Android Mobile App Development Questions, Answered

Android app development is the process of developing applications designed to run exclusively on Android devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, and smart TVs. Android operating system, developed by Google in 2008, is the most widely used OS globally, making it crucial for developers, tech enthusiasts, and business owners. Since its release in 2008, the Android operating system has received worldwide acclaim powering millions of devices across the world.

Android mobile app development involves writing code from scratch using reputable programming languages such as Kotlin and Java, designing attractive interfaces, managing data handling and retrieval, integrating various applications and APIs, and ensuring overall app performance and efficiency. The success of Android applications can be attributed to factors such as the availability of many devices at various price points and an open-source nature that encourages innovation.

This article explores some questions on Android mobile app development and their answers. In this post, we will look at various aspects of Android mobile app development, including architectural patterns, choice of programming language, testing, network, design considerations, and data management.




By examining these concepts, readers will obtain valuable insights, empowering them to build robust, efficient, and feature-rich Android applications.

1. What’s the most frequently used programming language for Android applications?

The answer is Java. However, Kotlin has gained popularity and is now the most preferred language over Java. Developers prefer Kotlin to Java for a wide range of reasons: Kotlin is intuitive to use, easy to learn, and Kotlin code is considered safer and more concise than Java.

2. Do I need to learn Java to develop Android applications?

While Java used to be the primary programming language for Android applications, it is no longer an option. Kotlin is more modern, concise, and accurate, and is preferred for modern projects. However, understanding Java can still be beneficial, especially when you encounter legacy codes or libraries written by Java.

3. What’s the advantage of Kotlin over Java?

Understanding the nuance discrepancies between Java and Kotlin is crucial to making an informed decision about your programming language.

Here are the key advantages of Kotlin:

  • Concise syntax. Kotlin’s expressive syntax allows developers to write more concise code, reducing the chances of introducing errors.
  • Null safety. Kotlin type system introduces null safety, reducing the possibility of null pointer exceptions, a common source of bugs.
  • Interoperability. Kotlin can integrate or interoperate with Java, allowing developers to leverage Java-based libraries and legacy codes.
  • Readability. Kotlin’s type inference and expressive nature make the code maintainable and readable.

4. What is Android Studio, and do I need it in Android app development?

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE). By integrated development environment, it provides the tools, resources, and machinery required to simplify your code. The Android Studio has diverse programming languages, APIs, and other tools needed for beginners to excel.

5. What’s Google Android SDK?

A Google Android SDK is a toolset for developers to write codes in Android-enabled devices. The SDK contains a graphical interface that acts as an Android-driven handheld environment, allowing developers to test and debug their codes.

6. What are the main components of the Android architecture?

The main components of the Android architecture include:

  • Android applications
  • Android framework
  • Libraries
  • Linux Kernel

7. What are the minimum system requirements for Android app development?

To run Android Studio and design Android apps, you need a powerful computer with 8GB RAM, a recent operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS), a quad-core CPU, and the relevant tools and technologies.

8. What is the Android API level, and why is it important to consider?

The Android API level refers to the version of the Android operating system that your app targets or supports. When developing an app, you will need to narrow down on special versions of Android available out there. We should consider the Android API level because different versions have different capabilities and features. Selecting the right API level ensures your device operates on as many Android devices as possible while taking advantage of new app features.

9. What’s the difference between fragments and activities?

Activities are represented as a single screen with a user interface. Fragments, on the other hand, are modular components within an activity that can be reused or combined in different activities and are especially useful for multi-pane and adaptable layouts.

10. How can I test my app on multiple devices?

The Android Studio provides tools, including an emulator, for simulating various Android devices. In addition, you can use normal Android devices by setting ‘developer mode’ and USB debugging them. You can connect the Android devices on your computer, and test or debug your app.

11. How can I publish my app in the Google Play store?

To publish your app in Google Play, you will first need to set up a development account. Then you will check your app’s store listings and graphics, set up your distribution options, and show compliance with Google Play Store’s policies. Once your app is ready, you can submit it to the Google Console and upload it for review.

12. Can you develop Android applications on platforms other than Windows, Linux, and MacOS?

Yes, you can use cloud-based environments and virtual machines to develop Android-based applications on environments not supported by Android Studio. However, the app’s experience and performance may vary. That’s why it’s advisable to create applications with supported operating systems.

13. How do you select the appropriate architecture pattern in Android app development?

Selecting an appropriate architecture pattern is crucial for maintaining a well-structured codebase. The common types of architectural patterns include:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC). The model-view presenter is the oldest and most straightforward. It structures data into three main components: view (user interface), model (business and data logic), and controller, which mediates between the model and the view.
  • Model-View-Presenter (MVP). The model view presenter amplifies the performance of the model-view-controller by adding a component known as a ‘presenter’ that acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. The presenter handles user input and updates the view on a need-to-need basis.
  • Model-View-View-Model (MVVM). The model-view-view-model (MVVM) further simplifies the separation of concerns, introducing a view model that holds the application state and business logic, thus separating it from the view.

The choice of architectural pattern depends on the project’s complexity, the team’s expertise, and the app’s long-term maintainability.

14. How do I ensure my app handles multiple screen sizes and resolutions?

In the diverse Android ecosystem, supporting multiple resolutions and screen sizes is important in ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices. To ensure apps handle multiple screen sizes and resolutions, developers can implement the following strategies:

  • Responsive layouts. Use modern layouts (GridLayout, LinearLayout, Relative Layout) to ensure that screen sizes adjust to screens of various sizes and resolutions.
  • Density Independent Pixels (dp). Use density pixels as a unit for defining dimensions instead of pixels. Selecting dp ensures that elements scale appropriately across different screen densities.
  • Resource directories. Ensure you provide alternative resources like layouts and images in separate folders for different screen size densities and resolutions.
  • Vector graphics. Use scalable vector graphics (SVG) for images and icons as they can scale without losing quality.

15. How do I ensure that my app supports older versions?

Supporting older versions is crucial to ensure that you reach a broader audience.

Here’s how you can ensure that your newly developed Android app works even in older versions of the Android operating system.

  • Set the minimum SDK version. You should specify the minimum SDK version your app supports in the AndroidManifest.XML file.
  • Compatibility libraries. Use AndroidX libraries that offer backward compatibility in case of newer features.
  • Feature detection. Use the Build.VERSION.SDK_INT constant to detect a device’s API levels and apply the appropriate code paths.
  • Test. Test on various devices with varying Android versions to identify and fix compatibility issues.

It’s crucial to ensure that your app can access a broader audience by extending support for older versions of the Android operating system.




16. What are the basic components of an Android app?

Android apps are built with basic components such as activities, content providers, services, and broadcast receivers. Activities represent the user interface. Services represent background tasks. broadcast receivers respond to system-wide announcements and content providers manage data-sharing between the app and different endpoint devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.

17. What’s an Android Emulator?

Android emulator is a tool by Android Studio simulating Android devices. Through this simulation, it allows the developer to test an app with different configurations and Android versions.

18. How can I optimize my app for better performance?

Performance optimization is crucial for a good user experience. Some tips include: minimizing network requests, efficient data structures, optimizing images, and using background threads for heavy, time-consuming tasks. Most importantly, it’s advisable to properly manage memory to prevent memory leaks.

