7 Reasons To Find A Mobile App Developer In Charlotte

As a native of Charlotte, North Carolina, or the surrounding regions, you may have attempted to find a mobile app developer in the area. And you may have become overwhelmed by the sheer number of developers available to tackle your project. Now, having options is always good, and we’d always recommend you explore these options.

But you may have also wondered if any of these mobile developers in Charlotte are any good. We don’t doubt that there are many competent developers in Charlotte, given the enormous talent pool of the city. With a population of almost 900,000 inhabitants, a bustling commercial hub, and home to banking giants, it’s a city that means business. That means developers must bring their ‘A’ game to stay relevant.

While all this seems great, it doesn’t mean every developer in Charlotte can help you achieve your app development goals. A freelancer or even a startup may not have the experience, funding, or staff to tackle your app project, especially if it’s ambitious. Freelancers, in particular, may not be available or willing to roll out bug fixes and updates after shipping your app. You don’t want to deal with such a scenario if you expect your app to have a long lifecycle

Thus, we recommend that you focus on established and reputable mobile app development studios in Charlotte. Whether you’re an appreneur, business owner, or executive, you want to work with a developer that will help you achieve your goals while meeting your high standards. And given the complexity and demands of modern app development, there’s no room for half-measures. Below, we’ve compiled a handy list pinpointing the reasons to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte.




1. Find A Mobile App Developer With A Proven Track Record

What is one of the easiest ways to determine whether an app developer can deliver quality apps on time? Start by looking at the developer’s portfolio of completed apps. You should find these on the developer’s website, and the list of completed apps should be reasonably long since this shows the developer ships apps at a regular cadence. Be wary of developers that don’t have a portfolio or only showcase a few apps. These developers probably haven’t released enough apps to garner enough experience to tackle more complex projects.

As a leading app development studio in Charlotte, NS804 has tremendous pride in the apps we’ve released since 2012. We build 10-15 apps for our clients annually, targeting several categories and demographics. We’ve released apps for branding, business, communication, dating, entertainment, productivity, and web design, making our output well-rounded. Our portfolio speaks for itself since it consists of a compelling list of apps, such as follows:

  • Bat Flaps
  • Béné
  • Brew Trader
  • C5G
  • EntreConnect
  • Horse Logics
  • Impower
  • KnowUs
  • Live Bet Boss
  • Paxis Pro
  • PreVue
  • Simpatico
  • Social Auto Transport
  • Text Surge
  • Trivia Monsters
  • Virginia Beer
  • Watermelon Festival
  • Wine Swap
  • Yards for Yeardley
  • Zoomerang

2. Partner With An Award-Winning Developer

Most established studios can push out many apps in a short space of time, so it’s not always a reassuring sign. After all, it’s common for some studios to focus exclusively on reskinning mobile apps and games. In most cases, their primary focus is to make a quick buck without caring about the quality or originality of their apps. If you want to develop an app for your business, these are the worst kinds of studios to partner with. 

Instead, you want to work with a studio that’s meticulous and passionate about the app development process. The kind of studio that takes app development seriously yet continuously raises the quality bar. At NS804, we think of ourselves as such a studio, and we’ve received the acclaim and awards to prove it! 

We’ve appeared regularly in media outlets like DC Inno, Fox 5, NBC 4, Sun Herald, Technical.ly, and Washington Business Journal. And we’ve regularly been featured and awarded by Clutch in the following categories:

  • Top App Developers – Washington D.C. 2018
  • Top Mobile App – Developers 2019
  • Top Mobile App – Developers 2020
  • Top Developers – 2021
  • Top B2B Companies – Global 2022
  • Top 1000 Companies – Global 2022
  • Top App Development Company – Richmond 2023
  • Top Software Developers – Virginia 2023
  • Top AR/VR Development Company – Richmond 2023
  • Top AR/VR Development Company – United States 2023

Receiving accolades feels good, and it reassures our existing and future clients that they’re dealing with a development partner focused on quality. Moving forward, we plan on winning many more awards, but above all, meeting and surpassing client expectations.

