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8 Mobile App Development Trends in 2023

The e-commerce industry ushered in the mobile app development landscape. That’s because consumers were gradually shifting from computer-based interaction to mobile-based buying. In addition, the upsurge in mobile phones and the rising popularity of shopping using smartphones further opened an avenue for mobile commerce.

Mobile app development responds to this drastic change in consumer shopping habits. Mobile apps assist individual consumers shop and pay online while still tracking and receiving products through their smartphones. That’s why leading e-commerce stores such as Amazon, Walmart, Macy’s, Best Buy, Apple, and Target were quick to reinvent their digital strategies.

As we usher in 2023, it’s important to note that several trends will dominate the mobile app development market. In this post, we look at some of the trends that will dominate the mobile app industry, with a closer look at such trends as 5G, IoT, cloud, and artificial intelligence.

Here are 8 Mobile App Development Trends in 2023:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is a new digital technology that’s transforming how customers shop. The infusion of artificial intelligence in digital platforms has helped e-commerce and m-commerce stores to understand consumers and emulate their shopping behaviors.

It’s important to note that to know how artificial intelligence shapes online shopping, it’s equally crucial to understand how machine learning enables machines and endpoints to be more intelligent. Machine learning collects vast amounts of user data, processes this information, and helps these machines to copy or emulate human actions from collected data.

So, a key trend to watch out for is artificial intelligence and machine learning empowering machines to be more innovative, interactive, and agile in communicating and emulating online consumers. This, in turn, will have a catalytic effect on online e-commerce stores, helping these digital shopping outlets personalize their interactions with consumers and make shopping more enjoyable and personalized.


2. Adoption of Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has transformed how mobile apps are developed and deployed. Cloud technology has revolutionized how apps are used, and this trend will solidify in 2023. The utilization of cloud technology has allowed for greater flexibility, security, and scalability in mobile app development.

Cloud computing has further enabled developers to develop apps quickly and more efficiently. In addition, alongside helping developers create apps faster and more efficiently, cloud technology assists mobile app users in securely storing their information, including credit card information, digital assets, and data. Users can also access this information and data faster and more securely.

3. Metaverse-like Experiences

The metaverse is an app that integrates different online experiences. In 2023, users will see the growth of metaverse-like online experiences within individual apps. Users will move between and among different app experiences. Users will also access a wide range of services and experiences on a single app or platform. In addition, by integrating metaverse-like experiences, users will use their apps to compare different products visually and make informed decisions courtesy of this ‘live’ or realistic interaction with online apps.

4. 5G Technology

The 5G technology will satisfy or simply meet users’ need for speed and efficiency. 5G technology will offer increased speed, more latency, and faster data transfer. In addition, we are likely to see mobile app developers optimizing the 5G technology to improve an app’s functionality and inject more efficiency. Developers will leverage the 5G technology, optimizing its strong network to include more features such as augmented and virtual reality experiences. In addition, developers will use 5G technology to provide better cloud experiences and improved live streaming.

5. Gamification of Apps

There’s recently been a fusion between apps and games. Indeed, 2023 will see this line becoming fainter. There’s also an increasing gamification of apps in domains like healthcare and fitness, productivity, and education, providing users with more interactions and engagement. The benefit of gamification is to allow users to meet their goals and complete tasks quickly and efficiently by awarding points or virtual rewards for every milestone completed. For instance, a health and fitness app can encourage users to complete exercises by awarding them virtual gifts for completed milestones.


6. Integration of Apps

The Internet of Things IoT is here with us, allowing devices such as wearables, computers, and laptops seamlessly integrate and communicate in real-time. There’s no doubt that the growing proliferation of interconnected devices such as voice assistants, wearables, and smartphone devices will spur up opportunities for mobile app integration in 2023 and beyond.

Users will control their computers, phones, laptops, cars, and virtual machines with their smartphone devices, providing seamless experiences and more convenience across their interconnected platforms and devices.

According to documented statistics, the smartphone valuation market will reach $10 billion by 2028, with North America contributing slightly over a third of that valuation. More advanced thermostats, lights, cleaning systems, and security systems will be accessible and remotely controlled by apps. So, residential owners and housing developers must consider the rising possibility of smart homes; a reality that will be predominantly controlled and centered on mobile apps.