19. How can I make my app more compatible with other devices?

Use the latest SDK version and select the minimum API target level. Test your app on different virtual devices with varying hardware specifications and different screen sizes.

20. Can you develop IOS apps using Kotlin or Android Studio?

No, Android Studio is exclusively designed for Android mobile applications. If you want to develop IOS mobile apps, you will need Apple’s development tools like Objective-C and XCode.

21. What are some popular libraries and frameworks in Android App Development?

Some popular libraries for Android app development include OkHttp for networking, Hilt for dependency injection, Room for database management, and Gson for parsing. However, it’s important to remember Android app development is an evolving frontier, therefore, it’s advisable to remain updated with the latest trends and technologies.

22. How do you select the best Android app developer?

Selecting the best Android developer depends on several factors such as cost, expertise, and reputation. Most developers offer a defined budget for mobile app development but this cost may differ depending on the diversity of features, operating environments (Android or IOS), and the complexity of the project.

Here’s how you select the best Android developer:

  • Define project requirements. Define the scope of your project, highlighting app features, app capabilities, operating requirements, and security considerations.
  •  Check experience and portfolio. Look for developers with a proven track record of developing superior mobile applications. Review their portfolio to see the quality and range of their work.
  • Technical expertise. Ensure that your expert or developer has sufficient technical expertise in areas like Java, and Kotlin, and understands Android SDK and other development toolkits and libraries.
  • Reviews and references. Request reviews from previous clients and check their portfolios for any reference materials. Online ratings and reviews on platforms such as LinkedIn or Upwork can provide valuable insight into the developer’s expertise.

Finding the right developer depends on project requirements and overall expectations as a client.

23. How do I know if I am ready for an Android app?

Whether running a small business or managing a large corporation, having an Android app is the best way to simplify those monotonous, mundane tasks such as invoicing, communicating, marketing, branding, and personnel management. An Android app streamlines tasks, enhancing the efficiency, scalability, and productivity of operations.

So, if you’re struggling with managing employees, managing your brand, or growing your revenue streams, it’s high time to consider an Android mobile app. An Android mobile app can provide valuable insights needed to reinforce your decision-making in areas like sales, marketing, advertising, and outreach. And if you’re experiencing HR planning and management issues, an HR app can do the job.

Turbocharge Your Digital Presence with Android App Development

NS804 empowers individuals and enterprises to do more with the power of a mobile app. With a robust, efficient, and feature-rich application, you can reach more customers, communicate with a broader audience, and build lasting brand partnerships and customer relationships.

Most importantly, we allow NS804 customers to experience our MVP product, allowing them to know what solutions they are getting by investing in our digital solutions.

Contact NS804 for superior Android app development solutions.

B2B App Features Your Mobile App Needs

The high rate of internet connectivity combined with high rates of smartphone ownership have led to the adoption of mobile apps by businesses and consumers across different industries and sectors – retail, manufacturing, service, finance, and insurance.

B2B mobile apps have become indispensable in today’s fast-paced business environment for enterprises seeking to streamline business operations, improve performance and productivity. B2B apps cater to the evolving needs of enterprises, enabling efficient workflows, enhanced collaboration, and increased customer satisfaction.

However, the key to unlocking the full potential of a B2B app lies in its underlying features. A feature-rich application has immense capabilities to deliver value and streamline complicated processes or operations. From navigation, superior customer service, analytics, reporting, security, and seamless integrations, we look at different aspects that make a great B2B app.




1. User Interface and Navigation

User interface and navigation are critical features that influence an app’s performance and adoption. A well-designed user experience and user interface are important in ensuring successful navigation by users.

A streamlined and visually appealing interface contributes to the intuitive design and enhanced user experience. For instance, research shows that 32% of your users will stop engaging with your website if it has a poor design. A well-designed website with clear layouts engages the readers, enhancing readability and retention.

Another component that contributes to the intuitive design and user experience is intuitive controls. Intuitive controls yield easy navigation, allowing site visitors to navigate the site seamlessly. According to documented statistics, 88% of site visitors will depart from a website after a poor customer experience.

2. Security and Authentication

Today, more than ever, organizations should be more secure in collecting, processing, presenting, and reporting data, especially consumer data. Poor security controls may compromise sensitive information leading to devastating financial, political, and reputational consequences.

Of special significance for any B2B app is protecting the security of sensitive information and personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organizations to protect consumer data against unauthorized access. Enterprises violating consumer privacy regulations may face jail terms, fines, concessions, and possible termination.

So, your mobile app must accommodate the emerging needs of consumers without compromising their information or privacy. Most importantly, your B2B app must consolidate consumer information and integrate the appropriate safeguards against cyberattacks.

Some ways to create secure and authentic apps include:

Creating secure mobile apps requires the technical knowledge of attack vectors and the emerging sophistication of cyber-attacks. Use the following best practices to develop authentic and highly secure B2B mobile applications:

  • Secure login methods. Leverage two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to add a layer of security to your devices, accounts, or networks. A 2FA or MFA requires additional verification to access a secured account or system. For instance, you may need to input your password and a code sent to your phone to access an email with a two-factor authentication.
  • Strong encryption. Strong encryption algorithms such as SSL and TLS protect against unauthorized access to stored or in-transit data. So, whether you’re sharing fiscal information with your stakeholders or storing your customer information in a CRM database, strong encryption will protect your sensitive information, whether transmitted over large networks or at rest.
  • Role-based access control. Role-based access control provides access privileges based on roles and responsibilities. For instance, if you’re the head of finance, you’ll access devices, systems, and networks with financial information and not any other network. Your roles will define your access privileges and permissions.

A secure app ensures trust and confidentiality, driving brand loyalty and customer retention.

3. Integration

A B2B app must seamlessly integrate with all the other applications used by a business. For instance, if you have enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, your mobile app must seamlessly integrate, exchange information, and communicate with the ERP suite.

The same case applies to your procurement automation software. Your mobile app must communicate with your procurement software to maximize efficiency and productivity. The ability to communicate and integrate seamlessly with other business apps ensures B2B mobile apps can optimize the existing infrastructure and workflows. Seamless integration with ERP, CRM, project management, and other industry-specific applications ensures maximum performance and productivity.

An important part of integration is integration with cloud services for easy accessibility and data backup. Cloud-based services, whether on-premise or outsourced, provide a safety net in case of hardware failures or storage issues, ensuring disaster recovery and business continuity during attack.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Perhaps one of the most overlooked features of a B2B mobile app is communication and collaboration. Mobile apps must ensure effective communication, information exchange, and collaboration.

Business owners use mobile apps to understand consumer purchase habits, client preferences, and customers’ shared values. On the other hand, customers use mobile apps to identify unique value proportions, pricing structure and evaluate competitive advantages. Customers use the app to assess and evaluate their purchase decisions.