3. Prioritize Native Mobile App Development 

It’s always better to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte that specializes in native development. But what is native app development, and why should you care? Think of native apps as those created using a manufacturer’s recommended programming languages, development tools, and methodologies. In the mobile space, Apple and Google set the guidelines and provide the tooling for iOS and Android development, respectively. 

Apple provides the Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) and the Swift programming language for creating apps for iOS devices. Similarly, Google provides the Android Studio IDE and the Kotlin programming language for creating apps for Android devices. A native app developer will use these tools and languages instead of third-party tools that facilitate cross-platform development. 

While cross-platform tools make it easier, cheaper, and quicker to develop for Android and iOS, there are several disadvantages that we need to discuss. One of the main issues with cross-platform development is that it always introduces a performance cost. In most cases, natively developed apps load faster, perform better, and drain the battery far less than cross-platform apps. 

Another issue that will impact the quality of an app is its user interface (UI). Many cross-platform tools offer non-standard UI components that don’t always comply with Apple’s and Google’s standards. While several cross-platform tools have improved their UI in recent years, they’re still not as good or consistent as native UI tools.

Ideally, you want your app to look and feel identical on both Android and iOS. And that’s only possible if you partner with a developer specializing in native app development. It may cost more and take a bit longer to ship, but your users will appreciate the slicker and smoother experience your native app will provide.




4. Find A Mobile App Developer In Charlotte That Pushes The Envelope

The mobile app market has matured, meaning it’s harder to attract, engage, and retain users. As an appreneur or business leader, you’ll want to bring your best ideas forward to make an impact. If you’re a trailblazer or often come up with unique ideas, you’re in a better position to succeed in an environment with hard-to-please users. 

But coming up with ideas is only one small aspect of the app development process. You’ll want to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte to present your ideas and receive feedback on whether or not it’s realistic to turn these into an app. And if your ideas seem unconventional or difficult to conceive, an experienced developer will help to ground these. The developer’s experience with multiple app releases will inform further brainstorming and ideation processes based on what works and doesn’t.

While we can’t speak about other developers, NS804 has often embraced ideas that drive mobile apps forward. We’ve worked closely and built fruitful relationships with clients that have come up with ideas that truly help users. Our close collaboration with 3ADVANCE, LLC and Red Canopy Holdings, LLC helped birth the Béné app. 

Béné is a digital tipping application for the hospitality industry that allows guests to tip hotel staff. Guests scan QR codes printed on cards inside their rooms and other hotel areas to send cashless tips without needing to download any apps. The simplicity and reliability of this system have made Béné a winner and a testament to how good ideas help shape industries.

5. Work With A Developer That Builds Next-Generation Apps

We’ve already mentioned that users have become harder to please nowadays. It’s no longer easy or even possible to draw these users with apps that they’ve experienced a hundred times before. Moreover, a growing number of users, especially younger users, expect more from apps. Old and outdated-looking apps just won’t do, and it’s up to you to look at new ways to engage these users. 

Fortunately, mobile app technology keeps moving forward, which presents savvy appreneurs and developers with plenty of opportunities to create the types of apps that weren’t possible in the past. We’ve reached a point where there’s greater demand for more immersive apps that utilize video or contain an augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) component. 

Recently, NS804 worked on the innovative next-generation PreVue dating app that smartly uses video. Our client wanted to make the online dating process more honest and authentic, and that was only possible with video. PreVue users must upload a short video of themselves showing their body language, personality, and overall vibe. It’s now easier to build trust with potential matches since users can no longer hide behind fake bios like in other popular dating apps.

The short-form video format popularized by Snapchat and TikTok served as inspiration. We were willing to put in the extra time and effort to create a next-generation app that would resonate with today’s users. PreVue is gradually growing in popularity and delighting users disillusioned with how apps have approached the online dating experience thus far. This has shown us that implementing the latest technologies is essential for app success moving forward.

