Android Developers Richmond, VA

The Android operating system has over 70% market share worldwide, making it a dominant force in the thriving mobile app market. Google continues to come up with exciting, feature-rich applications, driving entrepreneurs to desire a piece of the Google pie.

Today, more than ever, entrepreneurs are looking for enhanced security and scalability, and Android apps seem to be meeting this demand. Today, Android apps are the new frontier, driving sales for enterprises seeking unique and innovative solutions.

And if you’re running a business in Richmond, Virginia, you need a custom-built Android app to help you target and retain Android users. So, what do you benefit from when you contract or hire Android app developers in Richmond, Virginia?

Well, let’s take a look:

1. Higher Returns on Investment (ROI)

The Android Software Development Kit is open-source software readily available to developers. In addition, Android app development is cost-effective and budget-friendly to enterprises operating with a cost-structure model in mind.

The Android app development has four stages:

  • App design
  • App development
  • App testing
  • App deployment

In addition, the entire development cycle is cost-effective, making it easier for enterprises to attract a good return on investment. So, if you’re looking for an affordable, cost-effective mobile app development solution, you’re in the right place. Android mobile app development delivers on its promise.

2. Substitute for Bring Your Own Device

Bring Your Own Device, commonly abbreviated as BYOD, is an evolving trend in most enterprises. Most organizations are not encouraging their employees and co-workers to bring their own devices to enhance collaboration and communication in the workplace, regardless of distance.

So, with Android app developers Richmond, VA, you are guaranteed to promote collaboration across your Richmond team of workers. Android mobile app development allows your employees to collaborate on shared projects without losing touch on crucial matters.

3. Easy Customization

Did you know Android is a versatile and easy-to-customize platform with enhanced flexibility and agility? What you get with Android mobile app development is an innovative app with varied customization options. As a robust operating system, Android can integrate both simple and complex modifications, enhancing your business functionality across the board.

4. Security and Marketing

Since its inception, Google has launched many varied business-friendly features. Today, Android stands firm against its counterpart Apple, especially regarding usability and security. It’s hard for malware and other third-party viruses to locate Android’s data structures, making the OS a safe and secure enterprise application.

In addition, the Android operating system allows an automated system to send instant notifications to the end-users, keeping them updated on important issues. In addition, you can easily monetize your Android app, thanks to its already existing prevalence and reputation.

In a way, Android mobile app development gives you shared benefits – security and promotional capabilities.

NS804 – Maestro of Android Mobile App Development

NS804 serves enterprises across Richmond, Virginia, allowing these brands and businesses to take advantage of an already existing, superior application – Android. So, if you live in Richmond and you’re looking for trusted and secure Android app development solutions, look no further.

NS804 is your trusted Android Developer in Richmond, allowing you to design, develop, test, and successfully deploy your Android App.

Contact NS804 for time-to-value Android app development solutions.

IOS Development Richmond, VA

IOS development is a critical step of any mobile app development process. That’s because there were more than 1.2 billion iPhone users globally at the start of 2022. And this number is expected to grow soon. The APP Store gives users from every part of the world the opportunity to discover and download apps that meet the highest levels of security, quality, and performance.

This is exactly why developing an IOS mobile app with quality in mind is critical. App Store prioritizes and gives preferences to seamless, smooth, and quality apps that answer the most pressing of customers’ questions. So, if you’re a mobile developer or running an enterprise that ultimately needs one, you’re in the right place.

This article will explore some benefits of IOS mobile app development and give you tips on how to approach mobile app development – of course from an expert. In addition, if you need some mobile app development services in Richmond, worry no more because we already have you covered.

Why IOS Mobile App Development Richmond?

1. Elegant user interface

The first impression of an app is critical in its adoption and overall usability. That’s why it’s the responsibility of every mobile app development company to provide a superior user interface that’s appealing and satisfying.

A smooth user interface works proportionally for the customer. The smoother and more appealing, the stronger the relationship between the business and its target customers. Therefore, if you’re looking for IOS mobile development, in Richmond, ensure that the development project delivers an elegant user interface.

2. Tech-savviness

The iPhone has clearly distinguished itself as a tech-savvy device for like-minded users. That means that the typical iPhone user is a tech-savvy consumer who’s attracted to and impressed by innovative products.

So, if you’re developing an IOS app, think of developing a product with robust features. iPhone lovers are highly receptive to innovative and equally evolving products and apps. Your goal in developing a mobile application is to produce a product that will cause turbulence in the market and keep your head afloat from the competition.

3. Strong security

One of the primary advantages of IOS development is the high-end security protection provided by IOS. There’s no denying that every app developer must consider the security safeguards that protect data against theft, duplication, and encryption.

The primary purpose is to protect customers against phishing and hacking attempts, thus preserving their data, privacy, and security. So, it’s the responsibility of every app developer – customers, developers, and companies – to prioritize security in the IOS mobile app development.

4. Capital returns

Did you know that IOS app users are more likely to pay for an app than Android app users? So, developing an IOS app gives you better monetization opportunities than Android. However, it’s always advisable to consider a cross-functional app that can function in Android and IOS.

In addition, every app in the App Store must meet stringent criteria of security, usability, and experience. This means that every app in the App Store is worthwhile and helpful. Investing in an IOS development project will not only give you returns on investment, but will help you retain a large chunk of your clients.

5. Superior user experience

50% of customers uninstall their apps a week after installing them because of usability issues. Fortunately, this is not the case with IOS mobile app development. Apple has built a superior product for its customers because of fantastic software, superb customer service, and faultless hardware.