The key components of collaboration and communication in mobile apps:

  • Document storage and sharing. The B2B app should ensure that users can securely download, store, and share files and other resources within the app’s ecosystem.
  • Version control. Version control tracks documents, allowing different team members to work on a single document while tracking changes. It allows different users to collaborate on a single document while maintaining a clear audit trail.
  • Task management. Workflow automation helps with task management because tasks can be scheduled to occur in given scenarios. The automation of repetitive tasks improves efficiency and reduces manual efforts. The B2B app should be able to automate task assignments, approval workflows, and notifications, thus minimizing delays and ensuring seamless progress.

A B2B app becomes a central hub for efficient communication and profitable collaboration by providing robust communication and collaboration features.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting capabilities help businesses obtain invaluable insights and information like customer feedback, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. Analytics provide the business with a clear picture of the market and industry.

Analytics and reporting capabilities provide customer purchase trends, changing perception, product positioning, and brand positioning, allowing organizations to make actionable decisions. Analytics save organizations resources by allowing them to predict problems and their solutions.

The main components of analytics and reporting include:

  • Data visualization. The B2B app must have data visualization boards to present information in a visually-appealing manner. The B2B app must provide data visualization components such as graphs and charts that present complex information simply and clearly.
  • Customizable dashboards. The B2B mobile app must provide customizable dashboards for real-time insights. Customization helps users to personalize their data views and helps them to monitor important metrics in real time.
  • Generation of reports. The B2B app must be able to generate reports of key performance and industry metrics. The app must crunch the data and provide detailed reports that highlight the key trends for decision-making.
  • Data exports. The B2B must allow users to export data in Excel, Word, CSV, and other formats to do an in-depth analysis with other tools or share with other stakeholders. Data exports enhance the accessibility and sharing of data, improving its usability and application.

B2B apps must analyze trends and communicate emerging trajectories with accuracy. This way, organizations can adjust their systems, resources, and networks to respond to evolving market and industry changes.

6. Predictive Maintenance

Beyond data visualization lies data mining for advanced analysis. Your B2B app can have advanced analytic techniques to read and analyze AI, ML, and natural language processing (NLP) with ease. The app can be designed with predictive analytics capabilities to identify trends and propose the best actions. In addition, data analytics can provide intelligent recommendations based on historical data and user behavior.

7. Customer Support

The evolving nature of customer service demands organizations to be more proactive in resolving issues. Today, B2B mobile apps bridge the gap between efficient communication and poor feedback, allowing organizations to be more agile in their outreach and customer communications.

Any successful B2B mobile app must provide efficient communication and gather feedback. By integrating robust customer support features, B2B mobile apps can detect issues, address issues, and ensure continuous improvement.

These are the main components of superior customer service in B2B apps.

  • Ticket creation and tracking. Every B2B app must create, initiate, schedule, and track tickets seamlessly. The app must offer a helpdesk or ticketing system that allows users to create support tickets for any issues they face.
  • Customer feedback collection. Customer feedback collection and analysis is indispensable in any superior customer service. Organizations that provide excellent customer service understand their customers’ sentiments better. The B2B app must offer a mechanism for users to report issues and express disgruntlement.
  • Ratings and reviews. In addition, allowing users to rate and review app features allows B2B apps to understand their performance. Ratings help with continuous improvement because organizations prioritize improvements based on customer feedback.

Customer support is an indispensable part of customer attraction and retention; apps with superior customer support features enjoy better visibility and usability than those without.

8. Offline Data Security and Backup

Offline data security and backup are emerging trends in mobile app development. Today, apps with cloud-based accessibility are in more demand as organizations and employers seek to encourage more remote workforces. The emergence of cloud computing as a model for remote data storage, transmission, and processing, allows mobile apps to secure user data, regardless of location or size.

It’s important to note that specific components facilitate offline data security and backup.

  • Encryption of offline data. Offline data security involves encrypting offline data to ensure it cannot be read or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  • Data back-up. Data backup ensures business continuity by providing critical operational data during a breach or incident attack. B2B apps use automated data back-up to ensure seamless collection of information.
  • Secure cloud storage. The B2B app provides secure cloud storage for offline data backups, protecting offline data against unauthorized access.

Data security is a critical component of any business, ensuring that organizations adhere to the principles of data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and accountability.




9. Scalability and Performance Optimization

Scalability is an important factor for any B2B mobile app. The ability to scale up and down depending on changes in operational demands is a critical component of B2B applications. Your mobile app must handle excessive traffic. It must be able to process a growing list of requests and provide efficient feedback and resolution.

To do this, it must be designed with scalability in mind. Expert developers use cloud offline storage capabilities to improve the scalability of their applications in case of excessive traffic or loads.

Here’s what you need to create a scalable mobile app architecture.

  • Your app must handle increasing user loads and data volumes.
  • Scalable architecture that supports a high user reoccurrence.
  • Efficient database optimization for faster response time.
  • Caching mechanism to reduce server load.

Scalable B2B apps can accommodate changes in user requests, ensuring efficient load and data processing and faster response times.

10. Multi-language and Localization

Multi-language and localization support refers to your app’s ability to provide more than one language for your users. For instance, if you’re in the United States, you may be tempted to create an app for English speakers. However, when venturing into foreign markets, you may be forced to include multi-language capabilities and location support in your app.

Multi-language and location support provide numerous benefits. First, it’s easy to switch between different languages in the app. The location of labels and texts suits audiences in different regions. Localization must take care of dates, time zones, and regional differences. Localization ensures that you communicate with clients regardless of their geographical differences.

NS804 – Building Robust and Scalable Mobile Apps

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, a B2B mobile app empowers you to do more with less. Your mobile app can be optimized to communicate with customers, collect analytics, and report sensitive activities. In addition, the B2B app can be optimized to provide automated reporting of issues through predictive maintenance.

And if you have offices inside or across the country, you can always rely on your app to provide accurate and timely reporting, whether dealing with employee performance or experiencing order delays. Your B2B app must incorporate powerful features that allow you to solve emerging problems. For instance, your app must completely secure user information and sensitive data.

Partnering with a B2B mobile app specialist enables you to optimize their market knowledge of different products and industry expertise of the best practices. NS804 works with experts and professional programmers with a vast understanding of new trends. And with our minimum viable product MVP option, you can seek a replica version before you develop the end product.

Contact NS804 if you’re searching for a B2B mobile app specialist.

Why Charlotte App Developers Should Care About UI/UX Design

Mobile app development is taking a new turn as individuals and enterprises seek to revamp their digital outreach. The significance of mobile apps cannot be overstated. Mobile apps allow enterprises to access new customers, particularly tech-savvy consumers.

This is precisely why it’s important to care about the user interface and user experience. The user interface affects how customers view and interact with your mobile application. On the other hand, the user experience impacts the experience your customers receive when interacting with your app.

So, why should Charlotte app developers care about UX/UI design?

Below we take a closer look at the significance or criticality of UX/UI design.



1. Simplicity and usability

A product’s simple information presentation and its overall ease of use define its relevance and adoption. The UI/UX design ensures that customers can easily interact with an app. It also ensures that customers’ problems can be solved with ease. Charlotte app developers should care about UI/UX design because it enables customers to use the app in a meaningful way.

2. Accessibility and availability

The user interface and user experience affect how accessible and available your app is to your customers. An app that has a complex design means that it’s not accessible to a large demographic of users, particularly young people, old people, and those with disabilities. So, your app’s overall design defines how accessible it is to different demographics of users.

