs).

So, what should you do to ensure you know everything about your app that matters? And more importantly, how do you do so without hurting your brand? After all, there’s nothing worse than releasing an app — even as a beta for testing purposes — that delivers a shoddy user experience. 

Read on as we’re about to reveal the steps you need to take to monitor app performance — the right way!

1. Implement App Performance Metrics For App Quality

First and foremost, you need to know if your app runs flawlessly or is a buggy mess that upsets users. Thus, you’ll need to implement the following app performance metrics that will furnish you with reports in real-time:

  • Crash analytics – To help you identify when and why app crashes happen
  • Performance – Collect data related to load speeds, device configurations, operating systems, and screen resolutions
  • In-app feedback and ticketing – An effective way to gain feedback and respond to app issues without hurting your brand
  • Testing – Use an SDK such as Firebase to build and test apps across multiple devices and platforms 

2. Measure KPIs That Determine App Success

You’ll also need to know how well your app is performing in the app stores. And there’s quite a bit of data that you’ll need to collect and analyze, such as follows:

  • Number of downloads – This is one of the most important KPIs and helps determine app growth or stagnation
  • Reviews and ratings – Positive reviews and ratings bolster downloads as users often look at these first before trying out an app 
  • Track active users – It’s crucial to know how many users continue using your app after they download it from the store
  • The average duration of user interaction – User engagement directly correlates with higher usage times
  • The frequency of user sessions – This is another important metric that determines user engagement
  • Retention rate – This metric helps determine whether or not users remain interested in your app
  • Churn rate – Another important metric that indicates how many users leave an app

3. Mobile Game Considerations

All app performance metrics discussed above also apply to mobile games. Given the viral nature of mobile games, it’s also crucial to measure the K factor. So, what is the K factor, and how does it impact a mobile game? In a nutshell, the K factor refers to the number of users that talk about your game and recommend it to others.

An easy way to work out the K factor is with this simple formula (i = average number of invitations sent by a user, and c = conversation rate of those invited): 

k-factor = i*c

In Conclusion

Always implement app performance metrics, as these will help you gain a 360-degree view of your app. The more data you collect about your app’s performance and how users interact with it, the better informed you’ll be to make the right changes — and when they’re necessary. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal apps that truly succeed!