In addition, the contentment that Apple users derive by using such a superior product cannot be downplayed when considering whether to invest in Android or IOS development. Investing in IOS development fits into Apple’s overall culture of quality, functionality, and superiority.

Mobile App Development Services, Richmond

Richmond is a thriving capital that boasts hundreds of small, medium-sized, and large businesses. As an independent city with slightly over three hundred thousand people, Richmond Virginia is the fourth most populous city, and thus a business hub in the region.

Running a business in Richmond demands thrust, creativity, and innovation. This is because Richmond is home to one of the world’s leading brands – Walmart, Amazon, Infosys, Deloitte, and many more.

Luckily, mobile app development services will ensure that your business gets both a digital and physical presence. Mobile app development has been lauded as one of the most creative elements of modern-age businesses.

This means that leveraging mobile app development services will enable you to succeed in your digital marketing efforts by capturing an upstream of online customers.

Some of the benefits of IOS mobile app development in Richmond include:

  • Target customers. IOS mobile app development enables you to zero down on high-value customers. That’s because Apple users are tech-savvy and highly receptive to innovation and evolving technologies.
  • Returns on investment. It has already been established that iPhone users pay more for apps than Android users. That automatically means that your IOS app stands in a better monetary position than a typical Android app.
  • Quality. IOS mobile app development process is complicated and requires the latest software version. However, the results of IOS mobile app development are superior and superb, giving you better functionality and app control than a typical Android app.
  • User experience. Did you know that on average IOS apps are better and more impressive than Android apps? Investing in IOS development gives your app an edge, especially in a highly competitive and ever-changing landscape.
  • Faster development process. Unlike Android app development, IOS app development is faster, easier, and less expensive. However, all credit goes to Apple’s excellent programming languages that make app development a rewarding experience.

It’s critical to note that IOS development remains the best mobile app development for new and upcoming owners who want to remain ahead of the pack.

NS804 – Trusted IOS Development, Richmond

NS804 is a seasoned developer of superior mobile app solutions for Android and IOS. However, our years of designing and experimenting with IOS apps enable us to prefer IOS apps to Android apps because of speed, functionality, reliability, and security of IOS.

So, if you’re starting or simply looking to reinvent an existing mobile app, you’re in the right place. NS804 works with talented software developers and project managers who can design your app from concept to completion.

In addition, we provide a minimum viable product allowing our customers to experiment with a prototype of the app before going full-flung. Part of our provision is a mobile app calculator that lets you determine how much you will pay for a specific type of app.

So, whether you’re starting or improving on an existing project, NS804 will support all your IOS development efforts with precision and expertise.

Contact NS804 for superior IOS mobile app development solutions.

10 Mobile App Development Questions, Answered

Mobile app development strategy is now a priority for most businesses. That’s because of the rapid uptake of mobile apps that has transformed the mobile app landscape.

However, for most businesses, small and large, successfully bringing an app to the market demands substantial research and strategic planning. So, there are several questions to consider when you begin the mobile app development journey.

Understanding these ten questions will help you identify the best mobile app development strategy for your enterprise.

1. Is a mobile website sound enough?

Your business objectives will guide your decision to design a mobile app or a mobile website. For instance, if your objective is to offer mobile-friendly content to a wide range of people, a mobile website can be an ideal choice.

Mobile websites present a great way to put valuable content in the hands of your target audience. Unfortunately, mobile website users have exceedingly high expectations of functionality and quality that sometimes these websites cannot deliver.

2. How feasible is my idea?

Most small and medium-sized enterprises struggle with this question. They wonder about the feasibility of their app idea, often struggling to understand whether they should put huge budgets on app development and maintenance.

Well, the best way to know whether your idea is feasible is to test it. You have to design a prototype, take it to your target market, and see whether there’s something valuable in it.

There’s no way to know whether your app idea will succeed if you haven’t taken it to the field of real prospects or at least seen how apps of similar nature have performed before.

3. Who is my target audience?

Most businesses and individuals fail to know who exactly is their target audience when developing an app. Always know your app’s end users before kick starting the app development process.

To know your target audience, conduct a comprehensive study of your app’s user demographics. Focus the research on identifying the users’ buying habits, age, challenges, and locality. In addition, research on how much time they spend on devices, their preferences, and interests.

4. What’s my mobile app category?

Knowing your mobile app category will significantly help you cut your mobile app development costs. While knowing your app’s category is a no-brainer, your app should be designed in such a way that it can fit into any categories available in both Apple Store and Play Store.

Knowing your app category will reduce your competitive research time. In addition, knowing the primary and secondary categories will help you narrow down the most appropriate or potential clients for your app.

5. How can I validate my app idea?

This is a question that’s asked by most mobile app developers. Individuals and businesses that want to integrate mobile apps into their digital strategy wonder how they can actualize their dreams and validate their ideas.

The answer to this simple question is: you can validate your idea by using a prototype, a Proof of Concept, or a minimum viable product. Alongside validating your idea, a Minimum Viable Product allows for client and stakeholder participation, eliciting new ideas and revealing new areas of improvement.

The prototype or minimum viable product ensures that the entire team contributes to the project through the product life cycle stages. So, if you want to increase the chances of your app’s launch and eventual success, using a proof of concept POC or a minimum viable product may help you attain that goal.

6. How will my app make money?

This is a question most individuals struggle to answer. So, making money with your app depends wholly on your app monetization strategy. Selecting the right monetization strategy or a combination of strategies will help optimize your app’s performance and usage.

As you seek to monetize your app, look for a model that will generate income without compromising on your app’s overall performance and functionality. For example, the subscription monetization model works based on music and video subscriptions, while the in-app purchase model is perfect for products and free-to-play games.