3. Customer-centricity

How your app is designed affects how it responds to your customers’ needs. Hard, complex applications deter potential users and affect how your customers interact with your brand. However, a simple, well-designed app with a clear interface is easily adaptable, meaning that customers will respond to your brand and message better. Therefore, an app’s overall design impacts its customer-centricity, providing better and more enhanced interaction solutions to your perceived customers.

4. Customer retention

Documented statistics show that businesses lose about 10% to 15% of customers every year due to poor customer retention. Indeed, the average customer retention rate across all industries is about 75.5%. So, how can businesses attract and at the same time retain their clients? Well, the answer is simple: customer engagement. The user interface and user experience play a pivotal role in engaging your customers. So, if you’re an enterprise that is struggling with customer retention, your UI/UX design can help solve this glaring challenge through customer engagement.

5. Trust

Trust emanates from transparency and accountability. Your app can communicate a lot about your brand, thus helping to build meaningful engagement with your target market. An easy-to-use and navigable app platform assures your customers that you are a trusted dealer and that your products and services can be trusted. This is precisely why Charlotte app developers should care about UX/UI design.


Why Charlotte Developers Must Take UI/UX Design Seriously

Here are a few reasons UI/UX design helps Charlotte businesses:

  • Creates a positive impression on a business or product.
  • Attracts and retains a customer because of usability.
  •  Ensures customer trust through a seamless design.
  •  Enables businesses to convert prospective customers into loyal customers.
  • Ultimately, it improves a product’s usability and responsiveness.

In short, the relationship between a product’s digital success and UX/UI literacy is closely intertwined.

Contact NS804 to discover more about user experience and user interface design.


How Clients Benefit From Android Mobile App Developers In Denver

The bustling capital of Colorado, Denver, has so much to offer out-of-town visitors and those looking for Android mobile app developers. Owing much to its phenomenal museums and historical landmarks, it’s a city that showcases its rich culture and heritage with panache. And it’s also home to some incredibly talented app development studios.

One of these studios is NS804, which also ranks as one of the most reviewed developers in Denver, according to the Manifest. Furthermore, we’re renowned for developing quality apps for our clients and have earned several accolades over the years. We’re Gold Verified on Clutch and have a comprehensive portfolio and many happy clients that back up the quality of our work.

But what makes us better than our peers, and what can you expect from NS804? We’re a full-service mobile app developer specializing in native Android and iOS development. That means we’ve amassed a team of specialists in all areas of app creation. 

We have designers, project managers, programmers, testers, writers, and even app store optimizers. So, our clients benefit immensely by having access to a ‘one-stop-shop’ instead of dealing with disparate entities, which only complicates the app development journey. But clients can enjoy further benefits, which we’ll explain in more detail below.


A Team Of Android Mobile App Developers Utilizing Design

Design plays a fundamental role in the app development process. We start by designing a wireframe of the user interface (UI) and may even create a prototype. And we do this to show clients how their app will look, feel, and function. 

If they’re happy with the results, we’ll proceed with a minimum viable product (MVP) or a full-fledged product. But if they’re not, we’ll listen to their concerns, feedback, and suggestions before going back to the drawing board. And once we return with satisfying results, our clients will be eager to move forward. 

Since we’re one of the leading native Android mobile app developers in Denver, we’re inclined to use the latest best-in-class tools. And that means we’ll use Jetpack Compose to create beautiful and modern native UIs. These UIs will delight Android users and keep them engaged, especially those that have purchased the latest smartphones and tablets.

Android Mobile App Developers Demystify The Development Process 

Many clients are new to app development and have many questions. We’re always available to answer their questions and demystify the development process as best we can. After all, it’s not uncommon for clients to have questions about the following:

  • Notable similarities and differences between Android and iOS
  • Required tools for Android app development
  • Game engines and tools required for making Android mobile games
  • Ways to optimize an Android app or game
  • How to succeed on Google Play and other Android app stores
  • How to build a backend and implement analytics

Building Android Apps That Succeed

App projects are always risky, even on popular platforms such as Android. That’s why we always strive to keep clients informed about the progress of their projects and any issues or upcoming roadblocks that may hinder progression.   

And since we know the Android landscape so well, we’re aware of the various factors that could sink even the most promising projects. These may include a lack of a clear objective, an unintuitive UI, failure to iterate, poor marketing, or a disappointing user experience. However, we work closely with clients to ensure none of these materialize.

The Bottom Line

As one of the leading Android mobile app developers in Denver, we use our vast experience to create phenomenal apps according to spec. And since we know all of the ins and outs of the Android platform, we’re well-positioned to tackle the most demanding projects and to support these in the long term. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create the most engaging Android apps today! 



The Ultimate Guide For Android Mobile App Development Basics

Mastering the Android platform as a developer always starts by comprehending the mobile app development basics. And that’s because the Android development ecosystem is incredibly dense and complex. Consider that it’s necessary to know two programming languages for this platform: Java and Kotlin. And while some programmers may scoff at the idea of familiarizing themselves with both languages, it’s a necessary step.

But why should programmers go to such lengths when it’s possible to develop Android apps if they only know one of these languages? That’s because it’s good practice to update apps regularly. And after a certain period, it’s essential to modernize apps, which may include moving from a dated programming language to a current one. Thus, developers planning to update Android apps should have the knowledge and skills to port these from the older Java code to the newer Kotlin codebase.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to know additional languages, such as C#, JavaScript, or even Python, for cross-platform development. And with such a large variety of programming languages, developers also have to deal with many integrated development environments (IDEs) and software development kits (SDKs).

Then, the types of apps developers make will impact tooling choices. For example, making a short-form video app like TikTok will require a different toolchain to a battle royale game such as Fortnite. And if developers wish to include networking features, considerations regarding backend and integration systems become paramount.

With so many considerations, Android development seems harrowing, especially for newcomers. That’s why we’ve compiled this handy guide to help aspiring and even seasoned developers understand Android mobile app development basics


Android Mobile App Development Basics: Choosing The Right Development Environment

So you’ve taken the time to research the market and are now busy planning your mobile app strategy. However, you’ve yet to pick your development environment, which will play a crucial role in determining the overall development experience. It may even impact the success or failure of your upcoming app project, so research all the development environments thoroughly before settling on one.

But what do you even pick with so many Android development tools available? If you’re planning on making a native app, then Android Studio is a great choice. It’s Google’s official and recommended IDE and features the Jetpack Compose user interface (UI) designer, Android Emulator, and intelligent code editor. Also, you’ll need to download the Android SDK, NDK, and Java SE Development Kit (JDK).

But if you’re planning on making a cross-platform or hybrid app, you may want to consider another development environment. There’s Visual Studio with Xamarin for cross-platform apps with native performance. And then, there’s Flutter and React Native for making impressive-looking hybrid apps.

If you decide to make a mobile game, you’ll want to use a game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Both engines provide their own asset content pipelines and tooling for creating animations, levels, and visual effects. However, Unity and Unreal recommend and offer a download pathway for the Visual Studio IDE for coding.