7. Beacon Technology

Beacons emerged in 2013, but they’ve become more popular in the mobile app market. The online retail market experienced a 65% revenue increase with the deployment of beacon technology in 2021. Beacon technology is revolutionizing the online retail market because of the propensity of Bluetooth technology to use low energy to transmit signals based on a user’s location.

Beacon Technology allows for location-specific, real-time alerts. The beacon technology enables enterprises, especially e-commerce stores, to understand user shopping habits and spending preferences. Real-time, location-specific alerts benefit enterprises looking forward to optimizing data to suit consumers’ shopping habits.

8. Augmented and Virtual Reality

The emergence of augmented and virtual reality prompts the development of travel, entertainment, gaming, and live-streaming applications. Today, more than ever, virtual reality allows mobile users to see what they’re buying. Augmented reality provides a detailed perspective and a 3-D view of commodities and products, helping buyers make more informed buying decisions.

AR and VR provide immersive experiences, allowing users to try new clothes and see how new furniture will fit in their houses. The challenge for enterprises is creating apps and shaping experiences enjoyable in older mobile versions. Regardless, augmented and virtual reality holds deep promise for app developers in 2023 and beyond.

NS804 – Transcending Modernistic Mobile App Development Trends

NS804 provides innovative mobile app development solutions, allowing enterprises and organizations to transcend this new shift in mobile app development. NS804 designs Android and iOS apps, helping enterprises narrow their preferences depending on their target market and demographics.

Most importantly, NS804 provides hybrid apps to enterprises targeting Android and iOS consumers. So, whether you’re a small and medium-sized enterprise seeking innovative mobile app solutions or a multi-international yearning for a new digital strategy with a hybrid app, we have you covered.

NS804 provides, among many others, a minimum viable product, allowing you to see and experience exactly how a new app will function. We work with talented developers to ensure your mobile app development is superior and excellent. We are also open for consultations when it comes to mobile app integration.

Contact https://www.ns804.com for time-to-value mobile app development services– Android, iOS, or hybrid.


App Commerce Trends of the Future

The mobile app industry is thriving due to the high uptake of smartphone technology. The increased consumption of smartphone devices alongside higher internet penetration rates leads to a corresponding growth in mobile apps.

According to published statistics, there are 6.3 billion smartphone users globally. And if you factor in the 1.14 billion tablet users globally which are growing exponentially at a rate of 26%, you realize just how reputable and promising the mobile app market is.

In 2022 alone e-commerce sales are slated to exceed $430 billion. The e-commerce sector is growing as retailers respond to consumers’ increased uptake of smartphone devices and mobile apps.

So, retailers that want to maintain a competitive advantage must watch out for new trends that will define and shape the mobile app landscape.

Let’s take a look at some app commerce trends of the future.

1. Shopping via mobile apps

Credible statistics show that 72% of e-commerce sales happen on mobile devices, with 85% of customers opting for mobile apps for their day-to-day shopping. Evidence has shown that the continued adoption and the rising preference for mobile app shopping are due to the speed these apps function. Already, consumers are finding mobile apps speedier, agile, robust, and ultimately convenient.

2. One-click purchasing

One-click is a term first postulated by the world’s leading retail giant Amazon to mean ‘making all purchases with one click. One-click purchasing allows consumers to buy all products from a store without necessarily having to key in their personal or purchasing information.

You only have to click and all information keyed in including:

  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Credit card number
  • Email address
  • Card verification number
  • Customer name

Retail outlets that use one-click purchase options allow customers to complete all purchases using data from previous purchases. So, you don’t have to key in all the personal and credit card information anytime you make a purchase.

Point to note: Although the one-click app commerce trend is a convenient option with many benefits, the biggest question is security. Consumers must remember that the one-click drift relies on an intermediary getaway payment system.

This intermediary getaway is PCI-certified, so your information is safe and secure. So, you don’t have to worry because there are sufficient security configurations to protect your personal and credit card information.

3. Social commerce

Customers are converging on social networking channels now more than ever before. Your customers, too, are always on social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many more. So, it’s easier for your product (or service) to catch their eyes on social media sites than on your website.

One of 2022 leading mobile commerce trends is using social media for mobile commerce. Brands and businesses are increasingly converting their social media following into actual sales by reinventing how they communicate to this social audience.