Carefully consider how you monetize based on your market research, user base, and product. Doing this will not only guarantee profitability but will substantially increase your success.

The most common app monetization strategies include:

  • Subscription
  • Freemium
  • In-App purchases
  • Pay per download
  • Advertising base

It’s important to note that regardless of your app’s monetization strategy, it’s not an afterthought. Your initial plans must capture your app’s idea and its monetization strategy.

The last thing any individual or business wants is to invest in a product that has no long-term returns on investment. So, carefully define your app’s monetization strategy straight from the beginning.

7. Hybrid, native, or web?

Selecting web, native, or hybrid can make or break your app’s mobile strategy. In addition, deciding to build your app as either a native, hybrid or web involves many factors for consideration.

Benefits of Native Apps

  • Deliver the best performance
  • They’re interactive, intuitive, and smooth
  • Allows developers to access the full feature set
  • A superior user experience
  • Approved by its operating system, ensuring compatibility, quality, and security.

Advantages of Web Apps

  • Web apps are relatively easy to maintain
  • They’re less expensive upfront
  • Do not have to follow standard OS protocols
  • Web apps can survive in all operating systems and platforms
  • Updates are not done from a centralized store – web apps update themselves automatically when the app loads

Advantages of Hybrid Apps

  • Only one codebase is needed for hybrid apps
  • Hybrid apps have access to a device’s internal API
  • Hybrid apps don’t need a web browser

The initial cost of a native app may be higher. However, you’ll save money and time in the long run.

8. Should I outsource my mobile app development?

Many companies have many items to consider when starting with mobile app development. One of these questions is who’s going to build the product.

Outsourcing mobile app development comes with flexibility, experience, and expertise, alongside an in-depth knowledge of new trends in technology.

9. Are there similar apps in the industry?

Competition holds a special place, not just in developing a new mobile app; but also in determining or predicting the future of that specific app. The first step in the competitive analysis is to know whether there are any competitor apps in the market.

Obtaining this information will not only help you know what elements or items your app must have, but will give you insights on what you should consider in the future to remain sustainable.

10. How do I protect my app idea?

One of the most commonly asked app development questions is how to protect your app idea. Well, the truth is that you have control of your app until it’s launched in the market. However, once launched, competitors will copy whatever attributes they see fit. And some competitors may duplicate the entire app idea.

So, while you’re at the ideation towards conceptualization stage, you can protect your app idea by signing a non-disclosure agreement NDA with the app development companies you’re involved with.

At the end of the day, the best way to protect your app idea is to work on it before your competitors do. And working on it means constantly adding new features and looking for new ways to improve the app’s overall functionality.

NS804 – Masters in App Design, Development and Deployment!

NS804 is a leading and trusted provider of mobile app development. With vast experience in app design, development, and deployment, NS804 has helped thousands of clients meet their app development goals.

NS804 offers expertise from inception to completion, helping you transcend the app development journey.

Contact NS804 for timely mobile app design, development, and deployment.

Want Flawless API Implementation? Here Are 3 Tips

The application programming interface (API) is essential for all forms of software development, and that’s why you want flawless API implementation. But how do you do this with so many APIs in existence? And don’t you need vast knowledge to work with so many different APIs?

The good news is that you’ll only ever use a handful of APIs during your development endeavors. And no, there’s no need to know these intimately, as these change regularly or occasionally become deprecated. Though it never hurts to have relevant background knowledge and experience.

However, API implementation is something you need to do well and consistently. So we’re providing these few handy tips to help you with this matter below.

1. Check The Documentation Before API Implementation

The quality of documentation plays a crucial role in whether or not you should use an API. And that’s because poor documentation, or lack thereof, makes API implementation incredibly challenging. And in some cases, utterly impossible!

So, always check the documentation of an API to see that it’s clear, concise, and detailed enough. It should have enough information to help you implement it easily and quickly. Fortunately, most popular APIs, especially those developed by tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft, come with well-written documentation.

But things can get dicey when dealing with open-source APIs or those made by amateur developers. Another common problem with open-source projects is that documentation will suffer once a project loses steam. At least with those backed by large companies, their documentation will regularly get updated, so long as these APIs aren’t deprecated.

2. Verify The Stability Of The API Beforehand

Always check the version number, release notes, and reported issues of an API beforehand. Also, search developer forums to see if other developers have experienced issues with the API you’re about to implement. Contributors of these developer forums will often provide solutions to known problems.

While no API is perfect or bug-free, you’ll want to avoid any API that will break your app. And you’ll also want to use APIs that offer a certain degree of backward compatibility. After all, you don’t want to rewrite your entire app just to get it to work with the latest version of an API.

3. Easier Is Always Better

API implementation should never be too difficult. Your team simply shouldn’t waste valuable time trying to implement an API when they could be working on the features that add value to your app. Thus, your preferred APIs should offer ease of use and flexibility.

And implementation must be so easy that it makes sense to use a particular API in your other apps when necessary. Thus, you won’t waste company resources learning new APIs or having to undergo yet another onboarding process.

The Bottom Line

Every mobile app relies on several APIs to make it functional. And there’s an API for every use case, from drawing graphics on the screen to transferring data to the backend server. Therefore, API implementation is one of the most important tasks that mobile app developers can’t ignore. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you develop phenomenal mobile apps the right way!

Do You Have A Great App Idea? 5 Tips To Get It Validated

Coming up with a great app idea can seem easy at times. But what may not seem easy is ascertaining if that app idea is truly feasible. If most developers were honest, they’d admit they lucked out on some of their best and most profitable ideas. Instead, they’d like everyone to believe they’re geniuses for coming up with winning ideas.