Gaining Programming Language Proficiency 

If you’ve picked Android Studio, you’ll need to gain proficiency in both Java and Kotlin. But if you’re a new developer, start with Kotlin since it’s a more modern language with a better and more streamlined syntax. If you already have experience in Java or any object-oriented language from the C family, it should only take several weeks to learn Kotlin.

But it’s also crucial to become proficient in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). JSON is a file type based on an open standard used for parsing and storing data objects. XML can also parse, structure, and manage data but can’t perform computing calculations.

For the majority of Android app development scenarios, Java, Kotlin, JSON, and XML should suffice. But what if you already have C or C++ proficiency and want to develop Android mobile games? The good news is that Google offers the Android Game Development Kit (AGDK) for developers with C/C++ skills. It’s a comprehensive suite of libraries and tools with easy integrations for game engines, such as Unity. 

And on the subject of Unity, if you opt for this engine, you may want to use the C# programming language. If you already know Java or Kotlin, C# is easy to pick up and start making simple games within days. Moreover, Unity provides many in-depth tutorials and programming resources to help newcomers become proficient with C#, the game engine, and mobile app development basics.  

How To Structure A Basic Android App’s UI With Jetpack Compose

Google recommends that developers use the Jetpack Compose UI framework for making modern Android apps. And that’s because it simplifies the creation of UIs with dynamic animations, styles, and themes. Its composable functions make it easy to change states and add images, texts, lists, grids, and scrollable columns. 

A few neat features of Jetpack Compose, which should also excite UI/UX designers, are its Material Design and Material Theming. These allow designers to make their apps more accessible and attractive to a larger demographic of users. Designers can alter all aspects of an app’s UI, from its typography to its colors. 

And some of the more advanced features of Jetpack Compose allow smooth navigation between screens, navigation across multiple screens, and passing of data between screens. With the proliferation of foldable Android smartphones, designers must take advantage of the additional screen real estate as efficiently as possible. 

One way to do this is by creating an adaptive app featuring dynamic navigation. This approach allows the app’s UI to transform elegantly and fluidly for any screen size, orientation, form factor, and device type. Moreover, there’s no loss or degradation of usability of the app, regardless of these changing factors.

Understanding Persistent Data On Android

It’s necessary to read, store, and manipulate data between an app and a relational database, such as SQLite. And that’s because you’ll need to store all kinds of app and user data and do so securely. But setting up a database and dealing with so much data can be difficult, especially for those getting to grips with Android mobile app development basics.

However, one of the most useful Kotlin APIs for this purpose is Room, which is part of the Jetpack library. It acts as an abstraction layer for configuring SQLite databases and reading, manipulating, and querying stored data. 

Sometimes, it’s more sensible to store user data and preferences on the device instead of a relational database, especially if the app will predominantly operate offline. DataStore is yet another Jetpack tool but meant for smaller datasets, such as typed objects or key-value pairs. Another benefit of DataStore is that it performs asynchronous operations but can also perform synchronous operations. This helps deal with legacy codebases designed for handling data and disk I/O operations in a synchronous manner. 


In Conclusion

The Android platform offers new and seasoned developers a rich and dynamic app development ecosystem that’s worth exploring. But before you embark on this journey, it’s best to internalize a few of the key points that we’ve covered in our guide about Android mobile app development basics. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create engaging Android apps using the best practices and industry-leading technologies.

6 Ways a Mobile App Can Be an Enterprise Cost-Saving Tool

Mobile apps are increasing in popularity and adoption. Almost 48% of small businesses have adopted mobile apps, thanks to smartphone adoption and internet penetration rates.

In 2022, almost half of all small enterprises had a mobile application to connect with new and existing customers. This figure represents a 10% jump from the previous year.

In addition, almost 28% of small businesses that did not have a mobile app reported that they had plans to adopt one to support future business growth. These statistics point to the growing popularity of mobile applications in the contemporary business landscape.

Trends in Mobile App Adoption

The rising popularity and the growing adoption of mobile apps come from a combination of factors. For instance, reported findings indicate the following:

  • Mobile apps will generate $935 billion in sales in 2023
  • Apple app store has almost 2 million apps for download
  • There are 3 million apps available for download in Google Play Store
  • 22% of millennials open an app 50 times a day
  • 5 hours are spent opening mobile apps every day

In addition to these statistics, findings show that in 2022, only 13% of businesses did not intend to release a mobile app, compared to 26% in 2021.



Benefits of Mobile Apps

There’s no denying that the increased adoption of mobile apps comes because of several reasons:

  • Faster operation. Mobile apps are way faster than websites and web browsers
  • Personalized experience. Mobile apps have one-on-one support
  • Online and offline. Mobile apps have both online and offline capabilities
  • Instant updates. Mobile apps provide instant updates and notifications
  • Branding possibilities. Mobile apps have a huge potential for branding
  • User interaction. Mobile apps extend enhanced user interaction
  • Robust features. Mobile apps embed many features that enhance their usability

Despite the far-reaching implications of mobile apps in the contemporary business landscape, a key reason enterprises adopt mobile apps is due to their cost-cutting capabilities.

6 Ways a Mobile App can be a Cost-saving Tool

1. Inventory management, control, and tracking

Published statistics note that the inventory carrying costs will total approximately 20% to 30% of the total inventory value. Essentially, inventory carrying costs are calculated as a percentage of a business’s total inventory at a specific time and in a particular period.

Mobile apps make it easy to track inventory costs. Mobile apps make it easy for shop floor managers to check inventory levels, process payments, and analyze daily activities. In addition, mobile apps help organizations check the day-to-day inventory activities in real time.

2. Employee visibility

Employee costs are a critical expenditure. Employee costs cover salaries, overheads, recruiting, equipment, pensions, and employer national insurance contributions. Managing and monitoring your employee costs can help you achieve cost-saving opportunities.

Mobile apps facilitate employee tracking and help in team management. Mobile apps help managers to get the most appropriate worker to the job in real time. In addition, it helps managers to know an employee’s whereabouts in case of a disaster – and track time accurately.

3. Shipment and logistics tracking

Shipment issues are bound to occur in any organization. Items are likely to be damaged or destroyed during a shipment. Shipping costs are sometimes unreasonably high, and lacking knowledge about international shipping continues to take a toll on most companies.

In addition, shipping route disruptions and the stress of route disruptions continue to affect organizations of different sizes and scales. Harsh environmental conditions and lost items further derail the free movement of goods and deliveries. Luckily, mobile apps offset some (if not all) of these challenges.

GPS tracking apps allow visualization, optimization, and updating of routes, saving shipping time and fuel costs. Real-time visualization helps trucks and shipments to avoid challenges related to route disruptions and costly damages.

4. Measuring asset performance

A popular saying states that what cannot be measured cannot be improved. Measuring is a critical part of improvement and service performance cannot be achieved if it can’t be measured.

Luckily, mobile apps provide more opportunities to evaluate asset performance. Mobile apps ensure that assets run at full performance through shorter maintenance and shorter response times. Mobile apps further provide visibility in machine and plant performance, helping shop floor managers monitor plant health through predictive maintenance.

5. Mobile CRM

Customer relationships are the lifeblood of any successful enterprise. Successful organizations are anchored on superior customer service, allowing organizations to be at the forefront of customer adoption and retention.