6. Collaborate With A Developer For App Store Submissions

If you haven’t released an app on the app stores to date, you may not understand how these work. You may even believe that it’s a relatively simple process to release apps on the App Store and Google Play. And while there’s some truth to this, it’s probably more involved and challenging than you’d expect. That’s because Apple and Google have strict guidelines that developers and publishers must follow when submitting apps. 

While there’s nothing wrong with learning and tackling the entire submission process yourself — it will take time and may cause much frustration — especially if your app fails approval one or more times. If you’re running a business, there’s probably a significant opportunity cost involved in spending your valuable time trying to go through the submission process. It’s wiser to partner with a studio, such as NS804, to handle this for you instead. 

NS804 will ensure that your app meets all the criteria set by Apple and Google. We’ll look at your app content, quality, uniqueness, hardware compatibility, performance, security, stability, and styling, to ensure it passes submission. While Apple has the reputation of having stricter guidelines, it’s not uncommon to face significant challenges when submitting an Android build on Google Play. That’s because Android apps need to run on a wide range of hardware specs from multiple manufacturers.

7. Find A Mobile App Developer That Will Help You Scale

Perhaps your app’s meant to serve a crucial part of your business strategy. Or you’re planning on building an innovative music streaming service that will grow and grow. Therefore, your app’s never truly finished and will receive new features and updates regularly. But rolling these out requires that you team up with a reliable partner.

Ideally, you want to work with a studio that stays committed to your current goals but will also closely follow future roadmaps of your app. At NS804, we understand how important it’s to scale your app when reaching certain milestones and are willing to provide the necessary guidance to help you grow. We prefer to build a long-lasting relationship to ensure we always have a role to play during each phase of your app’s evolution. 

In Conclusion

If you’ve been trying to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte, you may have come across several studios. It’s likely that we’re one of these studios that have appeared during your searches or recommended by business associates. Whatever the case is, contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create the phenomenal apps that will engage and delight your users. 

Videos – A Notable Trailblazer in Online Dating

The mobile app revolution has taken the world by storm – from e-commerce apps that embrace realistic virtual and augmented reality shopping capabilities to video-based dating apps.

Recent developments in mobile apps show that the digital world will embrace a paradigm shift, making apps the next big thing after the internet. Already, the metaverse defined the limits of virtual spaces, signaling a new awakening in how we use and interact with the internet.

Today, video-based dating apps have defined a new frontier, eliminating the barriers set in previous dating apps. Traditionally, the online dating scene was a scam zone characterized by fake profiles and unrealistic characters.

However, today, this is about to change with new video-based, next-generation apps like PreVue Dating.

Here’s what we should expect with video-based, next-generation dating apps:

1. More authenticity

Documented evidence shows that there are many benefits to using a dating app with a video as opposed to one with just images. The first advantage is more authenticity. Videos allow users to showcase their personality, tone, and body language in ways that mere pictures cannot.

Videos give users a more personalized and accurate presentation of themselves, which helps create trust and increase the likelihood of a successful match. So, new dating apps that embrace the video-based capability will ensure more users and personalized experiences than dating apps without this new capability.



2. Better communication

Truth be told: videos provide better communication and more personalized interaction than mere images or pictures. Precisely, videos allow users to exchange information and talk more realistically, ensuring that users can hear and respond to one another in real time. This capability can lead to more meaningful communication and deeper connections which is a critical element in online dating.

3. Improved safety

Videos can help improve the safety of users by allowing users to verify that those they are talking to are the people they’re claiming to be. Videos can also help users feel more comfortable meeting in person as they’ve already seen and talked to each other via video.

Let’s consider the following statistics:

  • One in every seven dating profiles may be fake
  • Of all 3.5 million profiles created every month, 500,000 may be fake
  • Romance scams resulted in losses of over $1.3 billion in the US in 2022
  • Canadian romance scam victims lost over $50 million in 2021
  • Australians lost at least $568 million in online dating scams in 2021
  • Social media remains a fundamental attack vector in online dating scams

So, video-based dating sites are gradually providing safety nets to most users in online dating sites.