Of course, some top-tier app developers have a methodology for brainstorming ideas and validating them. And that’s what we want to focus on right now!

We’re not interested in revealing tips aimed at opportunistic appreneurs and developers that want to make a quick buck from current trends. And that’s because this is not a sustainable way to push out compelling apps at a regular cadence.

Instead, we want developers to work systematically to achieve consistent results regularly. We also want developers to think of themselves as problem solvers and not simply studios that push out code.

While working with new technologies is always fun, we should never lose track of the fact that we’re here to provide solutions. Our goals should always align with those of our clients and users. And that’s to make life easier for them by solving problems that hold them back or impact productivity.

However, you may be at this point now where you have a great app idea that will solve a problem users experience. But how do you validate it to know for certain that it will serve your target market well? Read on, as we’re about to reveal several handy tips to help you through the validation process.

1. Market Research Is A Must! 

Never commence planning and developing an app without conducting market research first. And that’s because you need to know if your app is unique or improves on existing ideas. And if the market already has competitors, can you compete by offering something different or better?

Moreover, you should clearly define your app’s unique selling point (USP). Ask yourself what sets it apart from competing apps and how your users will benefit.

And possibly, create a prototype to show your team, company stakeholders, or even a small focus group. Then, ask them for feedback on what they think of the app and if they can pinpoint its USP and potential target audience.

2. The Early Stages Of The Validation Process

As a startup with limited time and money, going through the validation process may seem challenging. But we recommend that you don’t skimp on this step, as it will help determine if you have a great app idea or not.

We mentioned earlier about building a prototype and showing it to relevant parties. However, you can take things further by setting specific validation goals. 

For example, you may decide not to build a prototype but focus on pitching your idea to investors. If you manage to convince five or more investors about the virtues of your app idea, then that’s a good sign. Or you can work with another metric: if 100 or more potential users view your concept design on social media and react positively — you may want to greenlight the project. 

As you may understand by now, there are several ways you can go with this. And by setting several validation goals that you can measure, you can gain real-world feedback without breaking the bank. But only doing the above won’t be substantial for most projects, even though it’s a good starting point.

3. Effective Ways To Validate A Great App Idea

Real-world feedback is an ongoing theme with app validation. And that’s because there’s no better way to determine if there’s interest in your app concept or idea.

So, focus on ways to receive user feedback from potential users. But also ensure that you research the size and value of the market you’re targeting. And no matter how much you like your idea, don’t invest in developing it into a full-fledged app without thorough market validation. 

But how do you thoroughly validate the market? Well, one of the best ways to do this is with a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a stripped-down version of your app with the bare minimum of functionality. And the main advantage of this is that you can deliver an MVP to your users cheaply and quickly. 

Should it prove popular with users, you can scale it into a fully-fledged app and implement the features that users have suggested. However, if it fails to gain traction, you can scrap the project or implement changes that may make it more appealing to users. The latter may be the way to go if there’s still middling interest and users have made suggestions.

4. Conduct User Surveys

Another good way to ascertain if you’re on to a great app idea is via user surveys. Start by creating a customer profile that represents your ideal users. Your customer profile may have the age, demographic, education, hobby, location, and spending attributes.

If your customer profile slants to the younger ages, you may want to find users on a platform such as TikTok. And if they’re older professionals, you may want to track them down on LinkedIn. Either way, you should have a clear picture of your target group so you can survey them properly. 

Ensure that you tailor your survey for your target group and use language and tone that appeals to them. Moreover, respect their time by not asking more questions than you have to or asking complicated questions that are too difficult to answer. Ideally, you want these users to complete your entire survey and not give up halfway through.

5. Pre-Selling And Pre-Registration 

Another effective way to test your app idea is by setting up a pre-selling landing page. This landing page will feature a description of your app, screenshots, and a promo video to create buzz. Furthermore, visitors can easily register and submit their email addresses to stay updated. 

What’s so compelling about this approach is that it’s a way to attract early adopters. And the higher number of these early adopters, the more validation you receive for your app. Moreover, it can act as a revenue stream if you need to generate income before launching your app officially. 

But if setting up a landing page and maintaining an email list isn’t your thing, there’s no need to despair. Google Play offers pre-registration for your app so that you can build hype and user relationships before launch. This is done directly on the Play Console and is implemented 3-6 weeks before the launch date. 

It’s an effective way to drive traffic to your app’s store page. And it’s possible for Google Play to automatically deliver your app to users and auto-install it on their devices on launch day. Thus, it’s almost certain that you’ll have users on day one with a limited amount of work on your end. You can also use Google’s pre-marketing tools to boost interest further.

The Bottom Line

When you have a great app idea, you’ll want to validate it as soon as possible. The good news is that there are several ways to go about this, as we’ve already covered above. However, there’s a bit of additional work involved, which may increase your costs and time to market (TTM).

But if you work with experts, such as NS804, you’ve got a partner to help you navigate this process. Contact us today to learn how we’ll help you validate your best ideas and turn them into phenomenal apps!

What Can Your App Metrics Tell You About Your Customers?

App metrics will help you succeed as an appreneur or even as an enterprise releasing one or more apps. After all, it’s never a good idea to push out an app without monitoring its key performance indicators (KPIs). And that’s because you’ll be missing out on crucial information that impacts your app in its entirety.

Just think for a minute that you’ve spent a lot of time and money on a food ordering app. Many users download it, but you receive very few orders. Having failed to add mobile app metrics, you’re left bewildered as to why this occurs. To top it off, you’re left guessing about what needs to improve, apart from a few negative user reviews.