Mobile apps have bridged the gap between customers and support. Today, more than ever, organizations are connecting more with consumers, thanks to mobile apps. One way that mobile apps help to reduce customer contact time is through real-time chat support.

Mobile apps allow enterprises to collect and process meaningful information. Customer feedback can be collected and processed in real time. In addition, mobile apps help to address customer disgruntlement since concerns can be received and processed without wasting time.

6. Replace manual processes

Did you know that mobile apps have reduced labor-intensive business processes? Going paperless helps with environmental responsibility and conservation and opens cost-cutting opportunities, allowing enterprises to invest their money in more meaningful business processes.

Mobile apps provide automation capabilities, reducing manual processes to cut costs and save time. In addition, going paperless not only reduces the often paper-oriented tasks, it significantly reduces the risks associated with manual entries.


How Mobile Apps Transform Business Processes

Against the backdrop of business process improvement are huge obstacles and customer-facing challenges that must be solved. Luckily, mobile apps have helped offset most of these challenges through better and more improved digital capabilities.

Mobile apps help with systematic data processing and management. Today, organizations collect and analyze significant amounts of data in real-time and use this data to make improved business decisions.

In addition, mobile apps provide improved marketing of new product offerings. Before, organizations used offline media to reach their target audience. Traditional offline media included newspaper ads, mail advertising, billboards, and TV advertisement.

Today, mobile apps have reduced traditional advertising costs with new and improved marketing models. Mobile apps have increased customer reach because over 6.8 billion users have smartphone devices. In addition, approximately 5.1 billion people globally have an internet connection.

If you consider the growth of remote working, you realize just how important mobile apps are in this transformation. Work-from-home is a new standard for most countries and across diverse industries.

The U.S. Congress adopted a new directive that shifted the standard work week from 40 hours to 32-hour work-week, providing room for an efficient workforce. Achieving work-life balance has been a pressing issue for most workers. However, with the rising adoption of smartphone devices and the infiltration of mobile apps, organizations are today achieving work-life balance and creating efficient workforces.

Therefore, looking at mobile apps, you realize the cost-saving opportunities they have provided to individuals and organizations. From digital marketing to remote working, mobile apps continue to free e-commerce and revolutionize the digital marketplace.

NS804 – Reliable Mobile App Development Partner

NS804 supports organizations throughout the different lifecycle stages of mobile development. NS804 works closely with many stakeholders (app developers, business owners, and marketers) to develop highly customized apps. Our vision is to bridge gaps in mobile app adoption by businesses and customers.

Reach out to us for mobile app development solutions.

Android Studios: Are There Any Experienced Mobile App Developers In Charlotte?

If you’ve been feverishly searching for experienced Android studios in Charlotte, North Carolina — you’ve come to the right place! Not only is NS804 one of the leading lights of the mobile app development world in the Queen City, but we’ve also received many accolades

And while we pride ourselves on being one of the most prominent Android studios in this dynamic city, we’re experts at cross-platform native app development. That means that we know both Android and iOS platforms intimately and are renowned for creating engaging and performant apps for either platform.


However, you may not be interested in iOS and only care about targeting Android for your upcoming project. Or you’re thinking of releasing an iOS version of your app at a later stage but want to focus on Android for now. Whatever scenarios you’re currently contemplating, we’re here to help you make the right choices and accomplish your goals.

But now you may be wondering what to expect from one of the most prolific mobile app developers in Charlotte. And if you’re embarking on your first app project, we understand you’ll have many questions. Also, we know there isn’t enough information available about what Android studios can offer their clients. 

So, to make things easy for you, we’ve prepared this in-depth article to demystify a matter that may seem obscure. Read on to learn more about what one of Charlotte’s most talented Android studios can do for you!

The Best Android Studios Go Native 

We’re now living in the era of powerful cross-platform development frameworks. These include the likes of Flutter, Ionic, and Reactive Native. While the latter framework promises native performance, it’s still fundamentally a hybrid development toolkit. Furthermore, it requires a significant degree of optimization to create performant apps. 

Now there’s nothing necessarily wrong with using these platforms, especially for startups on a tight budget. Cross-platform hybrid frameworks make app development cheaper and faster but not necessarily better. And by better, we mean that hybrid-developed apps seldom reach the quality and performance levels of native apps.

However, if you’re targeting a single platform, especially Android, there’s little to no reason to opt for hybrid app development. And the best part is that Google offers exceptional native development tools to create engaging Android apps. 

They offer the Android Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and several robust tools free of charge. Furthermore, these include well-written documentation, tutorials, and even training videos to help anyone commence their app development journey. 

Therefore, there’s no excuse not to take advantage of all these free resources. But if app development seems too complex or beyond your capabilities, consider partnering with NS804 to complete your Android project. Our deep knowledge and expertise of Google’s entire Android development stack put us in a position to deliver apps according to your exact specifications.

Creating The Perfect Android User Interface (UI)

There are considerable differences between the UIs and gesture navigation systems between Android and iOS. Yet many cross-platform mobile app developers attempt to make them similar when targeting both platforms. Unfortunately, this is a massive oversight that worsens the experience for users in the general sense. 

That’s why we continuously stress the importance of native app development, as it impacts the overall quality of an app. It’s not just about performance but also how the app looks and feels. That’s why it’s crucial to have an experienced UI/UX designer on the team with intimate knowledge of Android’s native UI. 

Moreover, this designer should feel at home with Jetpack Compose — the official Android UI development toolkit that integrates fluidly with several Kotlin application programming interfaces (APIs). And what makes Jetpack Compose so powerful is that it helps designers make engaging UIs for small and large screens. 

Let’s not forget that the Android ecosystem is larger and more varied than iOS. When targeting Android, you must consider the multiple screen sizes of smartphones, tablets, foldable devices, smartwatches, smart TVs, notebooks (Google Chromebooks and Windows 11 PCs), and vehicle dashboard systems (Android Auto). 

But the most experienced Android studios know how to create responsive UIs that work with any device flawlessly. They can foresee when and where issues may arise while working on an early wireframe UI or prototype. Then, implement the solutions to deal with any bottlenecks to avoid costly and time-consuming workarounds that may occur later on.



Working With Firebase

Without any doubt, you’ll likely need a backend developer for your upcoming Android project. You may need to store client credentials on a database, authenticate users, or even keep track of scores on a leaderboard if you’re creating a mobile game. In most cases, you’ll use either an SQLite or NoSQL database and work closely with the backend developer.

But you may want a more elegant cloud-based solution that minimizes the need for a backend developer. In that case, you may opt for Google’s Firebase solution, which includes several powerful analytics tools. Therefore, you can spend most of your resources working on and improving your app without worrying as much about the backend elements. 

Another reason why you’d want to use Firebase is for its Crashlytics feature, as it’s a lightweight crash reporting tool. It will give you real-time reports with in-depth insights into the health of your app. And it’s possible to conduct A/B testing and remote configurations via Firebase, which means you’ll cut down on tools for these additional tasks. 

Of course, if you’ve partnered with one of the leading mobile app developers in Charlotte, you won’t have to go it alone. You can rely on NS804 to integrate Firebase into your app development toolchain.