While many e-commerce enterprises have tried and succeeded, most enterprises find that converting social traffic into product sales is a conundrum. Navigating from a social media conversation or post to product sales appears an uphill task that requires remediation processes.

Luckily, the social commerce trend has come to solve this challenge.

4. Augmented reality

Augmented reality is one of the latest kids on the block in technology and user experience. Augmented reality continues to elevate the mobile commerce market by giving it a complete sensory experience.

Augmented reality allows users or viewers to virtually try on, personalize, and even fit products at the convenience of their homes or offices. In addition, consumers can augment the real world using real products while seated back at home.

The four key strategic benefits of augmented reality in shaping app commerce include:

  • Unique customer experiences. The first benefit of augmented reality in transforming mobile commerce is that it provides the best customer experience by blending both the physical and virtual worlds.
  • Eliminates cognitive overload. Have you ever tried repairing something by referring to a manual? Well, the process can be tedious and mind-boggling, especially considering that you have to refer to technical drawings or specifications to arrive at the desired outcome. Augmented reality presents information in easy-to-process digital snippets, sparing the user from processing complex pieces of information or data.
  • Heightens user engagement. When augmented reality first became popular, it was confined to gaming and entertainment. However, today, augmented reality has extended its use to many other applications that add tangible business value.
  • Competitive differentiation. It’s critical to differentiate yourself in a market where every seller offers the same products or a homogenous line of products at the same price band. Augmented reality lets mobile apps set themselves apart with creative campaigns and attractive snippets. The 360-degree visual and sensory experience offered by augmented reality sets most apps aside from their competitors.

There’s no denying that recent developments have revealed something exciting about us as humans. As a human race, we spend more time immersing ourselves in screens.

And so with time, our realities become deeply integrated or ingrained with digital experiences. Indeed, we tend to see a product as superior or inferior based on its ability to indulge or conform to our digital experiences.

As a result, building your app by considering this aspect of human nature may help you achieve the desired results, especially when embedding augmented reality in your m-commerce app.

5. M-Commerce

Aside from e-commerce, there’s a corresponding growth in m-commerce. M-commerce refers to buying using smartphone or tablet devices. M-commerce has grown because of the growth and uptake of smartphone devices or endpoints.

As a result, with 6.3 billion smartphone users globally, it’s now possible to understand why mobile commerce is the new frontier in a world with a web of heavily interconnected endpoints – mobile phones, laptops, tablets, computers, and even wearables.

6. Voice shopping

Voice apps like Alexa and Siri have been growing over the last decade, thanks to massive improvements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In addition, how voice search is used and applied in different contexts has changed drastically.

Today, home appliances are utilizing voice search in day-to-day tasks like changing channels using remotes, switching lights, and controlling entry points like gates, doors, and entrances.

People also use voice search to check weather conditions and to tell their audio systems to stream music.

However, today, voice search has gradually penetrated the e-commerce market. Indeed, credible research shows that the voice market is expected to reach $40 billion by 2023, up from $2 billion less than half a decade ago. This growth represents a 1000% increase in just four years.

So, it’s possible to see that voice search and personalization, in general, are critical trends in the mobile commerce market.

7. Mobile chatbots

Chatbots have existed for decades. And perhaps you’ve ever interacted with a chatbot at some point in your life. In fact, we are already interacting with chatbots anytime we order from our favorite restaurants or even speak with an agent for a TV or cable company.

And while chatbots have become a common scenario in our day-to-day lives, these bots have not fully penetrated the mobile commerce market. However, this is likely to change in 2022 and beyond.

Just think about all the benefits of chatbots. Imagine if you can integrate chatbots with mobile apps to help improve the customers’ shopping experience.

So, in 2022, e-commerce stores will be embedding chatbot features in smartphone apps. This new trend will revolutionize e-commerce, making bots the center of focus in consumer interactions and customer support in general.

NS804 – Futuristic Approach to Mobile App Commerce

NS804 is a leading provider of mobile app solutions. NS804 provides mobile app design and development solutions – from inception to completion.

Today, NS804 believes that the mobile commerce market is changing, and businesses must adopt new trends in app adoption and use.

So, at NS804, we believe the best way for businesses and brands to grow and evolve is by adopting a futuristic mindset to app commerce.

Contact NS804 for mobile app design and development solutions.