The hard truth is that you should never have to guess what’s wrong with your app. Instead, you should know how it performs during its entire lifecycle. And app metrics will also help you learn more about your customers, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

Learn More About Customer Device Specs

You should add metrics that monitor your app’s performance and user experience (UX) from the get-go. But why is this so important when your app runs fine on your test devices? Your test devices only offer a limited view due to the massive variety of devices available, especially in the Android space. It’s a technical impossibility to test your app on the thousands of different Android smartphones, tablets, and TVs that your users may own.

However, your mobile app metrics will let you know how your application performs after the user installs it. You’ll gain access to valuable data, such as the user’s device operating system (OS), screen resolution, load times, and crash reports. Moreover, you’ll have a granular view of this data to allow you to pinpoint issues and fix them. Occasionally, you may detect these issues before most of your users do.

Mobile App Metrics Reveal Customer Engagement KPIs

Is your app engaging users, or are they uninstalling it in droves? Believe it or not, that’s one of the most important questions you should be asking. But it’s also one that you should be getting answers for immediately. And that’s because engagement rates directly impact your app’s revenue, so never leave this to chance.

Your customer engagement KPIs should reveal the following: average number of screens per visit, session length, stickiness ratio, retention rate, and churn rate. Furthermore, you should have detailed data on daily, weekly, and monthly engagement per active user. 

Monitor Customer Spending Habits

Your app’s supposed to make you money, so you need to know if your customers are actually making purchases. Also, integrate the necessary application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate and monitor all payment methods. Nowadays, users like to make payments using Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal — and several other payment services.

But what customer revenue metrics should you monitor? You’ll need to look at the following: average revenue per user (ARPU), number of purchases, time to first purchase, customer lifetime value (CLV), conversion rate, and cost per install (CPI).

In Conclusion

Mobile app metrics, when properly implemented, reveal much about your customers. And the data you collect and analyze will help you to pinpoint issues that impact your app negatively. Thus, allowing you to make fixes and roll out updates that actually make sense. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you integrate app metrics to unlock the true potential of your applications!

The 3 Reasons You Need A Professional To Design An App

If you need to design an app and do it right, you should hire a professional app developer. But you may be thinking that hiring a professional is too expensive. Or you’d prefer to go at it alone, thinking that designing an app is a simple process. After all, how hard could it be, as script kiddies on YouTube seem to pull it off — right?

As an established professional developer, we do understand the concerns about costs. Designing and developing a polished mobile app isn’t cheap. But can you afford to cut corners when hundreds of expertly crafted apps appear in app stores daily? And do you have what it takes to maintain and update your app consistently?

Furthermore, let’s consider the ever-changing landscape surrounding mobile devices. With the recent introduction of foldable devices, app developers must get to grips with responsive and adaptive design. How would you respond to this? Would you be able to innovate and design an app that runs well on older and newer foldable devices concurrently? Or would you need to compromise and only support one or the other?

As Apple, Google, and various hardware manufacturers bring new operating systems and devices to the market, developers need to keep up. Thus, when you design an app, you also need to think long-term about what changes and roadblocks you’ll likely encounter. So, do you want to handle these alone or let a professional studio such as NS804 deal with them instead?

These are some of the questions you should be asking when opting to design an app. But there are many good reasons why you’ll need to work with a professional developer, which we’ll cover in more detail below.

1. A Professional Developer Adheres To Best Practices

Let’s go back to the YouTube script kiddie example and how it pertains to app design. That young, wide-eyed YouTuber may come across as incredibly smart and knowledgeable and seemingly knows everything about the latest programming languages, frameworks, and mobile app development techniques. And his well-made videos and many positive viewer comments lend him an air of credibility.

Now, you begin to trust him as an expert in his field and decide to follow his video tutorials for your upcoming app. Everything goes smoothly — and in a matter of weeks — you have an app ready to submit to the app stores. You’re excited and wait in anticipation for your app to be approved. But that excitement soon turns to astonishment as both the App Store and Google Play reject your app.

Well, that’s a dreadful outcome but not surprising. It turns out that trusting that young YouTuber was a big mistake! While he was very convincing, he typically didn’t follow best practices, a matter seldom addressed by most content creators that position themselves as so-called experts.

The sad news is that these tech-related content creators have created the myth that anyone can design an app. However, that’s not true, as the mobile app development process is complex, challenging, and highly technical, which is the domain of the professional developer.

And given that both Apple and Google expect developers to adhere to their guidelines, app development is not the space for frivolous content creators that care more about their view counts. The same applies to freelance developers that see app development as a way to make a quick buck rather than creating apps that meet quality standards.

2. It Takes A Team Of Experts To Design An App

You may have many cool ideas that you want to make their way into your upcoming app. But cool ideas are not necessarily good ideas. For example, you may want your app to stand out and envision it having a visually striking 3D user interface (UI). You also want plenty of intricate animations and visual effects to spice things up further. Ultimately, you want your app to look like the best Pixar films — and then some!

While all that sounds great, have you asked yourself if it’s practical or feasible? And if not, wouldn’t it be wiser to consult a team of professionals to help you make the right decisions? After all, it’s all too easy to trip up and make mistakes when trying to design an app on your own.

If you were to approach a professional developer and present those ideas, you would quickly learn whether or not these ideas make sense. A professional developer would also have experienced UI/UX designers on hand to recommend better approaches and design an app with usability in mind.

They may recommend a cleaner-looking and more snappy UI that uses a bare minimum of 3D and effects. Not only will this help with user accessibility, but it would also run smoother on low-end devices. And even after you release your app, this team of experts will know how to respond to user feedback by implementing changes and improvements where necessary.