Making Mobile Games For The Massive Android Market

In 2023, Android ranks as one of the largest and most important gaming platforms. It also overshadows iOS significantly, even though Apple Arcade has made great strides as a game subscription service. Nevertheless, Android dominates, with 75% of all smartphones and tablets in the world powered by this operating system (OS).  

Then, there are Android gaming smartphones available in the marketplace, such as the Asus ROG phones. And devices such as the Nvidia Shield Android TV Pro gives gamers a console-like experience at an affordable price. Moreover, Microsoft’s Windows 11 OS can run Android apps and games from the Amazon Appstore. Thus, there’s no shortage of devices capable of running Android games, making it a truly all-encompassing platform.

And the world’s most popular game engines and tools vendors have responded in kind. Construct, GameMaker, Godot, Unity, and Unreal Engine all offer Android export modules. And Unity takes things several steps further by having the capability to run and export to Chrome OS (Google Chromebooks). A key benefit of Chromebooks is that they can run Android, Linux, and Windows apps and games. 

Making games is hard enough, but supporting all these devices requires the expertise of a professional studio. While an Android game should run on all these devices without issues — this seldom happens. It’s not uncommon for mobile games to run great on specific devices and perform poorly on others. However, the most effective Android studios know how to optimize mobile games for a wide range of devices, even those not commonly used.

In Conclusion

There are several mobile app developers in Charlotte, yet NS804 stands apart due to experience and reputation. Furthermore, we’re one of the top Android studios in Charlotte but also have a notable presence in Denver and Richmond. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you create Android apps that engage users on Google Play and beyond!

8 Mobile App Development Trends in 2023

The e-commerce industry ushered in the mobile app development landscape. That’s because consumers were gradually shifting from computer-based interaction to mobile-based buying. In addition, the upsurge in mobile phones and the rising popularity of shopping using smartphones further opened an avenue for mobile commerce.

Mobile app development responds to this drastic change in consumer shopping habits. Mobile apps assist individual consumers shop and pay online while still tracking and receiving products through their smartphones. That’s why leading e-commerce stores such as Amazon, Walmart, Macy’s, Best Buy, Apple, and Target were quick to reinvent their digital strategies.

As we usher in 2023, it’s important to note that several trends will dominate the mobile app development market. In this post, we look at some of the trends that will dominate the mobile app industry, with a closer look at such trends as 5G, IoT, cloud, and artificial intelligence.

Here are 8 Mobile App Development Trends in 2023:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is a new digital technology that’s transforming how customers shop. The infusion of artificial intelligence in digital platforms has helped e-commerce and m-commerce stores to understand consumers and emulate their shopping behaviors.

It’s important to note that to know how artificial intelligence shapes online shopping, it’s equally crucial to understand how machine learning enables machines and endpoints to be more intelligent. Machine learning collects vast amounts of user data, processes this information, and helps these machines to copy or emulate human actions from collected data.

So, a key trend to watch out for is artificial intelligence and machine learning empowering machines to be more innovative, interactive, and agile in communicating and emulating online consumers. This, in turn, will have a catalytic effect on online e-commerce stores, helping these digital shopping outlets personalize their interactions with consumers and make shopping more enjoyable and personalized.


2. Adoption of Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has transformed how mobile apps are developed and deployed. Cloud technology has revolutionized how apps are used, and this trend will solidify in 2023. The utilization of cloud technology has allowed for greater flexibility, security, and scalability in mobile app development.

Cloud computing has further enabled developers to develop apps quickly and more efficiently. In addition, alongside helping developers create apps faster and more efficiently, cloud technology assists mobile app users in securely storing their information, including credit card information, digital assets, and data. Users can also access this information and data faster and more securely.

3. Metaverse-like Experiences

The metaverse is an app that integrates different online experiences. In 2023, users will see the growth of metaverse-like online experiences within individual apps. Users will move between and among different app experiences. Users will also access a wide range of services and experiences on a single app or platform. In addition, by integrating metaverse-like experiences, users will use their apps to compare different products visually and make informed decisions courtesy of this ‘live’ or realistic interaction with online apps.

4. 5G Technology

The 5G technology will satisfy or simply meet users’ need for speed and efficiency. 5G technology will offer increased speed, more latency, and faster data transfer. In addition, we are likely to see mobile app developers optimizing the 5G technology to improve an app’s functionality and inject more efficiency. Developers will leverage the 5G technology, optimizing its strong network to include more features such as augmented and virtual reality experiences. In addition, developers will use 5G technology to provide better cloud experiences and improved live streaming.

5. Gamification of Apps

There’s recently been a fusion between apps and games. Indeed, 2023 will see this line becoming fainter. There’s also an increasing gamification of apps in domains like healthcare and fitness, productivity, and education, providing users with more interactions and engagement. The benefit of gamification is to allow users to meet their goals and complete tasks quickly and efficiently by awarding points or virtual rewards for every milestone completed. For instance, a health and fitness app can encourage users to complete exercises by awarding them virtual gifts for completed milestones.


6. Integration of Apps

The Internet of Things IoT is here with us, allowing devices such as wearables, computers, and laptops seamlessly integrate and communicate in real-time. There’s no doubt that the growing proliferation of interconnected devices such as voice assistants, wearables, and smartphone devices will spur up opportunities for mobile app integration in 2023 and beyond.

Users will control their computers, phones, laptops, cars, and virtual machines with their smartphone devices, providing seamless experiences and more convenience across their interconnected platforms and devices.

According to documented statistics, the smartphone valuation market will reach $10 billion by 2028, with North America contributing slightly over a third of that valuation. More advanced thermostats, lights, cleaning systems, and security systems will be accessible and remotely controlled by apps. So, residential owners and housing developers must consider the rising possibility of smart homes; a reality that will be predominantly controlled and centered on mobile apps.

7. Beacon Technology

Beacons emerged in 2013, but they’ve become more popular in the mobile app market. The online retail market experienced a 65% revenue increase with the deployment of beacon technology in 2021. Beacon technology is revolutionizing the online retail market because of the propensity of Bluetooth technology to use low energy to transmit signals based on a user’s location.

Beacon Technology allows for location-specific, real-time alerts. The beacon technology enables enterprises, especially e-commerce stores, to understand user shopping habits and spending preferences. Real-time, location-specific alerts benefit enterprises looking forward to optimizing data to suit consumers’ shopping habits.

8. Augmented and Virtual Reality

The emergence of augmented and virtual reality prompts the development of travel, entertainment, gaming, and live-streaming applications. Today, more than ever, virtual reality allows mobile users to see what they’re buying. Augmented reality provides a detailed perspective and a 3-D view of commodities and products, helping buyers make more informed buying decisions.

AR and VR provide immersive experiences, allowing users to try new clothes and see how new furniture will fit in their houses. The challenge for enterprises is creating apps and shaping experiences enjoyable in older mobile versions. Regardless, augmented and virtual reality holds deep promise for app developers in 2023 and beyond.

NS804 – Transcending Modernistic Mobile App Development Trends

NS804 provides innovative mobile app development solutions, allowing enterprises and organizations to transcend this new shift in mobile app development. NS804 designs Android and iOS apps, helping enterprises narrow their preferences depending on their target market and demographics.