4. User experience

There’s no denying that video-based dating apps are realistic and provide a better user experience. A dating app with a video feature can provide a more meaningful conversation and deeper connections and interactions. Users can share videos of themselves and others, making the app more meaningful and entertaining.

Already, a Forbes publication showed that video communication is being optimized to further physical distance and allow for social distancing – in both work and dating spheres.

So, when you combine this capability with the risk of physical communication in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, you realize that video-based communication is gaining momentum in bridging glaring gaps in physical communication.

5. Mutual attraction

Sharing videos with interesting captions on social media is nothing new. Facebook first launched its video function in 2007. YouTube began in 2005. And Snap Chat exploded after adding a 10-second video capability to its platform. TikTok is currently the new frontier in marketing, and it utilizes live and recorded videos of users.

There’s no denying that the short-form video model became a striking feature of most online applications – and this trend will grow. Despite this development, it has taken a few years for dating apps to adopt this feature.

But why the delay?

The prevailing theory is that it’s scary to show more online. Everyone has great photos and excellent captions depicting their ‘best angle’ and ‘their good side’ which provides psychological protection.

However, with platforms such as PreVue Dating taking video-form elements in their models, it shows just how videos are harder to fake and how the dating landscape is changing.

Videos indisputably allow users a better gauge of mutual attraction. And as users become more discretionary, videos will gain more momentum in the dating world, signaling a new normal to most users of online dating sites.

6. Increased confidence

Most people turn to online dating because it’s more confidential. Indeed, most online dating users prefer to first match with interested potential matches before meeting them in person. This ultimately provides psychological protection in case things do not go as planned.

The truth is – videos allow users to showcase their personality, tone, interests, and attitudes which can increase their confidence. This may be particularly helpful to those users nervous about meeting new people or people who may struggle with making the first impression.

7. Time-saving

Videos can be a more efficient way to get to know someone without wasting time. Instead of spending hours, days, or sometimes weeks getting to know someone, videos allow users to get a taste of someone’s interests and personality in minutes. Video-based capabilities help users establish compatibility without wasting time exchanging messages and texts.

8. Screening tool

One exhilarating aspect of videos in dating is that they can act as screening tools. Users can screen those they’re interested in before committing to a date or a meet-up. Screening can help reduce the number of mismatches and increase the chances of a successful date.

9. Hobbies and interests

Videos can help users showcase their interests and hobbies in a more meaningful way than written descriptions and images. By showcasing interests and hobbies in a more interactive and meaningful way, videos can help potential matches get a better understanding of what they have in common.

10. Better visibility

Adding a video on one’s dating profile provides better visibility and enables users to stand out from the crowd. This capability is especially important at a time when dating platforms are flooded by fake profiles. Adding a video boosts the number of potential matches, providing a more fulfilling and interactive online dating experience.


PreVue Dating – A Path to Online Engagement

Online dating apps have been doing a lot of experimentation and innovation in videos. Some of these platforms allow basic features such as pulling and posting a video from your phone. Others offer full-blown video-chatting functionality. Dating apps have adopted various and varying rules and moderation capabilities to improve match quality and dating experiences.

NS804 has worked closely with online dating app players to identify proven strategies for online dating experiences. And with the wake of PreVue Dating, it’s becoming clear that video dating will be a frontier in online dating. However, it’s important to note that as video becomes a trend in online dating, users will have to adopt several safety guidelines.

Some of the main safety cornerstones for videos in online dating include:

  • Platform guidelines. Online dating platforms must be overtly clear about what’s appropriate content.
  • Community feedback. The online dating community must drive the common good with reporting buttons that flag and moderate content.
  • Human moderation. Human moderation is a critical element in reducing technology gaps and human errors. For instance, Facebook has approximately 15,000 reviewers hunting inappropriate content and fake news.
  • AI moderation. Many dating apps take appropriate precautions to protect their women users. AI-powered private detectors scan images for inappropriate content.
  • Privacy functionality. Controls when and how users use the video functionality feature. Some apps, for instance, allow chat users to blur their screens until they feel comfortable.

Contact NS804 to bring video-based capabilities to your online dating platform.