3. Dealing With The Intricacies Of Mobile Game Design

While a mobile app presents many challenges, things become considerably more onerous when dealing with mobile games. And that’s because mobile games are technically more demanding to make and require a multidisciplinary approach. Furthermore, the game loop must update every time the screen refreshes, which is usually 60 times a second on most mobile devices. Newer phones have higher refresh rates, which only ups the ante for developers.

Not only must developers design mobile games that run smoothly, but they must look, sound, and play great. Imagine if a single individual or freelance developer has to create the next hit mobile game — is it even possible? Well, it’s doable if it’s a simple arcade or puzzle game with little content. But those are seldom the types of games that engage today’s gamers and become massive hits.

The hard truth is that modern gamers expect content-rich experiences with dazzling 3D graphics. And this not only costs a lot of money, but it’s also something only a professional developer can deliver. And by professional developer, we mean a studio that consists of talented individuals with specialized skills.

We mentioned earlier that games require a multidisciplinary approach, which means you’ll need those with varied skill sets. Therefore, you’ll need a game designer, character designer, level designer, UI/UX designer, sound designer, lead animator, lead programmer, and writer. And you’ll also need several 3D modelers, animators, texture artists, motion capture actors, voice actors, programmers, and game testers to complete your game.

Depending on the size and scope of your game, you may need to work with freelancers. It’s common for game studios to work with established freelance game composers. Furthermore, you may need the services of brand identity, marketing, and localization teams.

The Bottom Line

It’s exciting sitting down with a pen and paper to write down a list of ideas and draw a wireframe of your app. And that’s a good starting point, as it will give you a basic idea of what form your app will take. However, it’s even better if you consult a professional developer to make your ideas fly.

When you design an app with the help of a professional, things will turn out differently. You’ll no longer need to guesstimate whether you’re on the right path. And that’s because the professional studio will act as a wise partner offering recommendations and solutions leading to an expertly designed app.

Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you design an app that’s not only professional but also engaging!

Building Your Online Gambling App: What to Prioritize

Are you interested in building your own online gambling app or website? What should you be aware of? Many online gambling apps offer similar content in terms of what users can bet on. For instance, one can bet on one sport from multiple websites. The differences that make users prefer one app over the other are mainly about quality. This explains why you need to work with a world-class developer who will give much thought to the user experience and the need to localize the product for different markets.


The biggest hurdle for many gambling apps is the need to be aware of and operate within the law in different markets. This often means having product managers working in concert with legal experts to ensure adherence to changes in regulation. More importantly, the development team should create features in a manner that can be adapted for different markets. There should be a core product and auxiliary features to pick from depending on the market.

Localization of your Online Gambling App

Localization therefore goes beyond just the language. Your product team should understand the law as well as people’s culture and preferences. The culture will inform the content for your app in that market. In some markets, customers may already have interacted with products similar to yours because a competitor has already set up shop there. In other markets, you might have to do the groundwork of introducing the product and slowly building the market from scratch. The amount of resources to invest in the latter market will be different.

Reach out to NS804 for your online gambling app development needs. We will help you prioritize features to include in your MVP and adapt it for different markets. Our team will ensure that important factors such as quick navigation and ease of use are prioritized to help onboard and keep new customers.

App Commerce Trends of the Future

The mobile app industry is thriving due to the high uptake of smartphone technology. The increased consumption of smartphone devices alongside higher internet penetration rates leads to a corresponding growth in mobile apps.

According to published statistics, there are 6.3 billion smartphone users globally. And if you factor in the 1.14 billion tablet users globally which are growing exponentially at a rate of 26%, you realize just how reputable and promising the mobile app market is.

In 2022 alone e-commerce sales are slated to exceed $430 billion. The e-commerce sector is growing as retailers respond to consumers’ increased uptake of smartphone devices and mobile apps.

So, retailers that want to maintain a competitive advantage must watch out for new trends that will define and shape the mobile app landscape.

Let’s take a look at some app commerce trends of the future.

1. Shopping via mobile apps

Credible statistics show that 72% of e-commerce sales happen on mobile devices, with 85% of customers opting for mobile apps for their day-to-day shopping. Evidence has shown that the continued adoption and the rising preference for mobile app shopping are due to the speed these apps function. Already, consumers are finding mobile apps speedier, agile, robust, and ultimately convenient.

2. One-click purchasing

One-click is a term first postulated by the world’s leading retail giant Amazon to mean ‘making all purchases with one click. One-click purchasing allows consumers to buy all products from a store without necessarily having to key in their personal or purchasing information.

You only have to click and all information keyed in including:

  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Credit card number
  • Email address
  • Card verification number
  • Customer name

Retail outlets that use one-click purchase options allow customers to complete all purchases using data from previous purchases. So, you don’t have to key in all the personal and credit card information anytime you make a purchase.

Point to note: Although the one-click app commerce trend is a convenient option with many benefits, the biggest question is security. Consumers must remember that the one-click drift relies on an intermediary getaway payment system.

This intermediary getaway is PCI-certified, so your information is safe and secure. So, you don’t have to worry because there are sufficient security configurations to protect your personal and credit card information.

3. Social commerce

Customers are converging on social networking channels now more than ever before. Your customers, too, are always on social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many more. So, it’s easier for your product (or service) to catch their eyes on social media sites than on your website.

One of 2022 leading mobile commerce trends is using social media for mobile commerce. Brands and businesses are increasingly converting their social media following into actual sales by reinventing how they communicate to this social audience.

While many e-commerce enterprises have tried and succeeded, most enterprises find that converting social traffic into product sales is a conundrum. Navigating from a social media conversation or post to product sales appears an uphill task that requires remediation processes.

Luckily, the social commerce trend has come to solve this challenge.