Most importantly, NS804 provides hybrid apps to enterprises targeting Android and iOS consumers. So, whether you’re a small and medium-sized enterprise seeking innovative mobile app solutions or a multi-international yearning for a new digital strategy with a hybrid app, we have you covered.

NS804 provides, among many others, a minimum viable product, allowing you to see and experience exactly how a new app will function. We work with talented developers to ensure your mobile app development is superior and excellent. We are also open for consultations when it comes to mobile app integration.

Contact for time-to-value mobile app development services– Android, iOS, or hybrid.


What to Look for When Finding an iOS App Developer

Apple’s iOS is one of the most complex operating systems, not only in terms of usability but equally in terms of design. So, finding an expert IOS developer should be on your priority list if you’re looking to develop an iOS app for personal or business purposes.

Here are some factors to look for when finding an iOS developer.


1. In-depth Knowledge of Swift 3.0

Swift 3.0 is a powerful programming language for developing iOS apps, whether for Apple Watch, Apple TV, or Mac. Swift 3.0, an excellent programming language created to give developers total freedom and flexibility, has superb syntax and it’s easy to use. Swift 3.0 is considered an intuitive and robust language for developing different sorts of applications for Apple’s diverse platforms – MacOS, TVOS, and watchOS.

Swift is rich and reliable, thus allowing developers to develop feature-rich and vigorous mobile applications efficiently and quickly. So, when searching for an iOS developer, it’s advisable to look for one proficient with Swift 3.0 programming language.

2. XCode IDE

Another factor to consider when hiring an iOS developer is their knowledge and proficiency in XCode IDE. Versatility in XCode is one of the most important qualities to look out for when hiring a developer.

An integrated development environment (IDE) harbors the essential tools required for debugging, interpreting, and compiling codes to simplify the app development process from beginning to end.

So, a comprehensive knowledge of XCode IDE is essential for successful iOS development.

3. Core Data

Apple and iOS users are brand-centric. They trust and are fully loyal to Apple devices and iOS applications. Core Data is essentially a framework that simplifies the development of data-driven apps. Core data simplifies the management of model objects.

An in-depth knowledge of the Core Data framework relieves the developer of routine tasks associated with object lifecycle management. In addition, Core Data significantly reduces the amount of code a developer writes. iOS developers can save data for offline use, save temporary cache datasets, and undo functionality on a single device.

Comprehensive knowledge of Core Data management is a requisite when hiring an iOS developer.

4. Memory Management

Essentially, Apple’s devices are sensitive to storage. That primarily means that an iOS developer must have comprehensive knowledge of memory management. Apple devices’ short-term memories rely on integrated RAM to store and manage data.

Apple’s operating system, iOS, dynamically decides the amount of memory allocated to each application. Any superior or experienced IOS developer must know that an iOS app might stop functioning once the system reaches or exceeds the allotted storage limit. Thus, any experienced iOS developer must know how to fix memory issues when called upon to do so.

5. Unit Testing

Apple has a function that evaluates or assesses how well an app functions. Great ‘unit tests’ are fast, functional, and fully isolated. For instance, when you design a calculator app and want to test the effectiveness of a given function – division, addition, multiplication, or calculus function – you might want to create a unit test function to ensure each feature works as expected.

In addition to verifying the effectiveness of an app’s function, unit tests can help prevent bugs. The ‘unit test’ tests the functionality of a function by using inputs to ensure they generate the correct outputs.

So, it’s critical to contract or hire developers who’re well acquainted with these ‘unit test’ skills to sufficiently test an app’s overall functionality and performance.

Skills to Look Out for in an iOS App Developer

Critical skills and requirements to look out for when hiring an iOS app developer include:

  • Spatial reasoning ability. Spatial reasoning ability is required when hiring an iOS developer. Ensure that your developer has the mental capacity to understand objects at varying scales and manipulate them mentally.
  • UI and UX proficiency. User experience (UX) design experts specialize in the aesthetics of an app, including its overall appearance and feel. UX experts enhance an app’s overall feel, look, and navigation to improve the overall user experience. User interface (UI) experts specialize in the app’s overall usability and functionality. UI experts ensure that your app functions as expected without buffers or delays in processing inputs.

So, an in-depth knowledge of UI and UX elements is necessary when hiring an IOS developer.


NS804 – Simplifying iOS Design and Deployment

Did you know that NS804 simplifies the process of designing, developing, and deploying iOS apps? At NS804, we pride ourselves in superior IOS development solutions tailored to your individual and business needs.

5 iOS App Development Insights to Consider First

IOS mobile app development refers to the process of creating applications solely dedicated to Apple’s endpoints – iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Apple’s wearables. Developing for iOS is intended to be an easy and smooth process. That’s because every IOS app must perform and function seamlessly across different Apple endpoints.

So, when embarking on an IOS development exercise, here are some insights to consider first:

1. Programming Languages – Objective-C or Swift

It’s first critical to know that IOS apps are written in a specific programming language, either Swift or Objective C.


2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Creating applications for the iOS platform typically requires an integrated development environment, mostly the XCode or text editor like Sublime Text. Sublime Text functions similar to an integrated development environment and can be used in IOS app development.

3. Design Blueprint

Before embarking on an iOS mobile app development, you must first create a clickable prototype or an app blueprint. This blueprint can be a wireframe that allows you to see and test interactions, interfaces, and on-screen elements.

Once you create your app’s blueprint, it allows you to carry out value throughout your development process successfully. An app’s blueprint in the form of a wireframe allows you to plan out every aspect of the app’s development. Most importantly, this wireframe will let you see any issues or problems you’ll encounter throughout your development.

The benefits of a design blueprint include the following:

  • It gives you a picture of the app to share with your team and stakeholders (clients, marketing department, design department, etc.).
  • It allows you to share your app idea with potential stakeholders and investors.
  • It saves you costly expenses by allowing you to see and locate possible issues and problems with your app idea.
  • It gives you an accurate estimate of your development expenses before you commit to developing the entire iOS application.

The app blueprint articulates the scope of your mobile app development – from inception to completion.


4. IOS Development Guidelines

Apple has specific guidelines it requires developers to know and follow before they submit their applications. Make sure you know these exact technical guidelines at the front end of the process before you begin your development.

Key guidelines for iOS development include:

  • Your app names must not be limited to only 30 characters.
  • Your app must not capture or include any objectionable content like offensive, upsetting or insensitive content.
  • Medical apps designed for healthcare must provide verifiable data, and accurate information and use verified or measurable methodologies.
  • iOS apps must meet rigorous safety and security standards.
  • All iOS apps must meet the minimum security and privacy standards to protect users’ information and data.
  • iOS apps must work independently without requiring the installation of other third-party software.

In addition, choose your app’s development method before embarking on any iOS development process or project.

5. Research

Developing for iOS goes beyond just the nuts and bolts of mobile app development, which refers to the nitty gritty of mobile app development. iOS app development demands that you do thorough research to understand your target audience and their most pressing needs. In addition, ensure that you follow the above steps and familiarize yourself with any technical requirements or guidelines before starting on your first iOS app.

Contact NS804 for all your IOS development needs.