4. Augmented reality

Augmented reality is one of the latest kids on the block in technology and user experience. Augmented reality continues to elevate the mobile commerce market by giving it a complete sensory experience.

Augmented reality allows users or viewers to virtually try on, personalize, and even fit products at the convenience of their homes or offices. In addition, consumers can augment the real world using real products while seated back at home.

The four key strategic benefits of augmented reality in shaping app commerce include:

  • Unique customer experiences. The first benefit of augmented reality in transforming mobile commerce is that it provides the best customer experience by blending both the physical and virtual worlds.
  • Eliminates cognitive overload. Have you ever tried repairing something by referring to a manual? Well, the process can be tedious and mind-boggling, especially considering that you have to refer to technical drawings or specifications to arrive at the desired outcome. Augmented reality presents information in easy-to-process digital snippets, sparing the user from processing complex pieces of information or data.
  • Heightens user engagement. When augmented reality first became popular, it was confined to gaming and entertainment. However, today, augmented reality has extended its use to many other applications that add tangible business value.
  • Competitive differentiation. It’s critical to differentiate yourself in a market where every seller offers the same products or a homogenous line of products at the same price band. Augmented reality lets mobile apps set themselves apart with creative campaigns and attractive snippets. The 360-degree visual and sensory experience offered by augmented reality sets most apps aside from their competitors.

There’s no denying that recent developments have revealed something exciting about us as humans. As a human race, we spend more time immersing ourselves in screens.

And so with time, our realities become deeply integrated or ingrained with digital experiences. Indeed, we tend to see a product as superior or inferior based on its ability to indulge or conform to our digital experiences.

As a result, building your app by considering this aspect of human nature may help you achieve the desired results, especially when embedding augmented reality in your m-commerce app.

5. M-Commerce

Aside from e-commerce, there’s a corresponding growth in m-commerce. M-commerce refers to buying using smartphone or tablet devices. M-commerce has grown because of the growth and uptake of smartphone devices or endpoints.

As a result, with 6.3 billion smartphone users globally, it’s now possible to understand why mobile commerce is the new frontier in a world with a web of heavily interconnected endpoints – mobile phones, laptops, tablets, computers, and even wearables.

6. Voice shopping

Voice apps like Alexa and Siri have been growing over the last decade, thanks to massive improvements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In addition, how voice search is used and applied in different contexts has changed drastically.

Today, home appliances are utilizing voice search in day-to-day tasks like changing channels using remotes, switching lights, and controlling entry points like gates, doors, and entrances.

People also use voice search to check weather conditions and to tell their audio systems to stream music.

However, today, voice search has gradually penetrated the e-commerce market. Indeed, credible research shows that the voice market is expected to reach $40 billion by 2023, up from $2 billion less than half a decade ago. This growth represents a 1000% increase in just four years.

So, it’s possible to see that voice search and personalization, in general, are critical trends in the mobile commerce market.

7. Mobile chatbots

Chatbots have existed for decades. And perhaps you’ve ever interacted with a chatbot at some point in your life. In fact, we are already interacting with chatbots anytime we order from our favorite restaurants or even speak with an agent for a TV or cable company.

And while chatbots have become a common scenario in our day-to-day lives, these bots have not fully penetrated the mobile commerce market. However, this is likely to change in 2022 and beyond.

Just think about all the benefits of chatbots. Imagine if you can integrate chatbots with mobile apps to help improve the customers’ shopping experience.

So, in 2022, e-commerce stores will be embedding chatbot features in smartphone apps. This new trend will revolutionize e-commerce, making bots the center of focus in consumer interactions and customer support in general.

NS804 – Futuristic Approach to Mobile App Commerce

NS804 is a leading provider of mobile app solutions. NS804 provides mobile app design and development solutions – from inception to completion.

Today, NS804 believes that the mobile commerce market is changing, and businesses must adopt new trends in app adoption and use.

So, at NS804, we believe the best way for businesses and brands to grow and evolve is by adopting a futuristic mindset to app commerce.

Contact NS804 for mobile app design and development solutions.


Best Programming Languages For App Development — Our Top 10 List

Every developer wants to know what the best programming languages are for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s always interesting learning about the languages that rank high on GitHub, Stack Overflow, and TIOBE Index. Secondly, high adoption rates of a particular language impact how easy it’s to find and hire skilled developers. And thirdly, knowing which languages are most suitable for specific market segments, helps us make better decisions.

Below, we’ve compiled a handy list that pinpoints the best-in-class programming languages for app development. A few of these choices may surprise you, but we laser-focused on the languages that are the most useful and relevant.

1. Kotlin

In 2017, Google announced that Kotlin would become a first-class citizen for developing Android apps. And during these past five years, Kotlin has become the preferred language for Android mobile app development. But what does this mean for Java — is it still relevant? Yes, many developers still use Java, and it’s still possible to develop Android apps using this language.  

However, Kotlin is modern and offers several time-saving features that help developers be more productive. And coupled with Google’s Jetpack libraries and easy-to-implement Kotlin APIs, there’s never been a better time to develop for Android. 

Given the popularity of Android on a global scale and its proliferation on a wide range of devices, it’s a platform that no app developer can ignore. Therefore, if there’s one programming language that will open many doors, it’s Kotlin. And that’s why Kotlin is in our number one spot in our epic list of best programming languages for app development!

2. Swift

Similar to how Google is replacing Java with Kotlin, Apple has a similar strategy. The company is heavily promoting Swift as its flagship programming language, even though it’s possible to develop for iOS using Objective-C. And that’s a good thing, as Objective-C is a dated language that not every programmer enjoys using. 

What Swift brings to the table is a cleaner and simpler syntax, which allows developers to enjoy substantial productivity gains. Therefore, if you were to start developing for iOS today, you’re better off choosing Swift over Objective-C. Not only will you complete your projects faster, but your code will be more readable and maintainable. 

Another advantage of Swift is that it’s native to iOS, which means it’s more performant than third-party languages. Generally, always opt for a programming language native to the target platform unless this isn’t financially feasible or there isn’t anyone on your team that’s skilled in the language.

3. C#

Microsoft may not have made a significant impact in the mobile space. After all, they failed to respond quickly to the rise of smartphones, and their Windows Phone failed miserably. But where Microsoft does shine is in their development tools and releasing the powerful and versatile programming language — C# (pronounced C Sharp and not C Hash).

Designed by Anders Hejlsberg — the author of Turbo Pascal and lead architect of Delphi — C# closely resembles Java but has more quality of life features. And similar to C++ and Java, it’s also an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, ideally suited for business applications and games. 

C# programmers that want to develop for Android and iOS can do so with the Xamarin framework. And it’s possible to achieve near-native performance on both platforms, as long as these programmers are skilled at taming the rather complex .NET garbage collector (GC). Mobile game developers can also use C# together with Unity to create stunning-looking 3D games.

4. C++

C++ is one of those languages many developers prefer to avoid using whenever possible. And that’s because it’s incredibly complex and hard to master. However, C++ is the lingua franca of the game development world. So, if you’re developing a game engine or using Unreal Engine for your next mobile game, you’ll need to know C++. 

And while Unreal Engine has the Blueprints Visual Scripting language, it has a steep learning curve and doesn’t offer the same level of performance as C++. But it doesn’t end there; Google recently released the Android Game Development Kit (AGDK), which allows developers to code in C++ while taking advantage of the Jetpack libraries. 

Another area where knowing C++ comes in handy in dealing with application programming interfaces (APIs). You’ll find a large number of APIs written in C++, and these can range from networking to app monetization modules.

5. OpenGL ES Shading Language (GLSL)

OpenGL ES is a free-to-use cross-platform API owned by the Khronos Group. Also, it’s one of the most indispensable APIs any Android developer will use, as this handles 2D and 3D rendering. That’s why having sufficient know-how of GLSL not only comes in handy; it’s essential for any graphically intensive apps. 

But what exactly is GLSL, and how does it work? GLSL is a programming language resembling C (a low-level language that precedes C++). Furthermore, GLSL commands will execute on the graphics processing unit (GPU) instead of the central processing unit (CPU).

6. Metal Shading Language (MSL)

Not to be outdone by its rivals, Apple has created a proprietary API for hardware-accelerated graphics for its platforms. Known as Metal, this API only works on Apple’s devices, unlike the OpenGL standard, which is cross-platform. But it’s possible to cross-compile GLSL to Apple’s MSL standard via the SPIR-V transpiler. 

MSL allows Apple developers to achieve similar results to what their Android counterparts can do with GLSL. And thanks to the Metal-cpp interface, C++ programmers can easily code for Metal or port apps and games from other platforms. Developers accustomed to Microsoft’s DirectX API and High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) shouldn’t find it difficult to adopt or transition to MSL.

7. Java

Java is a language that remains useful for Android and enterprise developers. And knowing the ins and outs of Java is still helpful for those getting to grips with Kotlin and even C#. Furthermore, developers may need to maintain existing Java apps or port these over to a more modern language, such as Kotlin. 

And surprisingly, Java is a decent language for mobile app development coupled with a good framework. The open-source libGDX game development framework is lightweight and versatile, making it relatively easy to develop 2D and 3D cross-platform games. However, libGDX also works with Kotlin, which is likely the better choice for newer projects overall. 

8. Structured Query Language (SQL)

Now, SQL may not seem like the most interesting of languages. And some may think that it should never have made it to our best programming languages list. However, if your app uses a database extensively — and most do — then knowing SQL makes sense.

The language is powerful and versatile enough to handle large amounts of data and complex queries. But it should be coupled with the framework that best suits your needs. And that’s the tricky part, as there are many flavors of SQL and NoSQL (not only SQL) databases out there, such as Amazon DynamoDB, Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, to name a few.

9. JavaScript 

Over 16 million developers use JavaScript, which often ranks as one of the world’s most popular programming languages. So why does it rank so low here? Well, JavaScript is a web-based language designed primarily for client-side web pages and never meant for mobile apps.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t use JavaScript, as long as you don’t mind creating a hybrid app instead of a native one. You’ll need to use a framework such as React Native or Ionic Framework. And while these frameworks promise amazing results, it’s unlikely they can perform as well as native apps developed by professional studios such as NS804.

10. Python

Many newbie developers and script kiddies probably consider Python one of the best programming languages for app development. And there’s no shortage of YouTube tutorial channels that have generated much hype for Python. But it’s not the be-all and end-all of programming languages, not even close. 

Unfortunately, the fanboyism surrounding Python may cause some developers to opt for this language instead of more appropriate alternatives. And while often touted for its machine learning (ML) capabilities and ease of use, Python seldom matches the performance, look, and feel of native apps made with Kotlin and Swift.

But it’s not all bad, as Python is still a good choice for creating prototypes and minimum viable products (MVPs). And it’s possible to complete smaller projects using frameworks such as BeeWare or Kivy relatively quickly.

In Conclusion

Our top 10 list of best programming languages for app development was carefully considered. Mainstream popularity and hype didn’t affect our choices, as we focused exclusively on the languages that truly facilitate the app development process. And we placed languages native to a platform or offer near-native performance right at the top, and the least performant languages at the bottom. 

Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create native apps with the best-in-class programming languages and tools!